
About 401 item dissertation in line with leukocyte query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.06 seconds)

  1. Study on therapeutic effect on collagen of rats with adjuvant arthritis lactose derivative Gu-4,FanJie/Nanjing Normal University,0/22
  2. Expression of IL-17and Its Correlation with IL-6in Patients with Autoimmune Thyroid Disease,XuCangDan/Tianjin Medical University,0/28
  3. Association Analysis between Genetic Variation in TERC, Telomere Length and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease,SunJing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/4
  4. Effects of Leukocyte Depletion and Gamma Irradiation on Coagulation System of FFP,JiangMin/Luzhou Medical College,0/19
  5. Feasibility Research of Mutual Recognition of the Values Measured by Different Examination Methods for Urinalysis for White Blood Cells and Red Blood Cells in Urine Samples,YuanSong/North Sichuan Medical College,0/2
  6. The Study on Effects of Embedded Catgut in Jiaochaoxue on Uteirne Involution,JinTao/Tianjin Agricultural,0/0
  7. Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of Classical SLA-Ⅰ and Ⅱ Genes in Bama Minipigs,ChenJiaJia/Anhui Agricultural University,0/11
  8. Dynamic Expression of CD11c/CD18in Leukocytes of Rats after High-voltage Electrical Burn and Therapeutic Effects of Pentoxifylline and Ulinaotatin,ZhengWeiCai/Hebei Medical University,0/19
  9. The Secretions Ability of sHLA-G Controlled by the Genetic Polymorphism Is Associated with Psoriasis Vulgaris,DanShiGang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/7
  10. Association of HLA-DQA1、DQB1Alleles with Polymorphic Light Eruption of the Han Nationality in Yunnan,YangCheng/Kunming Medical University,0/34
  11. Indoleamine2,3-dioxygenase up Regulates the Expression of Human Leucocyte Antigen-G in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells,SunJianLi/Shanxi Medical,0/17
  12. The Research of Antigen Processing Machinary Components Methylation with Xinjiang Kazakh Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Development,ZhengFeng/Xinjiang Medical University,0/2
  13. Gemcitabine and Ciplatin Combined with Norcantharidin Sodium Treatment of Advanced NSCLC Clinical Observation,LiZengYun/Taishan Medical College,0/28
  14. Astragalus-polysaccharide Can Prompt the Release of "High Quality" Mature Granulocytes from Bone Marrow through Restoring L-selection Signaling Pathway after Chemotherapy,ZhangPingPing/Tianjin Medical University,0/2
  15. The Role of Regulatory T Cells to Treat Experimental Autoimmune Myositis,ShiQiang/PLA Postgraduate Medical School,0/47
  16. The Correlation of the Couples HLA-B Gene Polymorphism and Preeclampsia,LiuWenXia/Zhengzhou University,0/52
  17. Effect of rIL-10on HLA-G Expression in Endometrial Cells of Patients with Adenomyosis,ShiShanShan/Shandong University,0/12
  18. The Association of Cervical Cancer Development with the Gene Expression Control of Antigen Processing Machinary in Uighur Women,AXianGu·HaSiMu/Xinjiang Medical University,0/42
  19. Effects of Platelet Upon the Adhesion of Leucocyte with Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cell and Its Transmigration Through Endothelial Cells Undergoing Hypoxia-reoxygenation,CaoZuoZuo/Beijing Union Medical College,0/21
  20. Analysis of the Association between the LILRA2Rs2241524Gene Polymorphism and SLE,LiShuJuan/Fudan University,0/29
  21. Clinical Studies of Organ Involvement and Human Leukocyte Antigen-G Expression in Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis,TianXiaoLan/Beijing Union Medical College,0/27
  22. Study on Biological Characteristic of Human Novel TSHβ Splice Variant,LiuChunRong/Tianjin Medical University,0/27
  23. The Mechanism Research in the Treatment of Qing Fei Cheng Qi Granules in Severe Acute Pancreatitis Complicated with ALI/ARDS,YuYangZuo/Tianjin Medical University,0/42
  24. The Expression of HLA-DR and TLR4of Peripheral Blood Monocytes in Patients with Posthepatitis Liver Cirrhosis and Clinical Significance,LiYi/Hebei Medical University,0/96
  25. The Change of Biological Index after Acute Myeloid Leukemia Relapse,FanYing/Hebei Medical University,0/45
