
About 4593 item dissertation in line with Effectiveness query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.068 seconds)

  1. The Research on Supervision for Administrative Power under a Big-department System,ZhangGuLing/Hunan University,0/194
  2. The Influence of the Internal Audit Quality to the Internal Control Effectiveness,HuangShuTian/Dongbei University of Finance,0/10
  3. Research on the Influence of Internal Control Effectiveness on Audit Delay,TanLiYan/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/99
  4. Analysis of influence factors of anti-dumping accounting information evidence of effectiveness in responding to,GaoHuiZuo/Central South University,0/26
  5. Response to anti-dumping accounting information evidence of effectiveness evaluation system,WeiXiaoJun/Central South University,0/28
  6. The Legal Issues Research of Bill Signature,ChenYingYan/Huaqiao University,0/1
  7. The Analysis on the Efficiency of Insurance Regulation,ZhangXiaoYu/Wuhan University,0/201
  8. Studies on Effectiveness of Sterilized Foreign Exchange Intervention in China,LiuJia/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/76
  9. An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of Insider Trading Regulations in China’s Stock Market,HuangPeiPei/Hubei University,0/15
  10. Study on the Effectiveness of China’s Capital Controls,JuYaRu/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/6
  11. Study on Promotion Strategy of Subbranch Core-competitiveness of A Bank Jilin Branch,WangBo/Jilin University,0/106
  12. The Research of RMB Exchange Rate Change on the Impact of Monetary Policy,HeSha/Hubei University,0/17
  13. Empirical Study on Chinese Monetary Policy Targeting in Open Economy,FuShiHan/Nankai University,0/98
  14. Research on Alternative Selection and Optimization of China’s Quantitative and Price-based Monetary Policy Instruments in the Post Financial Crisis Era,DuJuan/Shanxi University of Finance,0/2
  15. Impact of the Interest Rate Liberalization on Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism,ZhuHanDanDan/Zhejiang University,0/38
  16. Research on the Effectiveness of China’s Monetary Policy,FangFei/Anhui University,0/14
  17. The Research on the Signal of Monetary Policy and the Management of Monetary Policy Expectations,PengCheng/Anhui University,0/7
  18. The Impact of the Shadow Banking System on the Effectiveness of China’s Monetary Policy,ZhangXia/Anhui University,0/27
  19. Study on Tax Collection and Administration Cost in China,SunZhe/Dongbei University of Finance,0/628
  20. To evaluate the performance of tax collection and management work,ZhangWei/Northwestern University,0/151
  21. Research on Evaluation System of Effect of the Change from Business Tax to Value-added Tax,LiangGuanXia/Hunan University,0/246
  22. Research on Policy Running That Transportation "Business Tax Change into VAT" in China,LiZhiZuo/Dongbei University of Finance,0/27
  23. Study on the Marketing Effect of the Domestic Luxury Website Based on Content Analysis,ZhengHaoRan/Shanghai International Studies University,0/468
  24. Empirical research on Influencing Factors of college students to participate in the Taobao online shopping.,LiGuangWei/Chongqing Technology and Business University,0/5
  25. Analysis of the Validity of SMEs’ Group Lending in China,SunYue/Hunan University,0/14
  26. Research on the Effectiveness of Listed Companies’Corporation Income Tax Planning in China,MiJuan/Donghua University,0/358
  27. The Empirical Research on the Effectiveness of Listed Companies to the Internal Control Base on Corporate Governance,FuHongXing/Shijiazhuang University of Economics,0/63
  28. The Reaserch on the Internal Control Efficiency and Its Influcing Factors of Listed Companies,LouHuiHui/Anhui University of Finance,0/51
  29. Research on Ownership Structure, Board Characteristics and Effectiveness of Internal Control,DingYue/Anhui University of Finance,0/76
  30. The Empirical Research on the Effectiveness of Listed Companies to the Internal Control Base on Corporate Governance,KangXuJiang/Shijiazhuang University of Economics,0/14
  31. China's enterprises in dealing with anti-dumping accounting information evidence effect safeguard mechanism,YangXuanYu/Central South University,0/13
  32. Research into the Influence of Control Rights Allocation on Internal Control Effectiveness for Listed Companies in China,GanZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/56
  33. The internal control environment on an empirical study on the effectiveness of internal control,ZhangJunJuan/Chongqing Technology and Business University,0/98
  34. Study on the Governance of Debt Financing in China’s Listed Companies,ZhouXueFeng/Dongbei University of Finance,0/15
  35. Internal Control System Effectiveness Research in CM Company,YangWenLi/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/27
  36. The Effectiveness of the Internal Control Disclosure and the Determinants,ChenJiaoJiao/Dongbei University of Finance,0/7
  37. Effectiveness Evaluation Study the Internal Control of Listed Companies in Hebei Province,LiuYuanHui/Yanshan University,0/4
  38. Research on the Factors Which Influence the Effectiveness of Listed Companies’ Internal Control,WangXiaoJun/Shanxi University of Finance,0/2
  39. Empirical Research on Internal Control Effectiveness Impact on Company Performance for Evidence,DingWenYa/Hebei University of Economics,0/3
  40. An Empirical Study on Visual Promotion Art for the Inlfuence of Network Sales in E-commerce The Visual Promotion Art on Network Sales in E-commerce,LinZuo/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/7
  41. The Applied Research of TPM in Zhan Bai Company,ShenZhiHui/Central South University,0/9
  42. The Study of Training Effectiveness Improvement for SM Hotel,MaBin/Liaoning University,0/64
  43. Analyzing the Effectiveness and Optimization of the Private Small And Medium Enterprises Encourage System,LeiQiYing/Henan University of Technology,0/66
  44. The Effectiveness Evaluation of Knowledge Sharing and Transfer in Mentoring Program,SunZuo/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/12
  45. Research on the Internal Control and Its Impact on Enterprise Value with the Target Orientation,YuanLiPing/Harbin Engineering University,0/62
  46. Research on the Influent Factors and the Effectiveness of Member’s Informal Relationships of the Network Organization,LuDongFang/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/5
  47. The Research on Organizational Innovation Climate Impact on Team Effectiveness,WangKai/Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics,0/10
  48. The Research on Influencial Factors of Campus Recruitment Validity for Enterprise,LuPingPing/East China Jiaotong University,0/29
  49. Research on the Relationship between Intenal Control and Executive Pay-company Performance Sensitivity of Cross-listed Companies of "A+H" Shares,WuYongZe/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/6
  50. Research on the Remuneration Committee’s Effectiveness in China’s Listed Companies,MengJiaWa/Jilin University,0/146

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