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Beautify the system of daily life
Author: LuZuoZuo
Tutor: WuShaoQuan
School: Qufu Normal University
Course: Literature and Art
Keywords: The daily life appreciates beauty to turn System Study
CLC: I01
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2012
Downloads: 168
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The spread of scientists Featherstone first proposed the "aestheticization of everyday life"theory bottomed out, that the aestheticization of everyday life is to eliminate the distancebetween art and life. Aestheticization of everyday life should include two aspects: First, art andaesthetics into everyday life, everyday daily life. Daily life, especially large industrial massproduction of products as well as environmental aesthetic. This assertion undoubtedly lead to abig discussion of the academic community, what is the aestheticization of everyday life, what isthe daily life of academia used as a new subject to study. Accompanied by the arrival of thecommodity economy, things in the lives of urbanization, drawing, copying and other technicalmeans to attach a glamorous appearance, this visual enjoyment to people immersed in the beautyof the ocean. However, this is only the most simple techniques to show the secular world, theaestheticization of everyday life theories and principles of commercialization, with theappearance of the most whole thesis.This paper attempts in recent years, China and the West in "everyday life aesthetic" of thedata analysis of this proposition, try to make an objective assessment of the fair, so that theaesthetic principles to abandon the interests of the secular, to find their own cultural roots.The Introduction section introduces the major works and the key point of the daily life ofthe origin of the aesthetic theory generated a brief analysis of the impact of contemporaryChinese culture, the complexity of the development of contemporary Chinese culture, and howto re-solve in contemporary society problem. Comb blew the boom "aestheticization of everydaylife in the20th century Western history, the different points of the Western boom in the20thcentury, summed up the significance of this, while analysis in the new era of Chinese aesthetics,criticism perspective, including the characteristics of the schools. From the second chapter of thedialectical point of view and logical view the "aestheticization of everyday life" in contemporaryphenomenon, the prospect of a full range of summarized the characteristics presented, and try toproduce "super-aesthetic argument study. The third chapter discusses the "aestheticization ofeveryday life" of contemporary culture, and the use of the critical point of Reflection on theDiscipline of the Chinese local culture,"aestheticization of everyday life" reconstruction basedon national, looking for the traditional and the modern the meeting point. Finally, a briefsummary of the features and pros and cons of the "aestheticization of everyday life in the processof cultural development.
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CLC: > Literature > Literary Theory > Literary aesthetics
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