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The Attitude of Chinese Consumers Towards Foreign Retail Brands

Author: YuYe
Tutor: ZhuXiaoLin
School: Liaoning University of Science and Technology
Course: Business management
Keywords: Brand attitude Brand source country Brand enterpriseimage Consumer national democratic centralism
CLC: F713.55
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2012
Downloads: 31
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In recent years, with the rapid development of our economic,the world famous retail enterprises pay more and more attention to the Chinese market.At this time, researching Chinese consumers will be very meaningful to the foreignretail.From the large study, we found that the consumer evaluate a brand oftenaccording to the source image and the enterprise. For the foreign enterprise,consumers can be affected by national democratic centralism. Based on the relatedtheory, this paper constructed the evaluation index system for foreign retail brand,from source image, brand image of enterprise and national democratic centralism, andthis evaluation index system total contain17indexes.Facing these indexes, this paper selects the AHP method. Using expertevaluation form, calculated the influence the weight of evaluation index system. Inthree dimensions, the source image takes19.72%weight, the brand enterprise imagetakes72.64%weights, the national democratic centralism takes7.65%weight.At the same time, this paper selects the Tesco for case study. Our invested theconsumers which had been went to Tesco. Through collection the181validquestionnaires, using the calculated index weight, this paper calculated the value ofChinese consumers’ attitude to Tesco, and the value is4.3203. This means it betweenthe better and well, and tends to the better degree.

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CLC: > Economic > Trade and Economic > Domestic Trade and Economic > The circulation of commodities and the market > Market > Business psychology, psychology of the market
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