  26. Role of Parp and Platelet Ikkβ in Atherosclerosis and the Underlying Mechanisms,WeiShuJian/Shandong University,0/144
  27. Effect of Fusion Protein TAP-SSL5on Platelet-leukocyte Interactions,GongLiSha/Third Military Medical University,0/3
  28. The Action of Differential Gene Interleukin-8in Coronary Heart Disease Patients with Blood Stasis Syndrome,WuCaiFeng/China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/37
  29. Correlation of HLA-DRB1*14、15Alleles with Virological Response of Adefovir Dipivoxil,JiangChunYan/Guangxi Medical University,0/16
  30. HCV Sequence Adaptation to CD8~+T Cell Immune Pressure,KeXiaoZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/40
  31. Association between Kir and Hla-c Gene Polymorphism and Chronic Hepatitis B and Analysis of Gene Expression Profile of Monocytes from Hbv-Transgenic Mice,GaoXueJun/Shandong University,0/187
  32. Study on the Mechanism of PSG1-1Engagement Induced the Integrin αLβ2Mediated Leukocyte Adhesion on Fibrinogen,LiChunFeng/Northeast Normal University,0/2
  33. Experimental Study on Chronic Osteomyelitis by Traditional Chinese Medical Tuodushengsui,LiSuNa/The people's Liberation Army Medical Institute Chinese,0/20
  34. The Intervention Effects of Xin Tongfang in the Clinical Effects and the Expression of PS/PSGL-1et.al on the Phlegm and Blood Stasis Qi-stagnation Syndrome Patients of Coronary Heart Disease with Carotid Artery Plaque,JiangYiHong/Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/33
  35. Corelation with HLA Genetic Polymorphism on Susceptibility of Damp-heat Syndrome in Guangxi Han’s Population,LiuHan/Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/39
  36. Association of Cytokine and HLA Gene Polymorphisms with Long-term Humoral Response in Children Vaccinated Against Hepatitis B in Infancy,ZhuDongMei/Nanjing University,0/65
  37. Association between Leukocyte and Metabolic Syndrome in Urban Han Chinese:a Longitudinal Cohort Study,MengWenJia/Shandong University,0/25
  38. Studies on the Inhibitory Effects of Active Conponents Separated from Propolis on Human Leukocyte Elastase,ShenXinFeng/Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,0/18
  39. Effect and Mechanism of Recombinant Ganoderma Lucidum Immunoregulatory Protein on Mouse Models of Cyclophosphamide-induced Leukopenia,ZhouHui/Jilin University,0/120
  40. Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of Swine Leukocyte Antigens Class Ⅰ and Class Ⅱ Genes in Guizhou Minipigs and Establishment of PCR-SSP Typing Method,LiuZiZhan/Anhui Agricultural University,0/27
  41. Downregulation of Secretory Lekocyte Proteinase Inhibitor in Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease: The Role of TGF Beta1/Smads Signaling Pathways,NiuRuiChao/Central South University,0/304
  42. Differentially Expressed Genes in Benign Hyperplastic Prostate Epithelial and Stromal Cells with Coculture or Separated Culture,XuanQiang/Guangxi Medical University,0/106
  43. Polymorphism of Human Leukocyte Antigen-DQB1 Genes in Patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome,ZuoHanYi/Peking Union Medical College , China,0/58
  44. The Function of Caveolin-1 in Peritoneal Dialysis and Its Associated Peritonitis,ZhangJingHua/China Medical University,0/152
  45. Study of Tumor Immunity Induced by Human MUC1 VNTR DNA Vaccine,ZhangShuZi/Jilin University,0/151
  46. Molecular Mechanism Study of Changtong Oral Liquid on Intestinal Adhesions,WangChunXia/Southern Medical University,,0/125
  47. Studies on the Immune Behaviour in Cell and Cytokin during the Havey Load Resistance Training,HongChangQing/Beijing Sport University,3/394
  48. Experimental Study of Immuogenicity on Osteogenic Cells Differentiated from Porcine Mesenchymal Stem Cells,LiangWenJie/Third Military Medical University,0/280
  49. Link between Gastrosplenic Damp-heat Syndrome, Bias in T Helper Type 1 (Th1)/Th2 CD4+T Cell Responses and HLA Class Ⅱ Polymorphisms,ChenQingQing/Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/140
  50. Genetic Diversity of Eleven Polymorphic Loci within HLA Gene Complex and Association with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma,TianWei/Central South University,0/173

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