
About 14 item dissertation in line with Metablism query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.078 seconds)

  1. Effects of Overexpression A-farnesene Synthase on Growth and Development of Transgenic Tobacco and the Isolation and Functions Analysis of its Gene Promoter,ChengNiNi/Shandong Agricultural University,0/42
  2. The Study on the Correlation among Intrauterine Glucose and Lipid Metabolism, Birth Weight and the Offspring Early Growth and Development,ZhangDan/Fudan University,0/65
  3. The Compatibility Study of Jinglingzi Powder by the Liver Microsomal Metabolism,ChengLong/China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,1/563
  4. The Effect of Nitrogen on the Physiology of Porphridium Cruentum and Preliminary Research of Protease in Porphridium Cruentum,ShaSha/Shandong University,0/50
  5. The Experimental Study about the Influence of Exogenous Growth Hormone and Somatostatin on the Metablism, Immumologic Function and the Growth of Colonic Carcinoma,ZuoHanKun/Fudan University,0/178
  6. Study of Protection and Mechanism of Taurine on Acute Hypoxia Induced Rat Retina Damage,ChenFang/Third Military Medical University,0/109
  7. Study on Porphyrin Metablism, Blood Pressure and ALAD Genetic Polymorphism in Lead Exposed Workers,LiuYang/China Medical University,0/184
  8. Effect of Interaction between 1-MCP and Internal Ethylene on Ripening Physiology of Tomato and Avocado Fruit,ZhangZhengKe/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/92
  9. Effects of Stress and Dietary Energy Level on Growth and Lipid Metabolism of Broiler Chickens,JiangKeJie/Shandong Agricultural University,1/292
  10. Polyethylene glycol superoxide dismutase derivatives and study in New Zealand white rabbits in vivo metabolism,WangJun/Shanxi Medical,0/80
  11. Study on Berberine Improving Microecological of Caecum Growth Metabolism and Immunity in Broiler Chickens,ZhouBaoHua/Yangzhou University,1/102
  12. Cloning, Prokaryotic Expression, Promoter Regulation and Association Analysis of the Porcine PNLIPRP2 Gene,ChengLei/Huazhong Agricultural University,1/94
  13. Studies on Quality Control of m-Nisoldipine and It’s Metablism in Vitro and in Vivo,JingXiuJuan/Hebei Medical University,0/131
  14. Induced Responses of Wolfberry to the Damage of Aphis Gossypii Glover,WangAiQing/Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,2/78

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