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Experimental Study on of Ammonia-nitrogen Removal with the Hollow Fiber Supported Liquid Membrane

Author: ZhangRong
Tutor: WangLei
School: Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology
Course: Environmental Engineering
Keywords: ammonia nitrogen hollow fiber support liquid membrane mass transferrate stability time of mass transfer
CLC: TQ028.8
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
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Hollow fiber membrane’ micropore fills up the organic phase material liquidthrough the role of capillary force and surface tension. The samples liquid and theextract to be processed respectively located in the both sides of the support membrane.The samples liquid by the support liquid membrane’ micropore transfer in the extractionphase, and into the back extraction phase. And Reality is separation of.Hollow fibersupported liquid membrane technology has high separation efficiency, less dosage ofliquid membrane phase, low capital investment, low operation cost etc. But at the sametime, it still has problem such as erosion or leakage, in addition, the influence factors,influence laws and other issues of this system still not clear, there need more systematicstudy.In the treatment of wastewater which containing high concentration of ammonianitrogen with the Hollow fiber supported liquid membrane were studied. Some factorsinfluencing the ammonia nitrogen mass transfer behavior. The material liquid pH,concentration of extraction phase type, carrier concentration, two phase flow rate, filmthickness, the influence of fiber diameter on the mass transfer flux, has discussed. Try toapplied the technology in the process of long-term operation of wastewater containinghigh concentration of ammonia nitrogen, the investigation for the processing efficiencyof ammonia nitrogen, hollow fiber supported liquid membrane mass transfer process oflong term stability, as well as the applicability for Hollow fiber supported liquidmembrane,。The main conclusions are presented as follows.1. Ammonia nitrogen aqueous solution as the material liquid, P204-kerosene as extraction phase, sulfuric acid as extraction liquid, PVDF hollow fiber membranematerial preparation from the membrane as support, can be hollow fiber liquidmembrane method for high concentration of ammonia nitrogen wastewater treatment.2. Hollow fiber membrane (fiber diameter is0.800mm, fiber outer diameter is1.21mm, the porosity of82%) as support, the material liquid’ initial ammonia concentrationis2000mg/L, initial pH is10,30%P204-kerosene as liquid membrane,2mol/L H2SO4and30%P204-kerosene(19:1) as extraction, shell side’ flow velocity is7mL/min, tubeside’ flow velocity is5mL/min. Under this condition using hollow fiber liquidmembrane method for high concentration of ammonia nitrogen wastewater treatment,can make the ammonia nitrogen in hollow fiber supported liquid membrane system hasthe largest mass transfer flux7.31×10-4g/(m2s).3. The mass transfer stable time is increased with the increase of membranethickness, but not change with the change of membrane’ diameter. Hollow fiber liquidmembrane mass transfer flux of the ammonia nitrogen waste water system decreaseswith the increase of membrane thickness, and increased with increment of membranesilk diameter, but when the diameter is small, the hollow fiber membrane insidediameter of hollow fiber liquid membrane mass transfer performance have little impact.4. Through the optimized selection of hollow fiber membrane, and its operatingconditions, joining Na+, Ca2+, Cu2+, glucose in the liquid phase, The experiments resultsof hollow fiber supported liquid membrane technology for the simulation of the effectof interfering ions in the waste water containing ammonia nitrogen found that, inaddition the Cu2+in the liquid phase will coordination react with P204and affect masstransfer, Na+, Ca2+, glucose added in the liquid phase had no significant effect to themass transfer of ammonia nitrogen in hollow fiber supported liquid membrane。5. Hollow fiber supported liquid membrane’ long-term continuous operationexperiments showed: the treatment effect of wastewater containing high concentrationof ammonia nitrogen is relatively ideal, and basis for biochemical treatment of ammonianitrogen.5%of Liquid membrane phase join in the back extraction phase cancomplement the loss of liquid membrane in time, and increase the service life of hollowfiber supported liquid membrane.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Chemical Industry > General issues > Chemical processes ( physical processes and physical and chemical processes ) > Separation process > New separation method
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