
About 14 item dissertation in line with fucosyltransferase query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.018 seconds)

  1. Study on Establishing Transgenic Animals by Germ Cells as Exogenous Gene Vector for Xenotransplantation,YangHuiXiang/Tianjin Medical University,0/218
  2. Effect of Fucosyltransferase Ⅳ on Cell Proliferation and Cell Apoptosis,YangXueSong/Dalian Medical University,1/163
  3. Study of Regulation of DAG/PKC Signaling Pathway,LiYaLi/Dalian Medical University,0/211
  4. Production of Triple-transgenic Mice Expressing Human HT、DAF and CD59 Gene and the Studies of These Transgenes in Xenograft Rejection,LiuBingQian/Tianjin Medical University,1/64
  5. The Studies of Human α (1,2) Fucosyltransferase Gene Transferring and Its Function in Rejection of Xenotransplantation,MaZhiFang/Tianjin Medical University,1/30
  6. Effects of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V on Cell Signal Transduction and Gene Regulation,GuoPeng/Fudan University,1/192
  7. Effect of Lewis y Antigen-mediated EGFR Family-related Signaling Pathway on the Proliferation of Ovarian Carcinoma-derived RMG-Ⅰ Cells,LiuJuanJuan/China Medical University,0/78
  8. Silencing of FUT1 and FUT4 by RNA Interference Introduces Apoptosis of A431 Cells,LiuYueJian/Dalian Medical University,0/102
  9. Cloning and Characterization of Four Genes Related with Fiber Development in Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.),WangLei/Nanjing Agricultural College,1/127
  10. Regulation of FUT7 Expression in Uterine Endometrial Cells of Mouse,ZhaoZuoYao/Dalian Medical University,0/18
  11. Regulation of FUT7 and sLe~x Expressed on the Human Uterine Endometrial Epithelial Cells by Progesterone,QinHuaMin/Dalian Medical University,0/43
  12. FUT8-siRNA Mitigate Renal Tubular Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition Induced by Transforming Growth Factor-beta1 in Vitro,DongZuo/Dalian Medical University,0/69
  13. Study on Neutral Oligosaccharides in Breast Milk and Gene Polymorphism of FUT2 as Well as the Effect on Infants’ Early Growth,ZhangZhuoJun/Fudan University,0/43
  14. Fucosylation Influences Extracellular Matrix Accumulation in Tgf-β-stimulated Hk-2 Cells,ZhengMeiJie/Dalian Medical University,0/2

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