About 28 item dissertation in line with galena query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.03 seconds)
- Study on the Direct Preparation of Zinc and Manganese Oxide by Co-extraction from Galena and Pyrolusite,LongHuaiZhong/Central South University,0/54
- Tailing Water Recycling of Mixed Zinc Sulfide-Oxide Ore Flotation,LiHao/Central South University,0/14
- The Effect of Lattice Defect of Galena on the Surface Property, Molecular Absorption of Flotation Reagents and Electrochemical Behavior,LanLiHong/Guangxi University,0/61
- Research on the Flotation Separation of Rich Silver Lead-zinc Ore,ZouJianJian/Central South University,0/26
- Experimental Studies on Copper-lead Separation of a Polymetal Sulphide Ore of Yunnan,YeWei/Central South University,0/107
- Study of Adsorption Behavior and Mechanism of Heteropolar Sulfhydryl Collectors on Galena,SuJianFang/Central South University,0/146
- Study on Flotation Separation of Copper-lead Sulfide ores,WeiZuo/Central South University,0/204
- Research on Flotation Separation of Complex Lead-Zinc-Sliver Sulfide Ore and Its Practice,LiWeiZhong/Central South University,2/496
- Bio-oxidation of Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrrhotite and Galena by Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans,JiangLei/Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,0/667
- Investigations of Preparating Lead-sulfate and Mangano-manganic-oxide from Galena Concentrate and Pyrolusit,XuBenJun/Central South University,3/431
- New Process Studies on Reducing-making Matte Smelting of Lead and Antimony,TangChaoBo/Central South University,6/289
- A Study on Processes and Fundamentals of Electrogenerative Leaching of Sulfide Minerals,WangShaoFen/Central South University,4/317
- Fundamental Research of Flotation on Typical Sulphides/Carbonates/Oxides of Cu, Pb, Zn and Fe,WangFuLiang/Northeastern University,3/288
- Fundamental Research on Flotation Separation of Chalcopyrite and Galena,WeiMingAn/Northeastern University,4/471
- The Synthesis of Reagents by Industrial Waste and Its Mechanism in Cu-Pb-Zn-Fe Sulfide Minerals Flotation,LiuRunQing/Central South University,0/174
- Yunnan , lead and zinc polymetallic sulfide ore beneficiation test,LiuShouXin/Kunming University of Science and Technology,3/270
- The Floatation Adjusted and Controlled at Electric Potential is Studied on Galena-lead Sulphide and Sphalerite-zinc Sulphide in Qiandongshan,WeiJunYing/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,2/154
- The Study on the Direct Preparation of Ultrafine Powders from Lead Minerals and Secondary Lead Resources,LiuHui/Central South University,1/198
- Fankou Lead slime flotation new technology,WuJingFeng/Central South University,1/291
- Research on the Technological Condition in Slurry Electrolysis of Higy-silver Galena Concentrate,ChenLing/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/343
- A Study on New Leaching Process of Galena or Jamesonite Concentrate,WangJunZhong/Kunming University of Science and Technology,2/607
- Study on Separation Technology of the Oxidative Molybdenum Concentrate,SongJianZheng/Yanshan University,0/97
- Selenium Selenium galena isotopic abundance measurements of,HeXinYu/Beijing University of Chemical Technology,0/61
- Yunnan a lead-zinc flotation process optimization,LiChangYing/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/121
- Lancang old factory galena soft rock roadway deformation mechanism analysis,GeHua/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/49
- Study on the Electrochemistry Mechanism of Flotation Separating Copper-lead Sulphide Minerals,DongYanHong/Central South University,1/185
- The Washability Research on Cupper-Lead-Zinc of Qinghai Qilian Bokai Mining,LiuHuiYan/Northeastern University,0/75
- New Technology and Basic Study on the Direet Preparation of PbO Powder from Galena by Selective Leaching Technology,LiFei/Changsha University of Science and Technology,0/4
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