About 439 item dissertation in line with Empirical mode decomposition query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.054 seconds)
- Research on the Innovation Capability of China’s High-tech Industry Based on the EMD Method,LiLanFang/Anhui University,0/5
- Research on the Characteristics and Forecasting of Price Fluctuation in China,ShaoMingZhen/Dongbei University of Finance,0/14
- Detection Algorithm of Impurity in the Complex Mold of Pens Production,YinHua/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/4
- Research for BEMD Method and Its Application in Image Processing,LiCongMing/Dalian Jiaotong University,0/6
- Research of Fabric Weave Pattern Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition,ChenJunXia/Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology,0/14
- Research on the algorithm and application of independent component analysis with reference,XiongZhiWei/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/35
- Empirical Mode Decomposition Method and Its Research in Speech Recognition Algorithm,ShiWeiWei/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/1
- Extraction of Time-Frequence Characteristics and Analysis Abouat Acoustic Logging Information,ZhangZuo/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/1
- Study on Signal Processing of BCI Based on Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition,LiuYuan/Yanshan University,0/7
- The Research of Spatiotemporal2-D Time-frequency Peak Filtering for Seismic Random Noise Suppression,LiuYanPing/Jilin University,0/77
- Research and Improvement of the EMD Experience Sieve Method,ZhangDan/Hebei University of Science and Technology,0/2
- The Application of Empirical Mode Decomposition Method in Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Signal Denoising,DiZhe/Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University,0/6
- Detection Algorithm Research of Small Target in Infrared Image Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition,HuangZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/11
- The Research of Small Current Grounding Fault Line,JiangQun/Zhongyuan Institute of Technology,0/4
- Research of Fault Line Selection with Transient Components Based on the Intrinsic Mode Energy,DuHui/Xi'an University of Science and Technology,0/26
- Design of Power Quality Disturbances Identification System Based on Multithreading,ChenJie/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/8
- Research on the Beam Structural Health Diagnosis Based on Moving Load,WangBuYu/Zhejiang University,0/79
- Research on Feature Extraction and Target Identification in Machine Vision Underwater and Surface Image,LiuBo/Dalian University of Technology,0/104
- Research on Theories and Applications of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition,MengFanLin/Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,0/4
- Research on Forecast for Roll Motion Attitude of Large Ship,YangZhen/Harbin Engineering University,0/73
- Research on Wave Motion Compensation of Two Side-by-Side Positioned Ships,ShiPingAn/South China University of Technology,0/50
- The Research of Comprehensive Evaluation Index of Driving Fatigue Based on EEG and Cerebral Flow,YanYaZuo/Northeastern University,0/9
- The Fault Diagnosis of the Elevator Mechanical Based on Higher-order Spectral Analysis,ChenJianCan/Huaqiao University,0/3
- Research of Rotary Machinery Fault Diagnosis Based on Blind Source Separation and HHT,LiuZhi/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,0/59
- Gearbox Fault Diagnosis EMD Spectral Kurtosis and SVM,WangZhenHua/University of North,0/8
- Research on Gearbox Fault Diagnosis Based on EEMD and Optimized MP Algorithm,ZhangXiang/University of North,0/14
- Research on Weak Signal Detection of Rolling Bearings Based on Stochastic Resonance,ZhangZhongHai/Tianjin University,0/4
- The Study of Extraction Method for Aerospace Sensitive Bearing Manufacturing Defect Feature and Software Development,LiangLanLan/Henan University of Science and Technology,0/6
- Research on Vibration Signal Based Rolling Element Bearing Feature Extraction and Fault Diagnosis Method,ZhuKeHeng/Dalian University of Technology,0/231
- Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing Based on Multi-source Information and Experimental Study,WenGuoQiang/Qingdao Technological University,0/8
- Working Current Based Multi-Machine Tools Failure Research,GuanJin/Ningbo University,0/0
- An EMD and ANN-based Grinding Chatter Detection Method for Large Grinding Machine,WuFei/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/2
- Research on Signal Processing Method of Drilling Fluid Continuous Wave in Oil Drilling,WuJinYong/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/34
- Research on the Forecast of Solar Active Indexes Based on EMD Algorithm,ZhouDongHua/Nanjing University of Information Engineering,0/42
- Improvement of Polar Motion Prediction,WangXiaoHui/Central South University,0/13
- Stock Price Index Futures Analysis Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform,ChenZuo/Jilin University,0/58
- The investment strategy of stock market prediction based on the moving average construction and empirical,TianWei/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/140
- The Wavelet and Fractal Analysis on the Stockmarket’s High Frequency Data,WangJianZuo/Capital University of Economics,0/116
- Retrieval of Suspended Matter Concentration and Reconstruction of Missing Data Based on GOCI in Bohai and Yellow Sea,YuXiaoLin/Ocean University of China,0/16
- Research on Key Technology of Nonstationary Fault Diagnosis Based on Full Vector Spectrum,GongXiaoZuo/Zhengzhou University,0/104
- Research on hydraulic system fault diagnosis technology based on EMD and Elman network,ZhangXiaoYu/Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,0/78
- Study of Tunnel Sensor Data Prediction Based on Time Series Analysis,ZhangYingJie/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/41
- Research on Simulation and Detection Application of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor,ZhangShaoHua/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/124
- Theory and Application Research on LS-SVM in Time Series Prediction,MeiZuo/Chongqing University,0/3
- Research on image interpolation algorithm based on bidimensional empirical mode decomposition,WuMingChao/Yunnan University,0/39
- Medical Image Fusion Based on Improved Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition,FengKongSen/Jilin University,0/146
- The Research on Copying Forgery of Digital Image Passive Forensics,ZhouWenBing/Changsha University of Science and Technology,1/64
- Study on Object Features Algorithm Based on Edge Direction and Its Application,ZhuShuHua/Yanshan University,0/35
- Research on Methods and Applications of Image Fusion of FTIR Multi-spectral Microscopic Images,XingYanLi/Harbin Engineering University,0/61
- Method for Moving Object Detection Based on the Construction of Feature Frames,LiuMingHua/Harbin Engineering University,1/26
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