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Sinopec Sammy Quanzhou branch of marketing strategy research

Author: XieZhenZhong
Tutor: ZhengShuRong
School: Huaqiao University
Course: Business Administration
Keywords: SenMei Sinopec oil products marketing strategy
CLC: F426.22
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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China’s refined oil market is gradually opening up in the 21st century, with the supply of oil resources exceeding more than its demand, and oil products businesses facing with market risk and tremendous pressure of their own mechanism’s transformation. The competition has become the main issue as for businesses’survival and development. And the research concerning the marketing strategy is not only significant but necessary for oil companies because the former plays an increasing important role in the sales of oil products.First of all, Quanzhou Branch of SenMei Sinopec (Fujian) Petroleum Co., Ltd. is a typical oil joint venture as it is also a state-controlled one. The study of its marketing strategy for oil products has profound significance in the analysis concerning the trend of their marketing strategies since the joining into the WTO, as well as the drive of promoting other domestic oil product businesses to change the traditional ideas and methods of management to improve their competitiveness.Secondly, the author, based on the work experience in Quanzhou branch, the research of the main competitors and the relevant statistics from departments concerned, analyzes the current marketing situation of the company, integrating the theories of marketing strategy, and compares the practices of the major competitors in Quanzhou in order to find out the causes of problems as for the decline in the market share of the company and the decrease of the overall effectiveness.Finally, this paper, in view of the existing marketing environment inside and outside of the company, puts forward the marketing strategies of expanding the retail and whole sales with the help of applied theory concerned. The paper also focuses on the role played by non-oil businesses in the retail sales of finished oil and points out that the company should pay attention to products strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy and the building of team talents so as to enhance the overall competitiveness of enterprises and ultimately maximize shareholders’value.

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CLC: > Economic > Industrial economy > China Industrial Economy > Industrial sector economy
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