About 122 item dissertation in line with Artificial Potential Field query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.034 seconds)
- The Design of Multiple Bionic Robot Fishes System Based on IPMC Actuator,HuangChengBao/Northeastern University,0/12
- Research on Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance Technology of Autonomous Vehicle,SunLiNa/Qingdao University of Science and Technology,0/8
- Research on Path Planning of AUV Autonomous Docking and Semi-physical Simulation System,LiYiMing/Harbin Engineering University,0/30
- The Path Planning and Simulation of the Mobile Robot Based on Fuzzy Uncertainty Algorithm,PanXuYing/Tohoku Electric Power University,0/40
- Technology of the AGV Visual Navigation and Path Planning,ZhangZhiDong/Chang'an University,0/19
- Research on the Control System of Unmanned Survey Ship Based on GIS,HeDanDan/Tianjin University,0/2
- Relative Orbit Control of Fractionated Spacecraft Based on Electromagnetic Force,HouZhenDong/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/15
- Research on the Algorithmic Optimtzation of Aircraft Collision Avoidance System,JiaNa/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/4
- Research and Implementation of Behavior-based Reactive AUV Decision-making Control System,YuanTiXun/Ocean University of China,0/43
- Research on Collision Avoidance and Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots,ShanDan/Shenyang University of Technology,0/61
- Experiment Design for Path Planning Algorithms of Multiple Mobile Robots,LinZhengPeng/Yanshan University,0/1
- Path Planning for Robot Based on ARM-LINUX Platform,WangYuanJie/Jinan University,0/9
- Research on Key Technology of Autonomous Navigation of Underwater Vehicle,LiuBing/Ocean University of China,0/125
- Research on Multi-Sensor Information Fusion Based Mobile Robot Path Planning,ChenShuo/Harbin Engineering University,0/236
- Design of Intelligent Automobile’s Anti-Collision and Alarm System,LvYuBin/Jinan University,0/208
- Robot’s Path Planning Based on Improved Artificial Potential Field Method and the Application in Robocup,WuChenGuang/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,1/161
- Researches on Technologies for Robot Path Planning Based on Artificial Potential Field and Genetic Algorithm,LiuChuanLing/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/558
- Research of Mobile Robot Path Planning Based on Ant Colony Optimization with Potential Field,LiuLiang/Nanchang University,0/3
- Hybrid Path Planning Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Improved Path Artificial Potential Field for Mobile Robot,XuYuan/Zhejiang University,0/252
- Research on Behavior Prediction of Ball Carrier in Basketball Video,WangQian/Central South University,0/48
- Three-Dimensional Disposition Algorithm in Aerial Mobile Sensor Network Research,LiXiang/University of North,0/24
- Research on Local Path Planning for Vehicle Collision Avoidance Based on Dangerous Repellant Fields,XiaoHao/Hunan University,0/58
- The UAV Formations Research Based on Probability Calculations and State Predicted,ZhangYongBin/Dalian University of Technology,0/76
- Control and Stability Analysis of Multi-Agent Systems,WangJia/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/482
- Research on Intelligent Technologies of Arc Welding Robot,LiuYong/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,8/681
- Research on Multi-Resolution Modeling of the Urban Emergency Evacuation Simulation Based on Agent-Based Modeling,GuoDan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/373
- Research on Multiple Mobile Robots Flocking and Coordinative Control,LiuLei/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,4/950
- Studies on Microscopic Simulation Model of Pedestrian Evacuation,ShaYunFei/Tsinghua University,14/1142
- Research on Key Technologies for Multi-robot Path Planning Based on Learning Classifier System,ShaoJie/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/191
- Motion Planning for a Planar 4R Robot Based on C-space and APF,SunHuaLin/Hefei University of Technology,2/201
- The Research on Path Planning of Multi-Robot System,JiaRunLiang/Taiyuan University of Technology,6/329
- Research on Path Planning of Mobile Robot,HuangJianSheng/Zhejiang University,6/607
- Improved Artificial Potential Field on Path Planning for Mobile Robot,LiJin/Beijing Jiaotong University,1/411
- Research on Key Technology in RoboCup 3D Soccer Simulation,HuCuiNa/Jiangxi University of Technology,3/275
- Path Planning of Mobile Robot,MengXiangFu/Tohoku Electric Power University,2/346
- Research on Coordinated Collision Avoidance Technology for Multi-AUVs in Unstructure Environment,WangAiBing/Harbin Engineering University,0/88
- EEG Analysis Based on Artificial Potential Field,ChenPengHui/Changsha University of Science and Technology,0/101
- Robot Path Planning Based on Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Potential Field,YiLiang/Changsha University of Science and Technology,2/377
- Research on Mobile Robots Path Planning Method in Dynamic Unknown Environment,ChenLiBin/Harbin University of Science and Technology,6/618
- The Study of Multi-robots of Path Planning Based on Multi-agent System,YinBingYe/University of North,1/185
- Multi-robot task planning method,LiuZuo/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,3/435
- Multiple mobile robot path planning algorithm and Navigation System,LiJiangShu/Jilin University,8/867
- Integrated local path planning of mobile robot -based laser radar and neural networks,ZhaoHui/Central South University,5/261
- Decision-making and path planning of robot soccer,ChenJie/Shandong University,2/311
- Research on the Cooperation Algorithm of Multi-Robot Exploration,MengFang/Shandong University,2/183
- Path Planning System of Football Robot Based on Evolutionary Artificial Potential Field,JinYong/Changchun University of Science and Technology,2/220
- Study on Path Planning Method of Mobile Robot,WangLi/Northwestern Polytechnical University,15/1064
- A Research on Motion Planning and OpenGL Based Simulation of Redumdance Robots,ZhangYan/Southeast University,7/497
- Research and Realization on Path-planning for Soccer Robots,GuoLuSheng/China University of Geosciences,9/589
- Neural Network Decision and Control of Lane Keeping System Based on Driver Behavior,ZhuBo/Jilin University,4/450
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