About 980 item dissertation in line with histogram query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.056 seconds)
- Analysis and Forecast of Financial Volatility Based on Symbolic Time Series Analysis,WangYuMeng/Tianjin University,0/2
- Complex Background Modeling Method and Optimization Based on Composite Video Monitoring,LiuXiaoNan/Nanjing University,0/8
- The Research and Application of Skeleton Extraction Algorithm,ZhangJing/Liaoning Normal University,0/10
- OCR SYSTEM FOR Mongolian,BaYaEr/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/1
- Research and Implementation of Color Image Enhancement Algorithms,RenJie/Wuhan University of Technology,0/38
- Human Action Analysis and Recognition Based on Binocular Vision,LuoZhaoYang/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/19
- Research on Large Scale Near-duplicate Video Retrieve Based on Contents,ZhuChunDuo/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/16
- Vehicle Identification Research in Complex Scenes,DangYinQiang/Harbin Engineering University,0/34
- The Design and Implementation of a Color Search System Based on Android Platform,WangQi/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/10
- Research on Video Dehazing and Electronic Image Stabilization Based on DaVinci Technology,ZhangChun/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/9
- Research on Channel Logo Recognition and Retrieval,ZhangJinHua/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/7
- Research on Video-based Pedestrian Counting Algorithm,ShaFangHua/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/12
- Video Human Detection Research Based on Gaussian Mixture Model,WangJianXun/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/10
- Feature Extraction, Classification and Recognition of Enlarged Lymph Nodes in PET/CT Image,ZhangZhongBo/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/5
- The Design of Gesture Recognition System Combined with Motion Detection,ChenZhiHui/Hefei University of Technology,0/50
- Research of Algorithm for Image Segmentation Based on the C-means Clustering,LiWei/Harbin Engineering University,0/125
- Research on Image Segmentation of the Mean Shift Algorithm Based on Color-Texture Feature,LiangHuiLin/Ningxia University,0/108
- Technology Research on Algorithms of Medical Image Filter and Enhancement,LiYanLi/Henan University of Science and Technology,0/18
- The Research of Image Retrieval Based on Color and Texture Features,YinZhenZhen/Henan University of Technology,0/15
- The Application of Digital Image Processing in the Identification and Detection of Cracks,ZhangXianYan/Chang'an University,0/28
- Reduced Methods of Image Information,HanTieMao/Tianjin University,0/1
- Detecting Text in Natural Scene Based on Random Width Histogram,MaZuo/Tianjin University,0/4
- Algorithm Research and Implementation of Infrared Image Prrprocessiong,WuYong/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/6
- Design and Implementation of License Plate Recognition Algorithm for Image Enhancement Based on Fpga,GongLiang/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/8
- Key Technology Research of Colthing Image Retrieval System Based on the Content,DongLiJuan/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/4
- The research of image retrieval based on color feature, EHD,JinZuoZuo/Tianjin Normal University,0/1
- Research on Object Tracking Algorithm Based on Mean Shift,DuKai/Chang'an University,0/334
- Research on Novel Shape Analysis Techniques and Their Applications in Image Retrieval,ShuZuo/Jiangnan University,0/480
- Study on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Video Sequences,LiBo/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/1092
- Study of Image Quality Assessment Based on Visual Features,ChenXiaoLin/Shanghai Jiaotong University,3/0
- Image Retrieval Technology Research Based on the Spatial Relations of Feature Points,ShiDanDan/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,0/29
- Study on Intelligent Method for Color White Blood Cell Image Segmentation,XiongHouJin/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,0/38
- Research on Key Technologyies of Multi-feature Video Copy Detection,ChenXiuXin/Beijing University of Technology,0/77
- Research on the Multi-feature Fusion for Target Tracking in Video Sequences,GuoYunYan/Ningbo University,0/2
- Research and Implementation of People Counting in High Crowd Scenes of Tongji Bridge,GaoJingWei/Sun Yat-sen University,0/28
- Color Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Quaternions Clustering,JiangJianSheng/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/48
- Fast Human Detection Based on the Census Transform Histogram,MaXing/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/28
- Research on Content Based Image Retrieval,ChenHu/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/30
- Research on No-reference Blur Image Quality Assessment Algorithm,LiMingJun/University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,College of Engineering&Information Technology,0/2
- The Research of Background Extraction Based on the Event Monitoring,ZhangHongYing/Wuhan University of Technology,0/18
- Research on Important Issues of Far-infrared Pedestrian Detection for Automotive Driver Assistance Systems,ZhuangJiaJun/South China University of Technology,0/128
- Design and Implementation of Removed Object Detection Base on Video-Sequence,MaYinHui/Jilin University,0/12
- Reasearch of Pedestrian Detection Technology Based on Multi-Features,ZhangChunFeng/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/37
- Research and Implementation of Segmentation Algorithm of Cervical LCT Image,ZhangShanShan/South China University of Technology,0/7
- Research of Sparse Representation Super-resolution Technology Based on Classified Dictionaries,WuXueYi/South China University of Technology,0/28
- Research on the Approach of Human Action Recognition Based on Spatio-temporal Features,GaoWenJing/Yanshan University,0/7
- Study on segmentation and recognition methods of supermarket shelf,SunHaiXia/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/10
- Study on Image Histogram Feature and Application,WangQiWei/University of Science and Technology of China,0/173
- Design of intelligent monitoring system based on DM368 HD,ZhaoXiaoLei/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/15
- The study clearly the haze image processing algorithm,HuZuoZuo/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/40
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