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The Effects on Serum Bilirubin Level with the Short-term Application of Atorvastatin
Author: LiuFen
Tutor: ZhangZhiJian
School: Fujian Medical
Course: Neurology
Keywords: Bilirubin Atorvastatin Heme Oxygenase-1
CLC: R96
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
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Purpose: Now lots of researches show that the Serum Bilirubin (hereafterreferred to as SB) has strong antioxidation. And it also plays a role inthe prevention of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases(hereafter referred to as CCVD). The reason is that Statins can stimulatethe haem oxygenase(HO-1) lifts which results in the increase of SB and thenexerts an effect of antioxidation. Currently many researches, domestic andoverseas, have been conducted to seek the relationship between Statins andSB. US NHANES’s study indicated that Statins caused the decreasing of BILinstead of increasing. But some other researchers questioned the resultsfor the existence of other impact factors in the study objects,such asdiabetic, hypercholesterolemia patients and so on.This experiment was carried out without the existence of the aboveimpact factors to observe the impacts to SB when using the Atorvastatin.Method: Firstly, classified the164patients (2011.01-2012.10) with cuteor chronic ischemic stroke from the Neurology Dept, First AffiliatedHospital of Fujian Medical University into4groups as follows:Group1, Both without diabetes and high cholesterolGroup2, With diabetes but without high cholesterolGroup3, With high cholesterol but without diabetesGroup4, Both with diabetes and high cholesterolThen observed the SB’S changes when using the Atorvastatin in the4groups.Result: All the4groups showed that both serum total bilirubin and indirectbilirubin declined with the usage of Atorvastatin.(P<0.05). And the Serumbilirubin level had no Statistical differences before or after the usingof Atorvastatin in Group1, Group2and Group4.(P>0.05). In Group3, theSerum bilirubin declined after using the Atorvastatin.(P<0.05) Conclusion:The experiment results indicated that using Atorvastatin maylead to the declination of Serum Total Bilirubin and Indirect Bilirubinin a short time. And diabetes and hypercholesterolemia were not the maincause of SB’s declination. Atorvastatin’s antioxidation didn’tachieve by the increase of T-BiL.
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CLC: > Medicine, health > Pharmacy > Pharmacology
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