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Humanoid Robot Soccer System Based on Global Vision System

Author: WenXiu
Tutor: HongBingZuo;PuSongZuo
School: Harbin Institute of Technology
Course: Computer Science and Technology
Keywords: Robot Soccer Humanoid Robot Global Vision Complex Motion Planning
CLC: TP242.6
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2008
Downloads: 100
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Research of the humanoid robot technology has become the highlight now. Compare with former industry robots, as the structure humanoid robots are more like the human’s, they’re fit for the human behavior imitation. Human’s structure make them suit for movement on the earth, no matter walking, running ,even dancing or sport more complex. So the research of the humanoid robot technology makes sense.At present, with the improvement of the technology, human robots can behave like human, such as walk forward, turn, moving sideway. Using the technology in the robot soccer competition, we can make the robots play soccer as human.The system designed in this picture is a humanoid robot soccer competition, which is based on globe vision system. Beside humanoid robots, the system consists of globe vision system and strategy system. The globe vision offers the position information of the robots and the ball to the strategy system, then it makes plan and sends orders, finally the robots behave according to the orders.The robot soccer system integrated a number of important key technologies that had the very wide field of application, from the civilian goods to the production area then to military applications. It is a creative attempt in the domestic and even international that humanoid robots as a team and through the semi-autonomous control participate the soccer competition. The humanoid robot soccer as the most important step of the way to achieve the ultimate goal of the robot soccer is the focus of future development.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Automation technology and equipment > Robotics > Robot > Intelligent robots
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