
About 37 item dissertation in line with GaoChang query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.058 seconds)

  1. The Enchantment of Multiple Narrative,GaoChang/Zhejiang Normal University,0/41
  2. The Research on Evaluation of Profile Productivity of the Typical Cinnamon Soil in Henan Province,GaoChang/Henan Agricultural University,0/16
  3. The Study of an Efficient Element Method for Calculation to Marine Foam Sandwich Composite Structures,GaoChang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/14
  4. The Application of Calcium Phosphate Nanopar-ticles in the Injectable Tissue Engineered Bone,GaoChang/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/3
  5. Preliminary Study of Programmed Cell Death Process during the Salt-induced in Root Tip Cells of Vicia Faba,GaoChang/Harbin Normal University,0/83
  6. The Transition and Inheritance of Nandun Ancient Town Temple Fair in Xiangcheng,GaoChang/Ocean University of China,0/5
  7. On the Expression of Contemporary Watercolor Figure,GaoChang/Hunan University of Science and Technology,0/46
  8. Research on the Adaptability of Transit Organization in Urban Rail Transit under Outburst Mass Passenger Flow,GaoChang/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/39
  9. The Economic Evaluation and Analysis for the Being-constructed Project of Water Supplying in SongJiangHe Town and Donggang Town, BaiShan City,GaoChang/Jilin University,0/64
  10. Preliminary Study on Integration Management of Archive Information Resources,GaoChang/Suzhou University,2/401
  11. Dalian City vocational school mathematics curriculum implementation survey,GaoChang/Liaoning Normal University,0/48
  12. An Commentary on the Changes in Thoughts of the Club of Rome,GaoChang/Inner Mongolia University,0/193
  13. The Highway Localization Algorithms Based on RSSI in WSN,GaoChang/Jilin University,16/797
  14. The Research on Model Management Operation,GaoChang/Yanshan University,1/51
  15. The Research of Security Protocols in Special Environment,GaoChang/Shanghai Jiaotong University,1/47
  16. The Sdudy of Asphalt Pavement’s Low-Temperature Contraction Cracking Control Criterions and Predicting Models,GaoChang/Harbin Institute of Technology,4/350
  17. The Exploration of Simulation Experiment in High School’s Biology Teaching,GaoChang/Northeast Normal University,1/408
  18. The Transformation and Management of Entrepreneur’s Knowledge,GaoChang/Wuhan University,1/163
  19. Research on Establishment of China’s Social Insurance Tax System,GaoChang/China Agricultural University,4/208
  20. High technology industry cluster on the regional competitiveness of the elastic analysis,GaoChang/Dalian University of Technology,3/548
  21. Statement on Designing and Programming of Real Estate Development in Beijing,GaoChang/Chongqing University,0/302
  22. Wine alcohol fermentation process CO2 concentration variation,GaoChang/Northwest University of Science and Technology,1/390
  23. Research on the Strategies to the Active Use of the Fringe Area of the Urban Scenic Spot,GaoChang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/277
  24. A Study on Governance Structure of China’s Listed Companies,GaoChang/Dalian Maritime University,0/492
  25. Preparation of CdS Nanocrystals in Ionic Liquids and Preparation of Ⅱ-Ⅵ Nanoparticles by Applying Alternating Electric Field,GaoChang/Shandong University,1/94
  26. Maintenance Planning of Qinglian Expressway Based on Its Life Cycle,GaoChang/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,2/174
  27. Molecular Mechanisms of Betulin-induced Apoptosis in A549 Cells,GaoChang/Jilin University,0/108
  28. Study on the Preparation and Non-linear Optical Properties of Ge-Ga-S-KX(X=Cl,Br,I) Chalcohalide Glasses,GaoChang/Wuhan University of Technology,0/55
  29. Glimpse of Xi'an social music education,GaoChang/Shaanxi Normal University,0/74
  30. Summaries of Professor Shao Zhaodi’s Clinical Experiences on the Treatment of Chronic Renal Failure,GaoChang/Hubei University of Chinese Medicine,1/111
  31. Zebrafish interferon gamma gene expression and bioinformatics analysis,GaoChang/Peking Union Medical College , China,0/60
  32. Research on Campus Network Renovation in West Campus Area of Tianjin Agricultural College,GaoChang/Tianjin University,0/118
  33. The Civil Law Protection of the Property Right for the Original Owner in Eminent Domain,GaoChang/Southwest University of Political Science,0/371
  34. The pre-qin women's economic, political, and religious activities on constructing the influence of female literature image,GaoChang/Nanjing Normal University,0/109
  35. The Performance Research of Which Foreign Investors Merge China Listed Manufacturing Companies,GaoChang/Liaoning University,0/61
  36. Analysis and Experimental Study of Wave-current Loads on Jack-up Truss-type Leg,GaoChang/Tianjin University,0/81
  37. Design and Simulation of a Strategy for Backbone Node Deployment in Space Information Networks,GaoChang/Northeastern University,0/37

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