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Research on Marx’s Reproduction Theory Promote China’s Sustainable Economic Development
Author: LiuYong
Tutor: FuHongAn
School: Liaoning University of Technology
Course: The basic principles of Marxism
Keywords: Marx’s Reproduction Theory Sustainable economic development Necessity Paths of sustainable economic development
CLC: F124
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2014
Downloads: 19
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Since China’s reform and opening up, the economic structure has changing gradually andprofoundly, the economic growth rate has been increasing year by year, and the GDP has beenalso developing rapidly at the rate of10%annually with the development of economy; theeconomic aggregate is increasing continuously which has ranked No.2with the largestforeign exchange reserves in the world.Though we have made achievements, we must realize the development has muchnegative influence on society, such as the problem of social economic structure, population,resources, environment and economic and social sustainable development. We proposed todevelop sustainably in the late of last century, but there’re still many problems showing onnon-coordination of economic and social development, resource crisis and environmentaldeterioration. So it has become an urgent problem how to solve these problems and alleviatethe pressure of resources and environment to promote economy to develop sustainably better.From Marx’s Reproduction Theory, the thesis studied cycle and turnover of individualcapital operation and expanded reproduction of social capital to draw inspiration and revealthe theoretical and practical significance; connecting with the current economic situation, thethesis analyzed problems and causes of its non-sustainable development. From the theoreticalmodel of micro economic operation and the structure and deployment of macroeconomicregulation, the thesis discussed we should maintain the structure and scale of economy fromthe static and maintain the volume and balance of the structure from the dynamic in thedevelopment. Nowadays with the market mechanism as the basic resource allocation, microenterprise assets operation and macroeconomic regulation of society all needs to be realizedthrough the market. So the thesis stressed China should promote its economy and society todevelop rapidly, steadily and sustainably by macro industrial policy and monetary policy, thecoordination of accumulation and consumption, protection and development measures ofresources and environment, and opening up the environment and resources in the internationalmarket.Depth study of Marxist theory of reproduction, digging the ideological content of Marx’stheory of reproduction operation of microeconomics and macroeconomics economicoperation mode to build and understand the conditions guarantee the continuity of economicoperation and contacts to enable us to play the main role in the face of the market, processingthe relationship between government and market reform era, the scientific use of the nationalmacro-control, the promotion of sustainable economic development coordination with thevalue of critical thinking.
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CLC: > Economic > The world economic profiles,economic history,economic geography > China's economy > Economic construction and development
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