
About 181 item dissertation in line with synergism query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.041 seconds)

  1. The Mechanism Study of n-3Polyunsatured Fatty Acid on Colon Cancer Treatment,WangLei/Yangzhou University,0/48
  2. The Expression of Xiap in Gastric Cancer BGC823, SGC7901Cells after the Combined Effect of Anti-Human DR5Monoclnai Antibody HCTB006and Irinotecan,WangXiao/Hebei North University,0/5
  3. Study on the Bioactivities of Cyclosorus Acuminatus(Houtt) Nakai,ChenJingLou/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/61
  4. Research and Development of a New Type of Pesticide Adjuvants,ZhaoYiMei/Anhui Agricultural University,0/12
  5. Research of Milbemycins Acaricidal Activity and Stability,ZhaoYingGou/Zhejiang Forestry University,0/25
  6. Interaction of Curvularia Eragrostidis Strain QZ-2000and Target Large Crabgrass and Its Influencing Factors,WangJianShu/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/10
  7. Study on Heat Recycling and Reuse of Bulk Curing Barn and Application,ChengLianXiong/Hunan Agricultural University,0/4
  8. Research on the Fermentation Characters of the Selected Yeast and Lab and Development of Kefir from Mixed Milk,JiaLei/Tianjin University of Science and Technology,0/71
  9. Study on synergistic effect of mining goaf roof pillar system,ZhouXiaoChao/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/19
  10. Mechanical and Chemical Shale Stability Research and Application of Collaborative Action,SongShiChao/Yangtze University,0/196
  11. Study on Synthesis of Sulfo-betaine Surfactants and Surface Activities of Their Combined System,ZhuRiLi/Shanghai University,0/1
  12. Synthesis and Properties of Alkyl Polyglucosides,KangPeng/Jiangnan University,0/60
  13. Properties and Sizing Performance of ASA Emulsion Stabilized by Laponite with the Presence of Urea,QianKaiFeng/Qilu Industrial University,0/13
  14. Synthesis and Properties Study of Fluorocarbon Surfactants,LuHaiYan/Central China Normal University,0/1
  15. Interaction of the Anionic Gemini Surfactant Containing a Triazine Ring with Conventional Surfactants,WangLiQiong/University of North,0/4
  16. Study on the Mixed Systems of Asymmetry Gemini Surfactants and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate,JiangXinXin/University of North,0/3
  17. Synthesis and Properties of Long Chain Fatty Alcohol Polyoxyethylene Ether Deirvatives,SongChunLi/Jiangnan University,0/55
  18. The Construction and Evaluation of Recombinant Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Strains Expressing Cellulase Genes,ZhangWeiNa/Tianjin University,0/2
  19. Cross Protection of the Engineered Mild Mutants to Tobacco Vein Banding Mosaic Virus,XuZuoZuo/Shandong Agricultural University,0/13
  20. Synergism between Technical Standards and Corresponding Laws and Policies,ZhouWeiMin/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/90
  21. Study on Synergetic Development of Coupling System of Agro-ecological Security and Agricultural Products Quality&Safety,DouZhiJie/Jilin Agricultural University,0/346
  22. A Study on Cooperative Development Between Mordern Logistics Service and Manufacturing Industry Based on Complex System Theory,SunPeng/Central South University,0/22
  23. Analysis and Design of Office Automation System for One Enterprise Human Resources Department,DaiJinJin/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/45
  24. The Osteogenesis Effect of Rapamycin and the Synergism with Osteogenesis Inducer and the Electromagnetic Field,YiZhiQian/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/11
  25. In Vitro Interaction Research of Tetrandrine Combined with Azole Antifungal Agents,SongYanJun/Jinan University,0/10
  26. In Vitro Synergism and Mechanisms of Fluconazole Combined with Doxycycline Against Polymicrobial Biofilm of Candida Albicans and Staphylococcus Epidermindis,GaoZuo/Shandong University,0/20
