
About 24 item dissertation in line with ZhangDongYan query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.082 seconds)

  1. Research on Risk Control of the Implementation Process of Assets Evaluation Procedure,ZhangDongYan/Chang'an University,0/73
  2. The Improvement’s Research of G Securities’ CRM System,ZhangDongYan/Northwestern University,0/19
  3. The elderly emotional processing attention bias: positive effect of eye movement research,ZhangDongYan/Tianjin Normal University,0/3
  4. Study on Correlation between Supervisory Commitment of Intellectual Personnel and Turnover Intention,ZhangDongYan/Henan University,0/2
  5. The Research of Training Chinese Higher Vocational Accounting Students Occupation Ability,ZhangDongYan/Shanxi University of Finance,1/1328
  6. The Artists of the Clone World:Artistic Metaphors in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go,ZhangDongYan/Zhejiang Normal University,0/158
  7. Bacterial LPS Induces Osteocyte Apoptosis and Realeasing High Mobility Group Protein1,ZhangDongYan/Shandong University,0/35
  8. Study of MR Diffusion-weighted Imaging in Hepatofibrosis,ZhangDongYan/Shanxi Medical,0/23
  9. Study of Viriations on Fusion Gene and Antigenicity of the Measles Viruses in Last Ten Years in Zhejiang Province,ZhangDongYan/Ningbo University,0/21
  10. Numerical Simulation Study on the Hydrodynamic Performance of the Oar Blade of Canoes,ZhangDongYan/Wuhan University of Technology,0/41
  11. Diagnosis Mechanism and Methods of Crop Chlorophyll Information Based on Hyperspectral Imaging Technology,ZhangDongYan/Zhejiang University,2/327
  12. Study on Isolation, Identification and Conservation of Lactobacilli from Poultry,ZhangDongYan/Agricultural University of Hebei,0/251
  13. The Hyers-Ulam Stability of Jensen Type Equations,ZhangDongYan/Fujian Normal University,0/34
  14. The Fault Diagnosis Technique of Double-acting Pump,ZhangDongYan/Daqing Petroleum Institute,2/359
  15. Research on Property Appraisal of the Stock Market,ZhangDongYan/Agricultural University of Hebei,1/306
  16. Research of Decision Tree Algorithms Based on Rough Set Theory,ZhangDongYan/Hefei University of Technology,6/171
  17. The Strategy Research on E-commerce for the Small and Middle Enterprises in Liaoning Province,ZhangDongYan/Dalian Maritime University,1/841
  18. Study on Xu Qiu,ZhangDongYan/Henan University,2/177
  19. Study on the Catalytic Asymmetric Addition of 1-ethynylcyclohexene to Ketones Using a Chiral C2-camphorsulfonamide Ligand,ZhangDongYan/Lanzhou University,0/37
  20. A Linguistic, Cultural and Psychological Analysis of Website Names,ZhangDongYan/Shanghai Jiaotong University,2/152
  21. The Relationship between the Management Strategy Use and the English Achievements: A Study of the Higher Vocational-technical College Students,ZhangDongYan/Shaanxi Normal University,1/113
  22. College Counselors ' Role,ZhangDongYan/Capital Normal University,6/735
  23. Effect of Hyperlipemia on Galactose Induced Cataracts in Rats,ZhangDongYan/Lanzhou University,0/14
  24. The Effect of Expression of GFAP in Spinal Cord by CNTF after Operation on Rats with Sciatic Nerve Injury,ZhangDongYan/North China Coal Medical,0/9

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