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Research on Brand Management from the Perspective of Knowledge Process

Author: ZhangNa
Tutor: SunQiuBai
School: Liaoning University of Science and Technology
Course: Business management
Keywords: Knowledge Management Knowledge Process Brand Management
CLC: F274
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
Downloads: 64
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With the acceleration of global economic integration, wehave entered into a new era, which is called the era of knowledgemanagement. Brands are becoming one of the most important factors forproduct competition. In the process of brand managements, brands arealways connected by invisible knowledge process, and brand strategies ofenterprises are also closely linked with it. Therefore, it is of strategicsignificance to research how to manage brand from the perspective ofknowledge process more effectively and further to promote competitionability of brand.In this research, the concept of brand is defined first from the pointof knowledge, based on abundant of international literature relative toknowledge process and brand management. A relatively integrated andcomplete set of brand-management system from the perspective ofknowledge process is built up combining with brand culture and brandstrategy of enterprises, which is expected to provide theoreticalsupporting for the realization of the promotion of brand competitionability and the extension of brand lifecycle.The research finishes the work in the following:(1) The concept of brand is defined from the point of knowledge.Brand is decomposed into several components including product, quality,service and brand culture. The concept of brand based on knowledge isrenewedly defined combining with the relationship between knowledgeand the components of a brand, which established the basis of theresearch on combination of brand and knowledge management.(2) The strategic management model of brand from the perspectiveof knowledge process is built up, and the significance of model isdiscussed. On the basis of the brand culture and brand strategy ofenterprises, every strategic phases of brand management are analyzedstarting from the key component of brand–knowledge property. Inaddition, how to organize effective management from the perspective ofknowledge process is discussed. Combining with the theories such asSWT, CI etc., a brand strategic practice method from the perspective of knowledge process has been proposed.The lifecycles of product and general brand are explained and thereason for the different lifecycle is analyzed. Then, the brand lifecyclefrom the perspective of knowledge process is emphasized. Furthermore,the differences among the product, the general brand and the brand fromthe perspective of knowledge process are analyzed based on the legends,and therefore the practical meaning of this model is validated.(3) Evaluation of the brand competition ability from the perspectiveof knowledge process is presented. An index system for evaluation ofbrand competition ability is set up, and an integrated fuzzy evaluationmethod is presented. Integrated with practical cases, the practicalsignificance of this model is confirmed.

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CLC: > Economic > Economic planning and management > Enterprise economy > Enterprise Marketing Management
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