About 4173 item dissertation in line with Political Theory query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.036 seconds)
- Intergenerational Justice and Social Old-age Insurance Systems,QiuYuHui/Jilin University,0/451
- Capital Dominated Reform:Local Practice of Farmers Financing Credit Cooperation,LuChaoHui/Central China Normal University,0/1
- A Study on Reform of County Administrated by Province of Anhui Province,ChenXingYu/Anhui Normal University,0/26
- The Comparative Research on Chinese and American Government Budget Transparency,TianXiaoYu/Hubei University of Technology,0/5
- The Policy Research on Encouraging and Supporting Private Enterprises’ Development in Hubei Province,XiaoNing/Hubei University of Technology,0/1
- The Status Quo of Charitable Responsibilty and Tactical Research of Private Enterprise in China,ChenZuo/Hubei University of Technology,0/1
- The Farmer’s Modernization During the Transformation of a Village,WangYing/Central China Normal University,0/3
- The Changes of Rural Land System in China after the Founding of the PRC and Its Enlightenment,ZhangJunRui/Hebei Normal,0/63
- "Platform Transformation": the Effection of Urbanization on the Gap between Rich and Poor during the Period of Social Transformation in China,SunShuang/Nankai University,0/75
- China Trade Associations Development Status, Existing Problem and Researching for Solutions,LiuFei/Hebei Normal,0/74
- Study on CCTV "news broadcast" political symbol.,YeLan/Shaanxi Normal University,1/0
- Chinese Traditional Media Public Opinion Guide Research under the Background of Media Convergence,TuoDong/Hubei University of Technology,0/6
- Research on the Optimization for Indepent Colleges' Internal Power Structure of Good Governance,QuanLiangJun/Hubei University of Technology,0/1
- Research on Cultivation of Citizen Consciousness of Chinese College Students' Political Socialization,LiDingXiang/Central South University,0/14
- Research on political psychology of contemporary college students in China,YangWei/Shaanxi Normal University,0/114
- The Difference of the College Students' Political Psychology Research under the Network Perspective,SunZuoZuo/Wuhan University of Technology,0/7
- The Research of Developing High School Students' Sense of Responsibility,SongWei/Hebei Normal,0/23
- The Research on Ideal Education for Middle School Students,WangJunLi/Hebei Normal,0/51
- Problems, Countermeasures and Influence of International Non-governmental Organizations Development,WangDongDong/Hebei Normal,0/28
- Benefit Coupling:Industry in the Development of Village Governance,YanWenBin/Central China Normal University,0/1
- Arash and Wander:under Prevailing Migrant Workers Background of National Rural Divorce,LiTao/Central China Normal University,0/1
- Capital Link:the Growth of Autonomic Capital and Democratic Governance,WangShiWen/Central China Normal University,0/2
- The Rationality、Conformity and Political Trust of Small-scale Peasant,XuJing/Central China Normal University,0/3
- The Social and Political Impact Study of Network Cluster,ChenShuaiNan/Hubei University of Technology,0/0
- Legal Research about the Sovereignty of South China Sea Islands,ZengFanChuan/Yanshan University,0/4
- Research on the Legitimate Rights and Interests of the Juvenile Delinquents,LiLei/Dongbei University of Finance,0/5
- Problems in China's Medicine Circulation of the Administrative Supervision,LiJingZuo/Hebei Normal,0/78
- The Research of Institution Building of Amending Proposal of Chinese Constitution,WuZhongBo/Jilin University,0/34
- Early Warning Mechanism in the Network Group Events,ChengXia/Northeastern University,0/0
- A preliminary study on the formation factors and coping strategies of Internet Group Polarization,ZhangMingMing/Party School of Zhejiang Provincial Committee The CPC,0/32
- Research on Internet Mass Incidents and Governmental Coping Strategies,ZhangSenZuo/Hubei University of Technology,0/1
- Liang Shuming's Rural Reconstruction and Controversy,CuiHuiZuo/Nankai University,0/85
- Since the founding of research - the farmers' political socialization medium to rural slogan as an example,HaoXue/Shaanxi Normal University,0/33
- Study of Rural Community Construction under Urtan-rural Integration Horizon,ZhangWeiJing/Shandong University,0/1089
- The Research on Differentiation Characteristics of Land-lost Farmers in the Background Of Land Acquisition,SongDan/Wuhan University of Technology,0/23
- Research on Political Socialization of Peasants in the Process of Urbanization,ZuoJunJie/Wuhan University of Technology,0/26
- Peasants Interest Expression in Village Management,LiLi/Central China Normal University,0/0
- "Leading to the Countryside" and the Impoverished Village Governance:Study on the Relationship between the State and Farmers,XieHongQiu/Central China Normal University,0/0
- Research on Construction of Grass-roots Democracy in Rural Areas during the Process of Construction of a New Socialist Countryside,HanYu/Shanxi Normal University,0/17
- Under the Background of New Countryside University Student Village Official Cultural Function Research,NingHui/Shanxi Normal University,0/7
- Village Governance Dilemma under the Background of the Government Promote"Project to the Countryside",ZuoQiang/Central China Normal University,0/0
- Analysis of the Sense of Dignity of the Rural Farmers--based on the Political Sociology,XiangZi/Hunan Normal University,0/2
- A Research on Risk Prevention Countermeasures of Social Stability in Rural Areas of Central China Central China's Rural Areas,WangBinWang/Hunan Normal University,0/0
- Analysis of the Logic of the Ethnic Village Behavior in Public Affairs Governance,YaoDanYun/Central China Normal University,0/0
- The Management Strategy and Effection of Village Elite in Weak-link Village,HanTao/Central China Normal University,0/0
- Change of Village Governance and: Village Elderly Status as an Example,ZhangKai/Central China Normal University,0/1
- Orderly Different Mobilization and Passive Obedience:Village Elite's Action Logic in Power Reproduction,FuJianJun/Central China Normal University,0/0
- Network Connection:the Rural Social Management Innovation in the Process of the Urban and Rural Integration,ZhuWenJun/Central China Normal University,0/4
- The Study on the Mechanism of Resource-poor Rural Elites Governance,TianLiang/Central China Normal University,0/2
- The Study on the Villager's Self-discipline Behavior in the Perspective of the Rural Social Management Innovation,LanCao/Hubei University of Technology,0/0
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