
About 166 item dissertation in line with TV148,Estuaries,harbors,coastal sediment query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.089 seconds)

  1. The Characteristics and Simulation of Tidal Hydrodynamics and Suspended Sediment in Winter in the Luotou Strait of Zhoushan Islands Area,FengShenKe/Zhejiang University,0/27
  2. Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Suspended Sediment Transport in the Yangtze Estuary,WangZuoZuo/Tianjin University,0/2
  3. Mathematical Simulation and Physical Model Research on Tidal Flow and Sediment in the Area with Many Islands,WenChunPeng/Harbin Engineering University,0/20
  4. Study on Dynamical Characteristics of the Water Environment during the Reclamation,WangLi/Zhejiang Normal University,0/33
  5. Study on Sediment Movement of Muddy Seabed in Archipelago Waters,ZuoShuHua/Dalian University of Technology,0/41
  6. Research of Sediment Transport Model of Changhua River Estuary in Hainan Province Based on the Analysis of Remote Sensing,GaoZuo/Chinese Geology University (Beijing),0/0
  7. The Numerical Simulation Analysis of Sediment of a Reclamation Works,EGuangXun/Shandong University,0/24
  8. The Grain Size Distribution Characteristics of Yalu Estuary and Its Response to the Change of the Catchment,RanLongJiang/Nanjing University,0/23
  9. The Impact of Wave Farm to the Erosion and Siltation in the Bay,FanFei/Ocean University of China,0/3
  10. A Numerical Study of3D Suspended Matter Transport of Yellow River with Wave-current Interaction,GuChen/Ocean University of China,0/5
  11. Effects of Wave-induced Seabed Liquefaction Degree on Sediment Re-suspension in the Yellow River Delta,ZhangLiPing/Ocean University of China,0/3
  12. The Impact of Wave on the Sediment Erosion and Deposition Near the Yellow River Mouth,SunXiaoJuan/Ocean University of China,0/8
  13. Retrieval of Suspended Sediment Concentration and Particle Size Distribution in Hangzhou Bay Based on HJ CCD Images,LiuWangBing/Zhejiang University,0/8
  14. The Role of Seabed Dynamic Response in Sediment Resuspension under Waves in Modern Yellow River Delta,ZhengJieWen/Ocean University of China,0/2
  15. Numerical Simulation of Evolution of Estuary Sand Bar,PanDaiNan/Dalian University of Technology,0/49
  16. Numerical Simulation of Tidal Shear Front and the Influence of Topography Evolution on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics Around Yellow River Estuary,LuZuoZuo/Dalian University of Technology,0/58
  17. Study of Near-bed Suspended Sediment Concentration Change and Monitoring Method in the Yellow River Delta, China,ZhangYing/Ocean University of China,0/61
  18. Evolution Prediction of Erosion and Deposition in the East Coast of Laizhou Bay after the Implemention of the Coastal Planning,ZhouGuangZhen/Ocean University of China,0/100
  19. Analysis on Morphological Change and Evolution of River Regime in the North Passage and North Branch of the Changjiang River Estuary,ChenWei/Shanghai Ocean University,,0/121
  20. Research on Two-dimensional Current Mathematical Model and Its Visualization,YingChao/Tianjin University,0/50
  21. The Aoshan Bay hydrodynamic conditions and sediment movement characteristic research,LiShuLing/Ocean University of China,0/52
  22. Research and Application on Two-dimensional Current-sediment Mathematical Model,YangYanHua/Tianjin University,1/80
  23. Teoretical Models of Suspended Sediment Concentration Distribution Due to Waves,YangYanJing/Tianjin University,0/76
  24. The Research on Properties and Motions of Mud in Estuary,TianZuo/Tianjin University,0/158
  25. Study on Tidal Current and Sediment Characteristics of Zhujiajian Island Offshore Area,ZhangChaoYang/East China Normal University,0/7
