
About 90 item dissertation in line with TE934,Oil and gas wells to enhance oil recovery equipment query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.058 seconds)

  1. The Design and Implementation of Deep Well Oilfield Water Injection Control System Based on RFID,MaoBo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/14
  2. Research on Efficiency Improvement of Water Flood System in Haiwaihe Oil Field,ZhuJinYong/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/19
  3. Mechanical Study on Fracturing String and Jetting Tool of Hydrojet Fracturing,WangXuePeng/Xi'an University of Petroleum,0/4
  4. Research of Evaluation on Oil-to-gas Steam Boiler Groups in Liaohe Oilfield,YangMingQuan/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/31
  5. The Optimization Design Research on Oilfield Star Style Water Injection Network Based on Bi-level Programming Theory,WangQiuShi/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/9
  6. Parameterization Design of Series Sliding Sleeve Valve Structure Based on Injection-production Combination,ZhaoWei/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/19
  7. Preparation and Forming Process of Powder Metallurgy Materials for Oil Field Perforating Bullet Body,DaiJianDong/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/9
  8. Hydraulic fracturing of microseismic monitoring system and source location method,LiShiYan/Southwest Petroleum University,0/23
  9. The Dynamic Pressure Measurement in Perforating Gun and Simulation,ZhaoDing/University of North,0/1
  10. Research on Layered Regulating and Testing Technology in Polymer Flooding Well,LiJiYou/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/21
  11. Design and Manufacture of 60m~3/h Water Jet Dispersing and Dissolving Polymer Unit,GaoYong/China University of Petroleum,0/14
  12. Differential Pressure Flow Measurement Based on Stratified Injection Wells Testing Theory and Experimental Research,JiangYue/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/11
  13. Study on Static Mixer Mixed Characteristic of High Viscosity Polymer Mother Liquor,ZhangHongBin/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/24
  14. Study of Energy-saving Operation Technology of Water Injection System in Xingbei Oilfield,FanLiTao/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/11
  15. Optimized Structure for48t/h Coal Fired Boiler Proper,ZhangYongFeng/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/7
  16. The Structure Optimization Research of the Alkali ASP Flooding Small Size Pressure Regulator,GaoDeJie/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/7
  17. Mechanical Analysis of Staged Fracturing String with Sliding Packer in Horizonal Wells of Miao22,YeQinYou/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/46
  18. Oil-Water of Sedimentation Tank Separation Characteristics and Structural Optimization,DongZuoZuo/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/65
  19. The Remanufacturing Technology Research of25Cr2Ni4MoV Pump Head,XuQiang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/22
  20. Research on Monitoring System for the Eccentric Injection Well,LiYaHui/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/26
  21. Evaluation Studies of the Development Effect of the Low Water Period in the Peace and Prosperity Oilfield,GuoLinTao/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/22
  22. Study on Pressure Field Characteristics of Water Distributor with Pressure Control Switch,ZhangLiHui/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/39
  23. The Carrying Capacity Study of Frame of the High Power Fracturing Truck,SangMeng/Dalian University of Technology,0/65
  24. Study on Optimized Design of Downhole Hydrajet Fracturing Tool Structures,LiZhi/Xi'an University of Petroleum,0/173
  25. Research on Hydrocyclone Used in Downhole Oil-water Separation of Offshore Oil Field,ZhangLiWen/Beijing University of Chemical Technology,0/136
  26. Optimization of Insulation Material and Structure in Steam Pipeline,LiuChengZuo/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/205
  27. Parameter Optimization and Experimental Study of Gas Wave Ejector,WeiLi/Dalian University of Technology,2/98
  28. Experiment Research of Air Flow Resistance Inside the Duct Tape of Centralizer Ring,LiYao/Northeast University of Petroleum,0/5
  29. The Research of Intelligent Optimization Methods in Oilfield Water Injection System,YangJianJun/Daqing Petroleum University,8/719
  30. Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study on Improving the Energy Efficiency of Steam Injection System for Heavy Oil Recovery,WangZhiGuo/Tianjin University,10/660
  31. Note the steam well casing thermal stress and residual stress theoretical research,NieHaiGuang/Southwest Petroleum Institute,5/732
  32. Oil field water injection system planning, design and operation optimization technology research,GaoAiHua/Southwest Petroleum Institute,6/545
  33. The Study of Magnetic Drived Supercharging System for High Pressure Water Injection in Oilfield,LiuXinYan/Shanghai Jiaotong University,3/88
  34. The Research of the Reconstruct Project on Operation Optimization of Water Injection Pumping Station,DingShanFu/China University of Petroleum,0/220
  35. Optimization Control of Pump Station for Water Injection System in Oil-field Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm,Shao/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/161
  36. The Study of Fault Diagnoses Expert System of Thermal Recovery Boiler Base on CLIPS,LiuLei/China University of Petroleum,9/398
  37. Fuzzy Reliability Analysis of the Thermal Recovery Boiler System,ZengJing/China University of Petroleum,0/147
  38. Study of Polymer Injected Pump on Comprehensive Parameter Test Device,GaoYanTao/Harbin University of Science and Technology,1/70
  39. Distributed Collaboration Modeling System for Oilfield Flooding Productive Process Simulation,ZhuBaoGuo/Daqing Petroleum Institute,1/242
  40. Carbon dioxide fracturing downhole tool design and application,ZhangWeiFeng/Zhejiang University,1/329
  41. 500 high-pressure injection pump,JiangFaGuang/Southwest Petroleum Institute,2/212
  42. Research on Mechanism and Preventive Measures of Fatigue Fracture of Tubing in Sucker Rod Pumping Wells,WangBaoYan/Zhejiang University,0/274
  43. Structural analysis and optimal design of high - pressure water injection pump,LengRuBo/Southwest Petroleum Institute,3/421
  44. Study on Separation Characteristics and Optimal Design Software of Hydrocyclone for Oil-water Separation,LiuHaiSheng/Southwest Petroleum University,2/400
  45. HQ1400 fracturing pump power end analysis and design,ZengXingChang/Southwest Petroleum University,0/268
  46. The small diameter of the polymer flooding Notes column and supporting the design and application of the tools,JiangChangKun/Daqing Petroleum University,1/87
  47. Study on the Water Cut Equipment of Bailing Wells,DuYanZhang/Daqing Petroleum University,0/73
  48. The Study on the Technology of Sewage Treatment in the Eighth Factory of Oil Exploitation,XuQingHong/Daqing Petroleum University,0/374
  49. The Research of Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer Flooding System Booster Pump,SunJingWei/Daqing Petroleum University,1/46
  50. Study on Constant Flow Blanking Plug for Layered Water Injection in Oil Fields,MaWei/Harbin Institute of Technology,1/226

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