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Design and Manufacture of 60m~3/h Water Jet Dispersing and Dissolving Polymer Unit

Author: GaoYong
Tutor: XuXingPing; ShenJunFang
School: China University of Petroleum
Course: Mechanical Engineering
Keywords: Tertiary Oil Recovery Water Jet Dispersing and Dissolving Polymer Unit Water/Polymer Mixer
CLC: TE934
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2007
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Based on the mode of air delivery polymer, the thesis aims to design the skid type 60m~3 /h water jet dispersing and dissolving polymer unit with large output capacity and reliable performance. Considering on spot actual demands, emphasizing resolving existing problems, the author studied structural features of the same products both home and abroad. Started from analyzing the characteristics of the mother polymer liquor, the thesis compared the methods of air delivery polymer and water jet mixing, put forward the structural scheme of water jet dispersing and dissolving polymer unit. The thesis also analyzed the design and choice of every parts of the unit, made calculation of the key part-water/polymer mixer, then optimized the water/polymer mixer based on the indoor experimental data. Through on spot application, we tested the unit’s performance.The thesis got some experiential conclusions which can be used as references for the unit’s design and manufacture. 1. The skid structure makes the unit to be easy to transport, install and less area occupied. 2. According to the water inlet process, the unit adopts“U”layout to save volume of the unit. 3. Helical unloader adopts pulling mode, which is better than pushing mode. 4. The calculation of water/polymer mixer needs to be tested and optimized. The ideal nozzle adjustment distance is two times of the theoretical calculated distance and the nozzle diameter is approaching the theoretical calculated data. 5. In order to ensure the unit’s reliable performance, testing rod’s length of capacitance type powder level meter need to be longer than standard type. 6. Air discharging part of liquor lifting pump is essential. 7. There must be two control ways, manually and automatically. Set the right control sequence is also important. 8. The unit saves investment significantly.The unit’s design and manufacture may make it possible to offer internationally advanced equipment with feasible technique and economical effect to oil fields in our country. The achievement of the project has a good market prospect and huge economic efficiency.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Oil and gas industry > Oil machinery and equipment and automation > Oil and gas production machinery and equipment > Oil and gas wells to enhance oil recovery equipment
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