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The Characteristic of Starch Content of Flue-Cured Tobacco Leaves in Different Tobacco-growing Areas and the Relationship with Flavor Type of Flue-Cured Tobacco and Sensory Quality

Author: ZhangRui
Tutor: XuZiCheng
School: Henan Agricultural University
Course: Tobacco science
Keywords: Ecological regions Flue-cured tobacco Starch Flavor Sensory Taste Relationship Analysis
CLC: S572
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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In this paper ,on the base of 295 tobacco samples in different ecological regions from china ,and 13 tobacco samples from Zimbabwe,14 tobacco samples from brazil and 2 tobacco samples from American, analyzed the content of starch for domestic flue-cured tobacco, in addition compared with other countries. ANOVA method was used to study the differences of starch content of flue-cured tobacco in different districts, different parts and different years, and the discrepancies between starch content and sensory quality of different flavor types of flue-cured tobacco. By using the correlation analysis to research on the relationship between starch content and sensory quality in different flavor types and different districts, and cluster analysis was done for sensory quality under the different starch content of flue-cured tobacco in different districts. The main findings from the analysis are the followings:1 on the base of 295 tobacco samples(74 B2F, 184 C3F, 37 X2F) in domestic tobacco regions, the starch content of flue-cured tobacco was analyzed systemically.The results showed that overall, the starch content of flue-cured tobacco was a little high in domestic, and the content of starch was from 1.38% to 9.57%, with the average of 4.81%, and there were only 7 tobacco samples that the starch content was less than 2%.2、the significantly difference existed in starch content of flue-cured tobacco in different parts and different districts,especial in the 5 typical districts of tobacco-planting ,but the differences were not significant between different years. From the changes of starch content , Sichuan flue-cured tobacco is the largest(1.91%~8.93%), and the chongqing tobacco was least(1.81%~4.95%). The coefficient of variation of starch content of Henan tobacco was maximum, but lower than Zimbabwe tobacco(45.23%). the average of starch content in different districts showed: America tobacco> heilongjiang tobacco >Shan xi tobacco> Guangzhou tobacco>Neimeng tobacco>Sichuan tobacco> Fujian tobacco>Jiangxi tobacco > Zimbabwe tobacco> Henan tobacco> Hunan tobacco>Guizhou tobacco>Yunnan tobacco>brazil tobacco> Chongqing tobacco, and the content of starch had significant difference at 5% level between America and other regions, and the differences of starch content also reach to 5% level between Chongqing and Heilongjiang , Shanxi, Guangdong, Neimeng, Sichuan , Fujian, Jiangxi. The differences of starch content were not significant at 5% level.In different parts, the content of starch were upper leaves (5.01%)> middle leaves (4.93%) > lower leaves(3.81%), and the differences of starch content were significantly between the upper leaves and lower leaves, but the differences were not significantly between upper leaves and middle leaves, and the differences of starch content were significantly at 5% level between middle leaves and lower leaves.According to China’s tobacco planting districts division, the flue-cured tobacco of Yunnan, Fujian, Heilongjiang, Henan, Chongqing were selected as the typical representative of each area to analyse the difference of starch content. the results showed that the sequence of starch content in the 5 tobacco-planting districts were :The north tobacco-growing areas > southeast tobacco-growing areas > HuangHuai tobacco-growing areas > southwest tobacco areas >Yangtze river tobacco-growing areas. And the coefficient of variation of starch content in the 5 tobacco planting districts were HuangHuai tobacco-growing areas > The southwest tobacco-growing areas > The southeast tobacco-growing areas > The north tobacco-growing areas > Yangtze river tobacco-growing areas. The differences of starch content of flue-cured tobacco in every tobacco planting areas were significantly in the level of 0.05,except of the HuangHuai tobacco-growing areas and southwest tobacco-growing areas.In different years, the starch content of flue-cured tobacco showed: 2000 (5.10%)>2005 (4.91%)>2004 (4.90%) >2001 (4.69%)>2003 (4.50%) >2002 (4.46%), and the differences between the years were not significantly.3.Based on 295 tobacco samples in domestic tobacco-growing areas, had analyzed the differences of starch content in the different flavor styles of flue-cured tobacco, the results