
About 30 item dissertation in line with knowledge grid query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.059 seconds)

  1. Knowledge Grid-based Digital Library Knowledge Service,LiZuo/Zhengzhou University,1/161
  2. Personalized information service in the knowledge grid environment,FanShaoPing/Qufu Normal University,0/119
  3. Dynamic Security Assessment System and Method for Nuclear Steam Generator,LiuYaJin/Wuhan University,0/141
  4. Research on Knowledge Resources Management for E-maintenance Based on Knowledge Grid,GuoJianWen/Hunan University,0/80
  5. Study of Integrated Intelligent Hydropower Unit Vibration Fault Diagnosis on Grid,BaiLiang/Xi'an University of Technology,5/255
  6. The Study of the Theory and Methodology of Intelligent Electronic Commerce Recommendation Based on Knowledge Grid,LiuPingFeng/Wuhan University of Technology,10/1662
  7. Research on Key Technologies of Knowledge Grid and Its Application in Learning,HanYongGuo/University of Electronic Science and Technology,3/968
  8. Research on Information Flow-based Personalized Services,DingLianHong/Institute of Computing Technology,7/964
  9. A Study on Grid-based Knowledge Management,LiJinHua/Wuhan University,9/1365
  10. Research on Web Semantic Query and Reasoning,ChenHuaJun/Zhejiang University,6/1834
  11. Process knowledge -based CAPP system reconfigurable mesh key technology research,ZhangGeWei/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,5/530
  12. Generating and Measuring Textual Context Based on Cognition,FangNing/Shanghai University,0/253
  13. Studies of Key Technologies of Knowledge Grid and Its Application in Agricultural Biology Disaster Alarm,DaiXiaoPeng/Hunan Agricultural University,0/72
  14. Research on On-line Diagnosis Approach of Power Grid with Multi Data Sources,ZhouZiGuan/China Electric Power Research Institute,0/202
  15. Research on Theory and Technology of Knowledge Grid Based Supply,ZhenZuo/Shanghai Jiaotong University,3/253
  16. Grid knowledge management and its oilfields research organizations applied research,WangHongBin/Tianjin Polytechnic University,1/72
  17. Construction and Application on the Knowledge Resource Base of University Discipline and Specialty,HouZhenHua/Wuhan University of Technology,1/156
  18. Based on the knowledge to build digital library knowledge service,JiangYongChang/Heilongjiang University,8/884
  19. Research of Knowledge Grid Based on Knowledge Base,XiaoHaiDong/Lanzhou University of Technology,2/428
  20. Research of Grid-based Distributed Association Rule Mining System Model and Algorithms,LiDan/Jinan University,0/154
  21. Proxy-based Dynamic Inheritance of Soft-device,BiJia/Institute of Computing Technology,0/24
  22. A Computing Model for Concept Fusing and Document Classification,ZhangZuo/Institute of Computing Technology,0/79
  23. Soft-Device Clustering and Its Application in Animation of Dunhuang Feitian,WangJianZeng/Institute of Computing Technology,0/32
  24. Semantic-based Resource Management, Search and Application,YanZhiXian/Institute of Computing Technology,2/242
  25. Research on Resource Management in Knowledge Grid,GaoDan/Central China Normal University,6/467
  26. Study on the Knowledge Management of Technical Innovation Based on the Systems Methodology,XuLin/Donghua University,0/109
  27. Studies of Crop Planting Knowledge Services on Knowledge Grid Environment,ChenKen/Hunan Agricultural University,0/97
  28. Implementation and Optimization of Nutch-based Search Engine for Agricultural Information,LiLei/Jilin University,0/104
  29. Research on the Architecture of Knowledge Grid-based Knowledge Management Integration System,ChenGuoDong/Wuhan Institute of Science and Technology,1/85
  30. Research in Collaborative Management and Decision System for Crops Based on Knowledge Grid,FengShiJie/Hunan Agricultural University,1/56

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