
About 7596 item dissertation in line with Effects query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.033 seconds)

  1. The Study on Effects of RMB Cross-Border Settlement on RMB Internationalization,DaiGuangYao/Anhui University of Finance,0/87
  2. Study on the Relationship of Foreign Exchange Rate in Greater China Area,WuBingZe/Nankai University,0/32
  3. The Study of Major Shareholders’ Increasing Holdings on Short-term Effect and Commitment Period of Excess Return,LiuYuCai/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/2
  4. The Study of Major Shareholders’ Increasing Holdings of Listed Companies on Short-term Effect,WangCui/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/50
  5. An empirical study on the effect China concept stock repurchase,JiChangLi/Guizhou University of Finance and Economics,0/35
  6. The Research of Synergy Effects between Private Equity and Target Companies,XuYiFei/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/41
  7. The Study on the Linkage Effect between Gem Primary Market and Secondary Market,XuYing/Dongbei University of Finance,0/5
  8. The Detection Model of the Co-movement Effects between Asset Prices of Shanghai and Hong Kong Stock Markets,QianZuo/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/12
  9. Week Effect of the Growth Enterprise Market,ChouKeDi/Zhejiang University,0/4
  10. Asymmetric Impact of Capital Regulation on Bank Credit,LiangZuo/Hunan University,0/13
  11. Empirical Analysis on the Proportion of Real Estate Loans Affecting the Stability of Commercial Banks,ChenXiangHui/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/161
  12. Research on Regulatory of Internet Payment under the Central Bank Perspective,LuoYang/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/349
  13. Transmission Mechanism of Reserve Requirement Policy and Its Asymmetric Effect,ZhangLu/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/107
  14. The Research on the Agglomerative Effect and Radiation Effect of the Regional Financial Development,WuPeiWen/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/59
  15. The Empirical Analysis about Linkage Effects of Spanish Bank Risk and Sovereign Debt Risk,YangLiLi/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/3
  16. Study on the REITs Market Risk and Contagion Effects,PengMinZuo/Nankai University,0/47
  17. The Research on the Market Effect of Institutional Investors’ Stocks Recommended Behavior,HeFangLi/Hunan University,0/8
  18. Rsearch on the Regional Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy in China,ZengYongZheng/Nankai University,0/22
  19. The Differential Regional Effects of Monetary Policy in View of Differences in Regional Financial,YanYa/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/5
  20. Fluctuations of Exchange Rate Impact on Inflation in China,YuDaKui/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/3
  21. A Research on Regional Effects of Monetary Policy,QianQian/Hunan University,0/22
  22. Effect of China S Monetary Policy Research of Regional Differences,WangZuoYa/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/2
  23. The Impact of Chinese Monetary Policy Operations on the Domestic and Foreign Stock Markets,BaiJingJing/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/120
  24. Research of the Regional Effects of Monetary Policy in China,FuXiaoZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/67
  25. The Transmission Mechanism of the Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy,DuDeMing/Nankai University,0/131
  26. Research on the regional effect of monetary policy in the euro zone single,GaoYuan/Shanghai International Studies University,0/146
  27. Study of the Monetary Policy Regional Effects under the Difference of Economic Subject,Lei/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/39
  28. An Analysis on the Economic Effect and the Spillover Effect of Unconventional Monetary Policy,ZhuangYuJie/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/6
  29. Study on the Regional Differences of the Effects of Monetary Policy in China,WangZhe/Shanxi University of Finance,0/0
  30. An Empirical Analysis of the Structural Tax Reductions’ Economic Effects,ZhaoYanFang/Northwest Normal University,0/15
  31. Research on Socioeconomic Effects of VAT and the Reform of Replacing Business Tax for VAT,LiuZhongHu/Wuhan University,0/308
  32. Research on the economic effects of environmental tax in China,LiuCongXin/Central University for Nationalities,0/732
  33. The Analysis on Economic Effects of China’s Reform for Resource Tax,MaJing/Anhui University of Finance,0/45
  34. The Research on Replacing Business Taxes with a Value-added Taxes,WangAnZuo/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/6
  35. Research on Economic Effects of Fiscal Expenditure Competition among Local Governments in China,ChenZuo/Xiamen University,0/12
  36. The Research on Inter-governmental Transfers and the Equalization of Basic Public Services,ChenFangZuo/Jiangxi Agricultural University,,0/9
  37. Research on Chinese Active Fiscal Policy Which Focus on People’s Livelihood under the Background of Financial Crisis,ChengGang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/15
  38. Analysis of Mechanism and Affection Factors for FDI Technology Spillovers,XuHongWen/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/212
  39. The Economic Effect Analysis of Our Country’s Financial Background Service Outsourcing Industry,GuoZuoZuo/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/2
  40. China on motivation and economic benefits of direct investment in Kazakhstan,AJinHan/Capital University of Economics,0/2
  41. The Research on the Present Situation、Effects and Tendency of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area,YangChunYu/Anhui University,0/14
  42. Influencing Effects and Countermeasures of Japanese Green Barriers Played on Our Vegetable Export,YuWeiZhen/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/14
  43. Study on the Realistic Basis and Economic Effect of China-South Korea Free Trade Area,XiaoYing/Central South University for Nationalities,0/83
  44. The Research on Sino-russia Goods Trade and Border Effect,WeiMeng/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/12
  45. The appreciation of the renminbi at the same time there study and rising prices,TaoShuai/Capital University of Economics,0/0
  46. Feedback Effects of Brand Extension Based on Customer Equity,ZhangJunHui/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/27
  47. Strategic Pricing with Reference Effects,ZhangJie/University of Science and Technology of China,0/81
  48. Empirical Research on Assessment of Luxury Advertisement Effects,WangXueQin/Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology,0/135
  49. Study on the Mechanism of Formation and Change of Dual Brand Impression,FuChunJiang/Jiangxi Normal University,0/63
  50. Research on the Technology Spillover Effect of Fdi and International Outsourcing in China’s Service Industry,CaoChunHua/Donghua University,0/85

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