
About 989 item dissertation in line with LiPeng query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.073 seconds)

  1. Research of the Innovation Capability Assessment for B2C E-Business Enterprise Basing on AHP,LiPeng/Dalian University of Technology,0/29
  2. A Study of Asset Backed Securitization on BT Projects of Transportation Infrastructure Development,LiPeng/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/139
  3. The Study on the Innovation of Public Policy in Urban Construction with Resource-economical and Environment-friendly Society,LiPeng/Hunan Normal University,0/7
  4. Input-Output Analysis on Sichuan Value-Added-Tax Expanding Affecting Economic Growth,LiPeng/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/52
  5. The Research on the Rural Financial Efficiency Impact on Urban-rural Income Gap Based on Spatial Econometrics,LiPeng/Hunan University,0/39
  6. Research of the Problems and Countermeasures about Food Safety Supervision System in China,LiPeng/Hebei Normal,0/88
  7. Research on Professional Publishing Business Model in Digital Age Which Based on Reader Behavior Analysis,LiPeng/Beijing Institute of Printing,0/128
  8. Principal Research of Helmet Mounted Display with a6-DOF Parallel Manipulator,LiPeng/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/17
  9. Research on the Image Secret Sharing Methods,LiPeng/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/95
  10. Research on Recommendation Attack Detection Algorithm for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems,LiPeng/Yanshan University,0/3
  11. A Research on Collaborative Parking-lot discovery Algorithm Based on VANET,LiPeng/Donghua University,0/14
  12. Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Research Based on Various QoS Restrains,LiPeng/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,0/13
  13. The Research of the Teams of Football Judges Present and the Refrom to the Counterplan in Xinjiang Uygur Utonomous Region,LiPeng/Xinjiang Normal University,0/7
  14. Study on the sustainable development of athletic sports in Chongqing City,LiPeng/Chengdu Institute of Physical Education,0/44
  15. Research on Marketing Strategy in Higher Vocational College,LiPeng/Central China Normal University,0/2
  16. Exploration of the Teacher Training Mode of Guangxi Secondary Vocational Education,LiPeng/Guangxi Normal University,0/75
  17. Yu Pingbo and the Teaching of Ancient Chinese Poems,LiPeng/Central China Normal University,0/10
  18. Research on the Government Information Publicity in the Event of Public Crisis in China,LiPeng/Hebei Normal,0/29
  19. Research on Occupation Morality Construction of Rural Financial Practitioners,LiPeng/Shanxi Agricultural University,0/88
  20. Study on the Supply System of Public Services in New Type Rural Community,LiPeng/Chang'an University,0/61
  21. Innovative Thinking Aesthetics of Social Governance,LiPeng/Shenyang Normal,0/7
  22. The Preliminary Construction of Middle School Students' Self-expression Skills Model Research,LiPeng/Hunan Normal University,0/2
  23. Research on the Ideological Trend of National Revival in Anti-Japanese War,LiPeng/Hunan Normal University,0/1
  24. The Chaco War and the League of the Nations (1932-1935),LiPeng/Shandong Normal University,0/0
  25. Research on the Style Changes of the Experimental Aesthetics in Taiwan Documentary,LiPeng/Henan University,0/70
  26. Clinical Study of TACE in Combination with High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy for Ⅲ、Ⅳ Stage of Hepatic Carcinoma,LiPeng/Shanxi Medical,0/3
  27. A Study of Neural Stem Cell Therapy for Infantile Cerebral Palsy,LiPeng/Bengbu Medical College,0/8
  28. The62Cases of Clinical Observation of Absorbable Screws and Metal Screws Cure Ankle Fracture with Distal Tibiofibular Junctures Injure,LiPeng/Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/5
  29. Expression of Hemeoxygenase-1in Rats with Smoking-induced Pulmonary Hypertension and the Effect of Lipid-lowering Therapy with Simvastatin and Its Mechanism,LiPeng/Hebei Medical University,0/2
  30. The Study of Magnetic Resonance Neurography in Brachial Plexus,LiPeng/Chongqing Medical University,0/42
  31. Screen and Identify Protein Interacts with MCM4C-terminal Domain (MCM4-CTD) by Yeast Two-hybrid System,LiPeng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/3
  32. Preliminary Research on Viral Like Particle Vaccine and Hydrogen Peroxide Inactivated Vaccine of Japanese Encephalitis,LiPeng/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/3
  33. Introduction and Domestication of Wild Sericea Creeping Potentilla Acaulis,LiPeng/Shanxi Agricultural University,0/28
  34. Virtual Design for the Cutting Device of the Sugarcane Harvester,LiPeng/Henan University of Science and Technology,0/14
  35. Dynamic Time History Analysis of RC Frame Seismic Retrofitted by FRP,LiPeng/Jinan University,0/19
  36. The Research of IPD Procurement Model Based-on BIM,LiPeng/Dongbei University of Finance,0/17
  37. Analysis of Propeller-induced Pressure Fluctuation on Ship Surface,LiPeng/Harbin Engineering University,0/41
  38. Study on the Methods of Parametric Modeling of Bus Components Based on CATIA,LiPeng/Chang'an University,0/61
  39. The Research of Automobile Consumption Credit Risk Prevention and Control Strategy,LiPeng/Chang'an University,0/24
  40. Numerical Analysis for Longitudinal Seismic Response of Tunnels in Saturated Soils,LiPeng/Tsinghua University,0/26
  41. Study on the Safety Evaluation Method of Mountain Highway Construction,LiPeng/Chang'an University,0/13
  42. Research of2D Valve-Controlled Asymmetry Cylinder and Synchronization Eletrohydraulic Digital Servo System,LiPeng/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/1
  43. Research on Legal Problems of Water Pollutant Emissions Trading in China,LiPeng/Northwest University for Nationalities,0/34
  44. Effect of Washing Condition on the Quality of Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) Surimi and Recycle of Sarcoplasmic Protein from Washings,LiPeng/Tianjin Agricultural,0/10
  45. Improvement and Optimization of the Rake and Driving Device in the Drum Reclaimer,LiPeng/Wuhan University of Science and Technology,0/8
  46. The Cutting Process Optimization for the Purpose of Low Energy Consumption,LiPeng/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/24
  47. Influences of Al-Ti Complex Deoxidation on Inclusions and the Microstructure of Non-quenched and Tempered Steel,LiPeng/Wuhan University of Science and Technology,0/81
  48. Study on Characteristics and Preparation of Porous Stainless Steel Materials Manufactured by SLM,LiPeng/University of North,0/7
  49. Based on PLC Control of Coal Mine Fan Combination Switch Design Research,LiPeng/Anhui University of Technology,0/16
  50. Study on Non Mining Subsidence Monitoring and the Prediction Model,LiPeng/Anhui University of Technology,0/6

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