
About 512 item dissertation in line with Support Vector Machines query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.049 seconds)

  1. Research on Index Futures Arbitrage in a Nonlinear Framework,DingHanZuo/Zhejiang University,0/8
  2. CRM System Based Freight Forwarding Industry Research and Application of Decision Support,LuYanWen/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/20
  3. Fast Computational Algorithms and Theoretical Analysis in Large-Margin Classification Models,LiuDeHua/Zhejiang University,0/10
  4. Study on Personal Credit Evaluation Based on Improved Support Vector Machine,LiuFuCheng/Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,0/1
  5. The Research on Online Modeling and Control Method Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machines,ZhouXinRan/Hunan University,0/22
  6. Human Action Analysis and Recognition Based on Binocular Vision,LuoZhaoYang/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/19
  7. Research on Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Electrical Capacitance Tomography System and Hardware Implementation,YuanXiaoHua/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/7
  8. Vehicle Logo Classification Using Support Vector Machine Ensemble,Wesal Abdallah Mohammed Abdelrahman/Central South University,0/17
  9. Research on Texture Image Retrieval Based on Multiscale Geometric Analysis,ZhuZhengLi/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/503
  10. Research on Recognition Arithmetic of the Vehicle License Plate,TianJing/Chang'an University,0/29
  11. Research on Important Issues of Far-infrared Pedestrian Detection for Automotive Driver Assistance Systems,ZhuangJiaJun/South China University of Technology,0/128
  12. The design and Realization of the system of face information analysis,LuJiangBin/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/20
  13. Research on the Object Tracking Algorithmbased on Ranking Support Vector Machine,LiuZuo/Xiamen University,0/4
  14. Research of Motor Imagery Recognition and Proprioceptive Feedback on EEG Controlled Prosthesis,TianJing/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/4
  15. The Predictive Power Frequency Synchronous Sampling Device,ZhengZuo/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/0
  16. Study on Evaluation and Compensation Ancillary Service in Power Market,KongQiang/Hunan University,0/43
  17. Research on Spatial Load Forecast for Urban Functional Areas,XieQin/Tianjin University,0/5
  18. Safe Transportation System in Gas Power Generation Based on Nonlinear Predictive Control,LiChenChen/Anhui University of Technology,0/4
  19. The Research of Transformer Fault Diagnosis Based on Combining Multiple Classifiers,WangFeng/West China University,0/22
  20. Research on Fault Diagnosis Strategy of Three-level Wind Power Converter,LiZhengWei/China University of Mining and Technology,0/27
  21. Linear Motor Structure Optimization Design Based on Multiple Support Vector Machine,WangZuoZuo/Anhui University,0/3
  22. The Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Gearbox Based on Improved SVM of Parameter Optimization,HaoYunSuo/East China University of Science and Technology,0/46
  23. Research of Video-based Fire Detection in Spacious Buildings,JiaYang/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,0/11
  24. Research on Repair Methods of Urban Expressway Traffic Flow Fault Data,ZouXiaoFang/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/16
  25. Research on Girdge Bridge Damage Identification Method Based on Support Vector Machines,FanHong/Northeastern University,0/4
  26. Based on the Fractal Theory and Support Vector Machine (SVM) of Gearbox Fault Diagnosis Research,ZhaoWeiWei/University of North,0/10
  27. Nonlinear Predictive Control Based on Support Vector Machine Modeling,WangJunLong/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/49
  28. Researches for the Dissolved Oxygen Intelligent Optimization Control System in the Aeration Tank of Wastewater Treatment,HuangYinRong/Anhui University of,0/34
  29. The Optimization Algorithm of Support Vector Machine and its Application in the Urban Environment Carrying Capacity,ChengHui/Gansu Agricultural University,0/55
  30. Prediction of tobacco quality analysis and hierarchical linear regression and the model based on SVM,LiHongMei/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/69
  31. The Bearing Fault Diagnosis of CNC Machine Tool Feed System Based on Support Vector Machine,WangYan/Qingdao Technological University,0/20
  32. Research for Dangerous Area Prediction and Prevention Technology of Coal and Gas Outburst Based on the SVM,AnWenChao/China Jiliang University,0/69
  33. Research of Underground Gas Drainage System Fire Hazards Identification Based on SVM,XuLei/Anhui University of Technology,0/7
  34. Nolinear Hydraulic Excitation Mechanism and Experimental Research on Molding Machine,LuChunYue/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/37
  35. Research on Fault Diagnosis of Cement Rotary Kiln Reducer Based on Support Vector Machines,YangMin/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/26
  36. The Application of QSPR/QSAR in the Prediction of the Hazard Properties of Organic Compounds,LiJi/Central South University,0/17
  37. Study of remote sensing image change detection,XiongYu/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/14
  38. Generalized Predictive Control Based on Multiple Kernel Fuzzy Least Squares Support Vector Machines,YangYanLiang/Hebei University of Science and Technology,0/48
  39. Application of SVM_AdaBoost Models in Listed Companies Delisting Warning Research,WangYuan/South China University of Technology,0/28
  40. Research of Ultrasonic Detection’s Signal Processing with Pipeline Corrosion Based on Support Vector Machines,YuLin/Beijing University of Chemical Technology,0/45
  41. Multitask Multiclass Privilege Information Support Vector Machines,ZuoYou/East China Normal University,0/53
  42. The Inlfuence of the Data Distribution Over Support Vector Machines,ZhuFa/Nanjing Forestry University,0/48
  43. Research on the algorithm and application of RBF neural network based on improved LSSVR,ChengZuo/Northwestern University,0/65
  44. Parameters Optimization of SVMs Based on Memetic Algorithms,HuZhongYi/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/12
  45. Research of Financial Distress Prediction Model Based on Rough Sets and Support Yector Machines,WangMin/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/53
  46. Research on Fuzzy Twin Support Vector Machine Classification Algorithm and Its Application,GaoBinBin/Southwestern University,0/21
  47. Reduced Twin Support Vector Regression for the Simultaneous Learning of a Function and Its Deriyatiyes,FuZuo/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/34
  48. Study on Bilateral-truncated-loss Based Robust Support Vector Machine Algorithm for Classification Problems,LiYan/South China University of Technology,0/26
  49. Improvements on Twin Support Vector Machines and Its Application,LiuKai/Lanzhou University,0/26
  50. Application on Machine Learning in Model of Person-Job Fit Evaluation,JiangFei/Hunan University,0/46

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