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The Research on Trust Mode of Infrastructure Construction

Author: LiJuan
Tutor: CaoGuanYe; GuoMing
School: Shanghai Jiaotong University
Course: Business Administration
Keywords: infrastructure construction trust financing channel trustmode expected return
CLC: F832.49
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
Downloads: 82
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18th CPC National Congress and the two sessions (National People’sCongress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) in2013had emphasized that speeding up construction of urbanization is major task inthe future. Urbanization construction can stimulate investment of RMB40trillion over the next decade, most of which will be used in urban and ruralinfrastructure construction. However, infrastructure construction in Chinastill has certain issues, for example, the funding gap is great, investment ismainly dependent on financial capital and bank loans, and investment isimbalanced between different regions.Trust of infrastructure construction has grown up rapidly in recent years,and its balance has reached RMB1.65trillion by the end of the fourth quarterof2012. Trust business has built a bridge which links private capital andbasic industries, providing large capital to infrastructure construction. Withthe acceleration of urbanization and under the government policy ofincreasingly encouraging private capital to participate in the construction ofurbanization, infrastructure construction trust still has expanse market spacein the future.On the basis of large amount of literature, I summarized main financingchannels of infrastructure construction trust in China, compared theadvantages and disadvantages of those, and listed current infrastructure construction trust mode. And then I analyzed the factors that affect expectedreturn of collective infrastructure construction trust, for the purpose ofproviding its pricing idea for trust companies. To be more specific, startingfrom the perspective of macro-economic and self-feature of projects, Idemonstrated factors that influence expected return of collectiveinfrastructure construction trust by using empirical test of historical data.Finally, I stated the opportunities and challenges of infrastructureconstruction trust, and proposed suggestions to tackle these challenges fortrust companies.

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CLC: > Economic > Fiscal, monetary > Finance, banking > China's financial,banking > Trust
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