
About 12 item dissertation in line with Realm of art query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.097 seconds)

  1. Awareness of the contemporary Chinese landscape painting in the eastern United States,YanJianMin/China Academy of Art,0/151
  2. A Brief Theory of the Artistic Conception of Chinese Prose in the 20th Century,XinXiaoLing/Lanzhou University,6/785
  3. Zong Baihua Aesthetics Theory,WangJinJin/Zhejiang University,3/644
  4. The Guan Hanqing Art state theory,ZhangQiong/South China Normal University,2/139
  5. Elucidation of Ontology of Art on Wangguoweis "Visional World,QianHua/Sichuan Normal University,1/372
  6. Philosophical thinking about the \,XuBing/Capital Normal University,2/409
  7. The Sentiment of an Exile,YinHaiFang/Suzhou University,3/413
  8. The phrase natural vancomycin new - natural art of truth lives,ZhaoZhiWen/Capital Normal University,0/88
  9. On Artistic Level of Shang Deyi’s Vocal Music,MaiYanPing/Northwest University for Nationalities,3/92
  10. Great if Zhuo Qiao,ZhaoZuo/Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts,0/154
  11. On the emotional experience and artistic realm of lyrical poetry of en,JiangHaiYing/Shaanxi Normal University,0/106
  12. From \,YangTao/Jilin University,0/80

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