
About 5845 item dissertation in line with Road On query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.032 seconds)

  1. A Reference Research on the Application of Financial Derivatives in China’s Commercial Banks,XieHai/China Agricultural University,0/50
  2. MeiLing Tourist Area in Jiangxi Province’s Road and Landscape Symbiotic Model Research,LiYue/Nanchang University,0/168
  3. Study on Spatial Pattern of City Tourism in Gansu Province,WangZuJing/Northwest Normal University,0/11
  4. The Charges Research on Urban Road Congestion,ZhangJie/Hebei University of Economics,0/12
  5. Research on the development strategy of Sichuan Province Airport Engineering Co. Ltd.,WuXuanWei/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/2
  6. Research on the Influence and Effects of Criminal Law Regulating Overloading on Road Freight Economic System,YangGuangChao/Chang'an University,0/5
  7. Research on the Tourism Small Town the Context of Urban-rural Integration,ZhangWenCheng/Central China Normal University,0/6
  8. Research on Functional Planning and Layout of Railway Logistics Center in Inland-port,LiuYuZhe/Chang'an University,0/38
  9. Research on the Service Quality Evaluation System of Binzhou Road Transport Logistics Enterprises,HeShengYu/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/48
  10. Research on the Cost Control in Lianguang Company,LuDan/Dalian University of Technology,0/47
  11. Game Analysis of Urban House Acquisition And Compensation,ZhouWeiJie/Qingdao University of Science and Technology,0/2
  12. Research on Energy Saving Development Strategy of Road Transport Enterprises Based on Game Theory,LiZuo/Chang'an University,0/19
  13. In the New Era National Energy Development Strategy Research,LiWenHua/Nankai University,0/244
  14. Study on Wuhan Aera Road Passenger Transport Information Resources Sharing,ChenXue/Xiangtan University,0/25
  15. Morphological Filtering Researchs and Applications in Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Image,ShenXueLi/Central South University for Nationalities,0/8
  16. Vision-based Road Detection and Navigation for AGV Systems,YaoJiaJie/Zhejiang University,0/28
  17. Searching Optimization of Connection-Pattern Based Computer Game,WangXiaoLong/Anhui University,0/8
  18. The Research of Stereo Matching and Moving Object Tracking under Road Scene,FanJianDe/Zhongyuan Institute of Technology,0/0
  19. Study on Target Detecting Method of Intelligent Vehicle Visual Detection,WangYuJin/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/16
  20. The road image segmentation based on Markov Monte Carlo method,ZhuHuiLei/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/17
  21. Research of Heuristic Unstructured Road Detection Algorithm Based on the Combination of Feature and Model,XiongPeng/Hunan University,0/1
  22. Study on the Automatic Identification Technology for Pavement Distress Image Based on Multi-features Fusion,XuZhiGang/Chang'an University,1/0
  23. Research on Detection and Recognition of Traffic Objects in City Environments,LiYi/Central South University,0/152
  24. Research and Implementation of Lane Detection and Recognition Technology Based on Machine Vision,SunSiSi/Northeastern University,0/10
  25. Design and Implementation of the System for Video Image Processing of Road Hazards Based on Visual Attention Mechanism,HuaShuYue/South China University of Technology,0/14
  26. Research on the Road Traffic Sign Recognition System Based on ARM,ZhongChongFeng/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/11
  27. Design and Realization of Coal Parking Management System,HanYue/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/21
  28. Analysis and design of management system of traffic violation penalties,LiangJingPei/Yunnan University,0/11
  29. The Urban Road Vehicle Management System Design and Implementation of Chengde City,GuKe/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/3
  30. Design and Implementation of Highway Management Information System Based on JAVAEE,ZhangYanChen/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/23
  31. Design and Implementation Road Construction Service System,LiZuoFeng/Tianjin University,0/1
  32. Protecting Location Privacy over Road Networks Through Spatial and Temporal Cloaking,ZhaoPing/Harbin Engineering University,0/24
  33. Efficient K-NN Queries Using Spatial Mashups in Time-Dependent Road Networks,ZhangDeTian/University of Science and Technology of China,0/8
  34. The Design of the SDH Optical Transmission Network of Jihuai High-speed,LiHaiZuo/Hunan University,0/1
  35. Research on Traffic Abnormal Information Detection and Transmission Technology in Vehicular Sensor Network,ZhangLinJuan/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/86
  36. The Design and Implement of Wi-Fi Signal Detection System Based on Android,LiZhongYu/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/60
  37. Study on the promotion of comprehensive development of urban and rural construction of healthy green channel to Chengdu suburb as an example,ChenDeFang/Chengdu Institute of Physical Education,0/55
  38. Experimental Research about the Influence'on Normal University Students Physical Ability by Playing Junior Changquan of the Third Road,MiaoXuFeng/Hebei Normal,0/11
  39. The Practice and Exploration of School-based Research Training of Hailaer District Nankai Road Primary School,WangQingWei/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/1
  40. Road Traffic Accident Rescue Fund Research Society,WangXin/Ocean University of China,0/1
  41. From Theory to Practice: Research on Chinese Criminal Trial Reform,LiDaoZhun/Southwest University of Political Science,0/56
  42. The Highway Road Property Protection Research,LiuShanLiang/Chang'an University,0/14
  43. Road Accident Compensation Judicial Practice,LongFeng/Southwest University of Political Science,0/51
  44. The road traffic accident damage compensation liability cognizance - to three car pileup Case Analysis Center,Ni/Southwest University of Political Science,0/24
  45. Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Liability Disputes Case Analysis Report,ChenZuoZuo/Southwest University of Political Science,0/94
  46. Study on the Tort Liabilities for the Road Traffic Accidents,LiuQiZhu/Southwest University of Political Science,0/48
  47. On the Identification of Subjects of Road Traffic Accident Damages,ZhaoYu/Jilin University,0/77
  48. Research on the Compensation for Damage of Lent Vehicles in Road Traffic Accidents,CiLing/East China University of Political Science,0/42
  49. Road Traffic Accident Damage Liability for the Restructuring of the Legal Norms,ZuoXiaoQing/Ocean University of China,0/0
  50. Study on Chinese System of Social Salvation Fund in Road Traffic Accident,ChenHui/Dalian Maritime University,0/30

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