About 663 item dissertation in line with Millimeter wave query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.05 seconds)
- Research and Implementation of Automotive Millimeter-wave Collision Avoidance Radar,ZhaoShuang/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/14
- Study on Enabling Technologies of Millimeter-Wave Radio-over-Fiber Optical Wireless Access Networks,LiuJie/Zhejiang University,0/180
- Key Technologies for Seamless Full Duplex Integration of Hybrid Passive Optical Networks(PON) with Radio Over Fiber (RoF),Shahab Ahmad Niazi(AMaiDe)/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/117
- Study on Key Technologies for Millimeter-wave Generation and Transmission in ROF System,GaoZuo/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/91
- Research on the key technology of RoF system based on dual optical phase modulation,YuYanFang/Jiangxi University of Technology,0/37
- Study on Microwave Photonic Generator and Optical Single Sideband Modulation Technology with Tunable Optical Carrier-to-Sideband Ratio,LiJing/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/83
- Research on Photonic Frequency-multiplying Millimeter-wave Generation Based on Dual-Parallel Mach-Zehnder Modulator and Optical Millimeter-wave Vector Signal Transmission,ZhangJing/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/15
- Millimeter Wave Front-end Integration Technology Study of60GHz Communication,ZhuWei/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/6
- Study of Multiple Frequency Millimeter Wave Generation in ROF System,ZengZuoZuo/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/8
- Millimeter wave signal processing system of active passive compound detection,ZhouYou/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/14
- Research on the Performance of Wide-Angle Scanning Phased Array Based on Pattern Reconfigurable Technology,DingXiao/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/86
- Research of Millimeter-Wave Circularly-Polarized Wide-Beamwidth Waveguide Slot Antenna,XuFei/Zhejiang University,0/67
- Research on60GHz Air-filled Modified Luneburg Lens Antenna,LiuWei/Zhejiang University,0/23
- MMW circularly polarized antenna and the transition structure research based on LTCC,SunChangFu/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/12
- Design of Ka band dual plane reflective array antenna,TangZuo/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/23
- Research on Integrated Antenna in Microwave Photonic Receiving,LiuMengYing/Zhejiang University,0/22
- Research and Design of the Millimeter-wave Frequency Multiplier,ZhangZuo/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/4
- Research on Spatial Power Combining Network Based on Waveguide,ZuoYuSheng/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/8
- Millimeter-wave Spatial Power Combining Based on Modified Luneberg Lens,LuXiaoBin/Zhejiang University,0/13
- Study on a new type of filter based on SIW structure,XuZuo/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/36
- Investigation on140GHz CMOS On-chip Antenna,WuLinZuo/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/2
- Theoretical and Experimental Study on Folded Waveguide Traveling Wave Tube,HouYan/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/44
- Techniques of imaging and image processing of millimeter wave radiation,Wei/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/34
- W band radiometer NC terminal design,ShenYuWen/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/1
- Design of Automobile Intelligent Anticollision Warning Systerm,ZhangYuQuan/Hebei University of Science and Technology,0/103
- Millimeter wave interference effect equivalent measurement system design,WangWei/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/6
- Studies on Modification of the Two Kinds of Carbon Materials,WeiXu/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/10
- Study on the Dual-frequency Microchip Laser Spectrum of LD Pumped,ZhangHui/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/0
- The Analysis and Design of Calibration System in Millimeter-wave Simulation System,WangZhiDe/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/30
- Point by point scanning millimeter wave radiation imaging algorithm research,LiJie/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/39
- Passive millimeter wave images of human contraband concealed recognition research,YanJiangJiang/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/53
- Passive millimeter wave focal plane array imaging system,LiHaiFeng/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/57
- Research on image registration and fusion method based on passive millimeter wave imaging,YangDing/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/20
- Passive millimeter wave image super resolution restoration algorithm and DSP implementation,LiJing/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/20
- Research on Multi-frame Super-resolution Algorithms of Passive Millimeter Wave Based on the Reconstruction Method,HeJunFeng/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/3
- Passive Millimeter Wave Image PSF Estimation and Super-resolution Algorithm,YeSong/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/10
- Research on Target Detection of Passive Millimeter Wave Imageing,LuChao/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/12
- PMMW Image and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Research Based on an Anti-aliasing Contourlet Transform,LiuHouBiao/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/10
- Research on Strip Noise Suppression and Learning Based Super-resolution for Millimeter Wave Image,ChenLi/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/3
- Research on super resolution imaging technology of millimeter wave passive,ZhaoKang/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/24
- Research on anti interference technology of millimeter wave active phased array radar,ZhangZuoZuo/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/225
- The millimeter wave attenuation characteristic measurement radar front-end,FuGuangYao/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/11
- The Analysis and Design of Real-time Control System in MMW Simulation System,JingShengZhuang/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/34
- Research on High Resolution Range Profile Imaging and Detecting Algorithms for Milimeter Wave Seeker,GaoJie/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/1
- Technology Research of Phase Researvation for MMW Insar,YangJuan/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/1
- Ka band radar receiver front-end research,ZhanZhiXin/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/54
- Short range millimeter wave radar target detection,WuDaiLong/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/92
- Ka band active phased array radar T/R module research,ChenChong/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/111
- FPGA's airborne millimeter wave radar signal processing technology research based on,GeGuiXun/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/124
- Millimeter wave radar communication integration of helicopter,LiJiaYang/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/164
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