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Research on the Perfection of Chinese Territorial Hearing System
Author: HuaJinYong
Tutor: WangZuo
School: Northwest University for Nationalities
Course: Constitutional and Administrative Law
Keywords: Public administration Public policy Public participation Hearing system Territorial hearing system
CLC: D922.1
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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As the key link of public management, the quality condition of public decision-making largely determines the horizontal discretion of public management. According to the rule of law philosophy of modern society, public decision-making system should not only meet the requirement, but also accord with fairness of government decisions, democratic decision-making, and scientific decision-making, standardize decision-making and efficient decision making and several other major requirements. As a realize citizens’ participation in public management system of democracy, the hearing system in modern society ruled by law is an important status.The hearing system is the basic system of the modern rule of society and the core content is in pursuit of program, openness, fairness, impartiality, democratic participation in the centralized embodiment and effective guarantee. As a modern democratic society public power important government exercise program design, hearing inevitable on the whole social democratic political construction produce very important influence. At present, Chinese hearing laws academically, only the law on administrative penalty and the administrative licensing law, the price law and among the legislation law, regulations, cannot excessive principle guiding first department work conscientiously carry out. The hearing system in China still exists many problems to be solved.This paper mainly divided into three parts, the first part mainly discusses the basic theory of hearing system, from concept to the hearing at home and abroad, then introduces the legal basis of the main countries and regions of foreign fiction achievement; the relevant system The second part of main yes to look back to the development of hearings in our country, and introduce the hearing system in our legislation; The third part mainly through the case analysis in recent years in local practice hearing problems in it, and give some perfect recommendations. In order to the hearing system in the development of the local has certain directive significance.
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CLC: > Political, legal > Legal > Chinese law > Administrative law
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