showed that the average content of starch in different types of flue-cured tobacco were: full flavor and middle(5.29%)> middle flavour (5.09%) > middle flavor and clear (4.86%) > full flavor(4.76%) > middle flavor and full (4.75%) > clear flavor and middle(4.63%)> clear flavor(4.16%), and the starch content in the different flavor styles of flue-cured tobacco did not show significant differences. Just as the the coefficient of variation of starch content of flue-cured tobacco,the clear flavor flue-cured tobacco was largest, clear flavor and middle was second ,middle flavor and full was least.According to different flavor styles of flue-cured tobacco, analyzed the average score of sensory quality in every group samples tobacco, the results showed : the aroma quality and aroma quantity of clear flavor and middle tobacco was best, and the scores of offensive odor , after-taste , ash color, combustibility and of clear flavor type of flue-tobacco were highest, the score of consistence was highest for smoking total scores full tobacco, and all the scores were the minimum for middle flavor of flue-tobacco,except the strength, ash color and consistence . There were significant differences of sensory quality between all kinds of flavor styles of flue-tobacco.The results of correlation analysis between the starch content and sensory quality indicated that the starch content and irritant had significant negative correlation for clear flavor and middle flue-tobacco, in addition, the starch content and strength, consistence had highly significant or significant negative correlation ,but showed positive correlation with the irritant for the middle flavor flue-tobacco, and there were significant negative correlation or positive correlation between the starch content and aroma quality ,aroma quantity and combustibility in full flavor and middle flue-tobacco, and the differences in other indexes of sensory quality were not significant.4.The average scores of sensory quality index were analyzed in different tobacco-growing areas, generally the score was highest for the flue-cured tobacco leaves in Yunnan, Fujian second and Heilongjiang was lowest. The scores of aroma quality, offensive odor, after-taste and ash color were highest in Yunnan, Fujian scored secondly and Heilongjiang scored least. The score of aroma quantity of Fujian flue-cured tobacco leaves was best, and the lowest was Chongqing. The score of strength for the flue-cured tobacco leaves in Jiangxi province was tallest, and Neimeng was lowest. The score of consistence for flue-cured tobacco was highest in Fujian and Heilongjiang was the minimum. The score of irritant of the flue-cured tobacco leaves in Neimeng was highest and Chongqing was lowest. The score of combustibility for flue-cured tobacco was tallest in Guangdong and Henan was least.The relationship analysis between the starch content and sensory quality was done. The results indicated that there were significant differences between the all the sensory quality indexes in the flue-cured tobacco-growing areas. The content of starch for flue-cured tobacco in Yunnan had significant positive correlation with aroma quantity, consistence, but the starch content of flue-cured tobacco in Henan province had high significant or significant negative correlation with aroma quality, aroma quantity, consistence, irritant and smoking total scores, but had significant positive correlation with ash color. The starch content of flue-cured tobacco had significant positive correlation with combustibility for Hunan. The starch content of flue-tobacco in Fujian province had significant positive or negative correlation with aroma quantity and ash color. The starch content of flue-cured tobacco in Jiangxi province had significant positive correlation with aroma quality, after-taste, offensive odor and smoking total scores.5.By applying variance analysis and regression analysis, the relationship between starch content and sensory evaluation of flue-cured tobacco leaves were studied. The results indicated that: There existed regression relationship between starch content and sensory evaluation of flue-cured tobacco leaves. Quality of aroma, volume of aroma, consistence had negative correlation with the starch content of flue-cured tobacco; the regression equations reached a significant level at 5% include quality of aroma, consistence and smoking total scores as well as starch content of flue-cured tobacco leaves, the regression equations reached a significant level at 1%between volume of aroma and starch content of flue-cured tobacco leaves.

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CLC: > Agricultural Sciences > Crop > Economic crops > Tobacco ( tobacco )
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