About 10984 item dissertation in line with B84,Psychology query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.03 seconds)
- The Research on Explicit Self-esteem,Implicit Self-esteem and Self-disclosure of College Students,HaoLiNa/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/3
- Application of Self Disclosure Group Training to Improve the Level of Psychological Health of University Students,FengYanQin/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/1
- The Effect of Two-way-emotional Condition on Attention Breadth,ZhangChen/Zhejiang University,0/64
- The Study of the Influence of Gratitude to Fair Behaior in Zhe Dictator Games,LiuJiaJia/Zhejiang Normal University,0/62
- Development of the Self-Report Emotional Intelligent Scale and Toronto Alexithymia Scale Using Rasch Analysis,LiKaNa/Zhejiang Normal University,0/82
- Social Norm Activation:the Psychological Mechanism of Third-party Punishment and Its Influence on Cooperation,ChenSiJing/Zhejiang University,0/191
- The Subliminal Priming with Semantic and Affective Interference,FanBiYu/Fujian Normal University,0/0
- Does Repeated Reading Influence the Pattern of Readers' Eye Movements?,LinJian/Fujian Normal University,0/0
- The AOA Effects of Readers with Different Reading Skill on Eye Fixation in Word Identification,LanLiZhen/Fujian Normal University,0/2
- Junior High School Third Grade Students' Emotion Regulation Strategies on the Impact of Anxiety and the Test Results,DuNing/Liaoning Normal University,0/6
- The Effect of Error Monitoring on Error Detection Behaviors in a Speeded Choice Task,TongLiZuo/Zhejiang University,0/12
- The Behavior Comparative Study of Affective Priming and Semantic Priming in Children,QiXing/Liaoning Normal University,0/3
- Effects of Child Psychological Maltreatment on Primary and Middle School Students' Coping Strategies and Emotional and Behavioral Problems,ZuoYanXia/Central South University,0/60
- The Impact of Thought Modes on Vividness Different Modes of Thought Hypothesis,ZouHuiYing/Zhejiang University,0/14
- Capability assessment and behavioral reflection influence on justice revenge based research,ZhangQinXia/Liaoning Normal University,0/0
- Mental Health Literacy and Perceived Risk in Professional Psychological Help-seeking,GaoWen/Nankai University,0/47
- A Research into the Relation between Boredom and Meaning of Life of College Students,ZhangHuiChao/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/19
- The Intervening Effect of Group Counseling of Positive Orientation on the Self-esteem Level of Vocational Students,BaiYanPing/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/41
- Research on the Relation of Academic Procrastination and Mental Health in Junior Middle School Students,LiuMiaoRui/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/30
- The Research of the Positive Mental Quality Development of the Students in the Inner Mongolia Middle Schools,ZhengWeiFeng/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/19
- Cartoon Effects on Children's Prosocial Behavior,XueXiaoFeng/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/40
- Research of Serious Games on the Development of Adolescent Spatial Intelligence,HanQin/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/18
- The Study on Content Structure of Expatriste Workers' Coping Self-efficacy,YuanFang/Henan University,0/5
- Relationship between Dispositional Optimism and Depressive Symptoms in College Students:the Role of Perceived Social Support and Life Stress Events,YiXiaoLi/Central South University,0/48
- A Survey of Freshmen's Mental Health in Health Vocational Colleges and Its Influencing Factors,WangJu/Suzhou University,0/69
- Father-child Relationship:Determinants and Children's Adjustment,YinXiaYun/Central South University,0/868
- A Study on the Relationship among the Zhong-Yong Pramatic Thinking and Family Function and Mental Health,YangZhongHua/Central South University,0/218
- Study on Interrogative Suggestibility and Constructing the Model of Its Effective Factors,YuanHongMei/Central South University,0/73
- Characteristics of the College Students' Internet Deviant Behaviors and the Relationship between Internet Deviant Behavior and Psychological Needs Internet Gratification,LiuLiFang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/16
- The Influence of Forgiveness Identity Salience on University Students' Forgiveness Tendency under Specific Offensive Situations,HuXiao/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/11
- Research on the Relationship among Emotion Regulation,interpersonal Attribution and Aggression of Primary and Secondary School Students,YangZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/77
- Emotional Certainty's Impact on the Judgement of Learning,LiuJingZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/15
- Attitude of Rural University Students to Group Preference and Relationship between the Attitude and Alienation,ChenJianYuan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/20
- The Relationship between Social Support and Sense of Loneliness among Different Personality College Students and the Mediator of Self-esteem,YangYuZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/96
- Research on the Processing of Semantic Activation in Intuitive Judgment of Semantic Coherence,ZhangHeYun/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/6
- The Research on the Effectiveness of SHERPA Method in the Evaluation of Website Usability,JinWeiZuo/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/0
- Study on the Relation among "Going into the World and Leaving the World", Mental Health and Other Factors of High School Students,ZhangZuo/Xinxiang Medical,0/13
- Dynamic Factors of Sustained Volunteering: a Qualitative Research,HuangYinJia/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/35
- Study on the Effect of Cognitive Style on College Students' Lovelorn Attribution and Lovelorn Coping Style,MaZuo/Minnan Normal University,0/40
- Effects of Peer Relationship Inequity Aversion to Children,ZhangYanJuan/Liaoning Normal University,0/16
- The Research of Folk Belief of People's Individual Religious Developmental Characteristics and Affecting Factors,XiangXianHong/Zhejiang Normal University,0/44
- The Psychological Distance between the High School Students and Parents and Its Improvement,WangZuoZuo/Tianjin Normal University,0/2
- The elderly emotional processing attention bias: positive effect of eye movement research,ZhangDongYan/Tianjin Normal University,0/3
- The Perceptual Span of Uygur Undergraduates in Reading Uygur and English:an Eye Movement Study,LiZuoZuo/Tianjin Normal University,0/1
- The Research of Classified Reasoning and Influence Factors for Cross-classification Food,WangChunXia/Tianjin Normal University,0/1
- The Establishment and Applicability of the Theory of Mind Test for Chinese Adults,ZhangZuoYi/Tianjin Normal University,0/3
- Effects of Different Learning Task and Variation of Membership Gradient on Classification Results,ShenZuoZuo/Tianjin Normal University,0/3
- Middle school students' shame questionnaire and investigation,XueYang/Tianjin Normal University,0/1
- Figure Chinese characters start cognitive processing effect comparative study,ZhangYu/Tianjin Normal University,0/2
- Study on the relationship between 3 ~ 5 years old children's awareness of the rules of development characteristics and temperament,LaiQingWen/Liaoning Normal University,0/4
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