By definition and classification of wetlands, wetland and urban wetland,and introduces the theory and construction the status quo of the Urban Wetland Park at home and abroad. I research to explore the Urban Wetland Park on the relevant theories, principles and practice of international planning and Summary problems and the corresponding strategies of wetland protection and development of urban Wetland Park. In this paper, the LinJiang Metro and evaluation of wetland ecological environment of wetland ecological protection one by one Riverside Park Riverside Park Wetland Park, one by one planning strategy for the sustainable use of planning strategies, " the main line, Of the LinJiang Metro Wetland Park ecological protection and sustainable use of the content, and to focus on eco-tourism. In the specific research ideas, and its contents include:(l) Analysis and Evaluation. the LinJiang Metro Wetland Park on the ecological environment of wetland, ecological environmental assessment, wetland protection and development problems, the focus of wetland development in four areas reviewed, Come to the LinJiang Metro Wetland Park Planning and Development, the main conclusions for the development of the LinJiang Metro Wetland Park ecological protection and provide the basis for sustainable development planning strategy.(2) Ecological Protection Planning Strategy. According to the analysis and evaluation to establish the regional the LinJiang Metro Wetland Park Riverside Park location, ecological location, the LinJiang Metro Wetland Park proposed the basic principles of planning, Wetland Park, the LinJiang Metro Wetland Park and determine the ecological protection strategy, Specific protection of water resources protection strategy planning strategy, shoreline protection strategies planning, protection planning, planting plants strategy, transportation planning protection strategies, parental strategies, environmental capacity and environmental capacity strategy.(3) Sustainable Use Planning Strategy. In order to ensure the realization of sustainable strategies Wetland Park, this article from the LinJiang Metro Wetland Park and the idea of the meaning of sustainable use, eco-tourism development strategy and planning principles, eco-tourism development, and control capacity of four to start a detailed level of urban wetland park Planning Strategy.(4) Protection of implementation. Wetland Park, the LinJiang Metro Wetland Park from the management, participatory mechanisms, investment mechanisms, legislation and monitoring mechanisms and other aspects of the proposed LinJiang Metro Wetland Park safeguards.Finally, this paper summarizes the main conclusions.