  27. Synergism of Miconazole and Berberine Against Cliniacal Isolates of Candida Albicans Resisitant to Miconazole,FuZiJin/Second Military Medical University,0/111
  28. Studies on the Antitumor Effect of Oleanolic Acid on Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells,WeiJianTeng/Graduate School , Chinese Academy of Sciences ( Institute of Oceanography ),1/465
  29. Honokiol Induces Programmed Necrotic Cell Death,Synergizes Etoposide in Breast Cancer Cells,TianWei/Zhejiang University,0/5
  30. Research of Nimotuzumab with γ-ray Radiation on Inhibiting the Esophagus Carcinoma Ec109Cells,ZhangRongXin/Tianjin Medical University,0/77
  31. Sun Ginseng and Anti-cancer Drugs Synergistically Induced Apoptosis in Hela Cells,JiangDan/Jilin University,0/48
  32. Combination of Rad001(Everolimus) and Propachlor Synergistically Induces Apoptosis through Enhanced Autophagy in Prostate Cancer Cells,ZuoSheng/Anhui Medical University,,0/71
  33. The Influence of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor with Proteasome Inhibitor on the Proliferation of Human Mantle Cell Lymphoma Cell Line Z-138,MaRuiJuan/Hebei Medical University,0/48
  34. Study on Compatibility Principle of Drugs Pair of Herbal Ephedrae-Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praepareta and Herbal Ephedrae-Cinnamomi Ramulus in Pharmacodynamics,FangFang/Southern Medical University,,0/180
  35. Preparation Research of Bisdemethoxycurcumin SC and its Acaricidal Activity Against Tetranychus Cinnabarinus (Acari:Tetranychidae),LiYang/Southwestern University,0/22
  36. Study on Characterization and Wettable Powders of Bacillus Thuringiensis MB-15 Strain,GeDongHua/Agricultural University of Hebei,0/82
  37. Studies on the Synergism and Preparation of Cashew Nut Shell Liquid with Chemical Pesticides,MaLiang/Anhui Agricultural University,0/33
  38. Synergistic Activity between Insecticidal Proteins of Bacillus Thuringiensis,CaiJiLin/Anhui Agricultural University,0/37
  39. Screening for Aphidicidal and Acaricidal Activity of121Plant Extracts,HuangQianLong/Northwest University of Science and Technology,2/97
  40. The Screening of High Toxicity Bacillus Thuringiensis Isolates and Solid State Fermentation,LiuYunFei/Agricultural University of Hebei,0/117
  41. Cloning and Bioassay of Genes Associated with the Virulence of Bacillus Thuringiensis HBF-18Strain,ZhangYanRui/Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,1/48
  42. Study on the Synergism of Adjuvants to Mesosulfuron-methyl and Pyroxsulam in Controlling Tausch’s Goatgrass (Aegilops Tauschii Coss.),NiuHongBo/Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,0/2
  43. The Toxicity Determination and Field Application of Wood Vinegar and Its Different Combinations with Tebuconazole on the Alternria Alternateesp.mal,YangBiao/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/4
  44. The Study of Isothiazolinones Applied in Controlling Gray Mould and Sclerotinia on Cucumber,ZhangJunBo/Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,0/75
  45. The Study on the Fermentation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Extracts and Microorganism to Bacteriostasis of Ginseng Disease,LiPengXiang/Jilin Agricultural University,0/108
  46. Research on Insecticide Resistance and Effects of Insecticides Mixed to Tetranych Usurticae Koch,LiuQingJuan/Shandong Agricultural University,0/57
  47. Resistance Monitoring on Plutella Xylostella in Central China and Resistance Mechanism of Plutella Xylostella,QiuHao/Huazhong Agricultural University,0/126
  48. The Initial Study on Water Treatment from Recirculating Aquaculture System by Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation,GuoWenLong/Shanghai Ocean University,,0/58
  49. Micelle Behaviors of Binary Mixed Biosurfactants and Their Applications in Remediation of Hydrophobic Organics Contaminated Sites,SongDanDan/Ocean University of China,0/61
  50. Lean Management in Anhui a Corporation’s Application Research,QiaoPeiJi/Anhui University,0/195

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