About 102 item dissertation in line with Knowledge Model query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.074 seconds)
- IntelligentMining Technique of Personalized Learning Needs Based on the Knowledge Model,YangYang/Sichuan Normal University,0/40
- On skill knowledge "practice - perception" model,WangBuFan/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,0/10
- Study on Model and Gis-Based Prescription Generation Technology for Precise Management in Rice,ChenZhiLiang/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/32
- A Study on the Effect of Product Placement,MaYaZuo/Nanjing University,0/728
- Modeling and Control of Multiple-Effect Evaporation in a Sugar Mill,ZengXueFen/Guangxi University,0/59
- Implementation and Research of Ontology Knowledge Model on Open Source E-learning Platform,ZhangYuanFeng/Hangzhou Normal University,0/160
- Key Technologies of Computer Aided Innovation Design Based on Knowledge in MFBS Frame,ChenJiWen/Shandong University,0/74
- Preliminary study of junior middle school mathematics personalized diagnosis model of R & D to plane geometry knowledge personalized diagnosis for example triangle,HuoFei/Shanghai Normal University,0/96
- Research on Supported Model and Implementing Mechanism for Adaptive Learning System,JiangQiang/Northeast Normal University,0/553
- Knowledge Management and Simulation of Soil Compaction Effects on Root Architecture,SunYuLian/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/1
- A Study of Emergency Decision Knowledge Model Based on CommonKADS Method,OuYangWenXiang/Dongbei University of Finance,0/49
- Key Technology Study for Knowledge Management System of Security Assessmnet,HaoYiMei/Beijing University of Chemical Technology,0/57
- Study on Knowledge Model-based Expert System for Soybean Management,WuXiangLiang/Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,6/468
- Study on CNC Remote Fault Diagnosis System Based on Multi-agent,ZhouGuiHong/Jilin University,3/857
- Research on Modeling Methodology for Concurrent Design,JiBingWei/Zhejiang University,2/565
- Research on Knowledge Services Modeling Methods for C2 Organizations in Network Centric Warfare,RenYan/National University of Defense Science and Technology,1/552
- Study on Rapeseed Growth Simulation and Decision Support System,TangLiang/Nanjing Agricultural College,3/456
- Research and Application of Remote Product Customization Method Based on KBE and Numerical Simulation,LiZhi/Shanghai Jiaotong University,1/474
- Research on Variable Precision Rough Set Based Knowledge Modeling Method for Dynamic Welding Process,LiWenHang/Shanghai Jiaotong University,6/425
- Research on Support Technology for Knowledge-based Computer Aided Fixture Design,XuLei/Sichuan University,18/813
- Study of Knowledge Reconfiguration for Clinical Pathway Implementation,DuHong/Tianjin University,2/705
- Study of Knowledge Transfer Model and Strategy in ERP Implementation,LiXiaoYu/Tianjin University,9/1321
- Research on Knowledge Service for the Semantic Web,HuangHe/Institute of Computing Technology,12/1073
- Study on the Key Technologies of Urban Road Traffic Information Extraction,ZuoFeng/Jilin University,21/1299
- Study on the Key Technologies of KBE Based Process Planning for Large Complicated Stampings,ZhengJinQiao/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,11/626
- An organizational culture based on knowledge sharing research,FuLiYou/Fudan University,29/3286
- Research on Technologies of Collaborative Virtual Product Development Based Knowledge Warehouse,ChengErJing/Sichuan University,13/791
- A Knowledge Model and Decision Support System for Rice Management,YanDingChun/Nanjing Agricultural College,16/626
- Research on Product Design Repository System,GaoTianYi/Dalian University of Technology,12/355
- Research on Model Construction of Teacher Knowledge,LiuQingHua/Southwest China Normal,47/2709
- Knowledge Model-Based Decesion Support System for Cotton Management,ZhangHuaiZhi/Nanjing Agricultural College,21/655
- Engine tribological design design method of - smart design knowledge model application and expand,ZhangXiangJun/Hefei University of Technology,3/352
- Research on International Competitiveness of Chinese Academic Profession,LiZhiFeng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2/559
- Study on Morphogenesis Model and Model and GIS-Based Digital Farming System of Cotton,GuoYinQiao/Agricultural University of Hebei,0/261
- Research on Knowledge Modeling and Model Reuse Method for Complex Production Design,SongXin/Tianjin University,3/596
- Study on Support Vector Machine-Based Modeling Methods and Their Applications in Material Processing,HuangXiXia/Shanghai Jiaotong University,5/390
- Shape-based object recognition and semantic modeling,PengShaoWu/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/477
- Based on Knowledge Engineering Construction of Intelligent Fixture Design System,ZhengJunHong/Zhejiang University,0/476
- Research on Mine Hoist Fault Diagnosis in Semantic Environment,NiuQiang/China University of Mining and Technology,2/159
- Research on Knowledge Discovery of Mine Ventilation System Evaluation Based on Formal Concept Analysis,LiXiaoRui/Beijing,0/209
- Research of Funtional Knowledge Clustering Methodology to Support Mechanical Product Conceptual Design,HuXiao/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/73
- GIS-Based Crop Production Management System,ChenHongJin/Nanjing Agricultural College,1/206
- Study on Model and 3S-Based Digital Wheat Farming System,JiangHongJun/Nanjing Agricultural College,1/156
- Planting Based on GIS and model design system,DanYingJie/Nanjing Agricultural College,3/207
- The Design and Research on Self-Adapted Network Course,SunXueYu/Liaoning Normal University,9/287
- User knowledge model automatically established with the evolution of technology,MaJiaYu/Nanhua University,0/125
- Multi-Object Conceptual Design Based on Hierarchical Coding Genetic Algorithm,XuHaiJing/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/132
- Research & Design the Management System of Science and Technological Literatures Based on Conceptual Phrase,HuFaLian/Central South University,1/100
- Study on Decision Support System for Herbage Growing Management in Agricultural Regions,LiuChuanSong/Yangzhou University,1/105
- Intelligent Information System and Model of Knowledge Organization,YuYiSheng/Wuhan University,7/475
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