  26. Analysis of Reclamation in the North Branch and Its Effects on Hydrodynamic Environment and Morphological Change for Nearly30Years,SongZeKun/East China Normal University,0/34
  27. Characteristics of Recent Tidal Current and Suspended Sediment Concentration Distribution and Sediment Transport in the Yangtze Estuary,GuoXiaoBin/East China Normal University,0/49
  28. Study on the Flow Conditions and Sediment Transport of the Laojiangba Project in Leshan Port,GuoHua/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/17
  29. Experimental Study on Vertical Distribution of Suspended Sediment Concentration on the Liquefied Silty Bed under Stormwaves,YuYueZuo/Ocean University of China,0/22
  30. Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Characteristics in Confluence between Yangtze River and Jialing River,ZuoZhiHong/Chongqing Jiaotong University,0/28
  31. The Establishment and Application of Semi-analysis Model on Suspended Sediment Remote Sensing Inversion in Caofeidian Offshore Water,LeiPeiPing/Chang'an University,0/51
  32. Study of the Impact of the Sea Reclamation Project on the Hydrodynamic Environment of the Grapebay,SongWeiJiao/Ocean University of China,0/73
  33. A Two-Phase Turbulent Flow Model and Its Application to Coastal Sediment Transport,ChenZuo/Tsinghua University,0/72
  34. Formation and Motion Characteristics of Fluid Mud and Counter Measurements,PangQiXiu/Tianjin University,0/122
  35. Recent Morphological Evolution of the South and North Channel in the Yangtze Estuary and Sediment Carrying Capacity Research,XuMin/East China Normal University,0/94
  36. Numerical Simulation of Erosion and Sediment with Wave-current Flow,CaiXueShi/Dalian University of Technology,0/95
  37. Process of High-concentrated Sediment Hyperpycnal Flow at the Huanghe River Mouth: in-situ Observations and Numerical Simulation,WangYan/Ocean University of China,0/190
  38. Variations in Estuarine and Coastal Suspended Sediment Concentration and Delta Accretion/erosion in Response to Decline in Sediment Supply from the Yangtze River,LiPeng/East China Normal University,0/208
  39. Sedimentary Characteristics and Environment Evolution of the Yellow River Delta,RenRenXiZi/East China Normal University,0/304
  40. Sediment Transport and Dynamic Geomorphology Process in the Yellow River Estuary and Its Adjacent Sea,LiuFeng/East China Normal University,3/272
  41. Numerical Simulation of the Nearshore Material Transport,WuLiu/Ocean University of China,1/73
  42. Numerical Simulation on Random Wave-Induced Erosion and Deposition Evolution in the Heini Bay,YinChao/Graduate School , Chinese Academy of Sciences ( Institute of Oceanography ),0/7
  43. Numerical Study of Suspended Sediment Transport in the Offshore Near Changjiang Estuary,ChenBin/Graduate School , Chinese Academy of Sciences ( Institute of Oceanography ),3/610
  44. A Two-phase Turbulent Flow Model for Suspended Sediment Transport under Waves,LiYong/Tsinghua University,2/444
  45. Retrieval and Analysis of Surface Suspended Sediment Concentration by Remote Sensing in Yangtze River Estuary,LiuZhiGuo/East China Normal University,13/610
  46. Research on Sediment Transport and Coastal Profile Shaping Processes of an Abandoned Subdelta,YingMing/East China Normal University,1/231
  47. Study on the Flocculation Parameters of Fine Sediments and the Environmental Effects in the Changjiang Estuary,LiuQiZhen/East China Normal University,4/607
  48. Development and Application of the Coupled Model of the River Networks and Estuary,ZhangWei/Hohai University,3/645
  49. Study on the Landslide of Gentle-slope Silty Seabed under Waves,XuGuoHui/Ocean University of China,7/366
  50. Theoretical Research of Sediment Transport by Combined Tide Currents and Waves and Its Mathematical Model,BaiYuChuan/Tianjin University,4/340

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