About 125 item dissertation in line with Headquarters query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.076 seconds)
- The Research about Perfecting Environment of Attracting Regional Headquarters,LuXueBo/Tianjin University of Commerce,0/3
- An empirical study on the factors of the behavior and influence to create the group headquarters value,LvZuoCheng/Central South University,0/14
- Corporate Headquarters Relocation Motive and the Relocation Performance,LuoJiao/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/5
- The Research on Headquarters Economy Agglomeration Area’s Layout Optimization of Dalian City,WangWenZuo/Liaoning Normal University,0/42
- On Design of Security System in Bank,FuZhongCai/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/26
- A Report on the Translation of Ufo Headquarters,ChenBing/Qingdao University of Science and Technology,0/1
- Research on the Design of Domestic Bank Headquarters Building Space in Context of Banking Transformation,ZhangZuo/Tsinghua University,0/13
- Research on Preceding Planning from the Perspective of Industrial Economy Headquarters Base,ChenJiaXin/Hunan University,0/0
- A Strategic Analysis on Regional Headquarters Gathering in China,YuZhengKe/East China University of Science and Technology,0/257
- A Study of the Promoting Path to Industrial Agglomeration Area Based on Chengdu Railway Traffic Industry,WeiHouHua/West China University,0/3
- Research on Performance Management System of the Headquarters of Fushun Power Supply Company,LiuYang/North China Electric Power University,0/22
- Study on the economic development of Ningbo regional headquarters in the economic transition,ChenMingChuan/Fudan University,0/187
- Study on the headquarters economy based on the perspective of social networks,SunYan/Chongqing Technology and Business University,0/60
- The Research on the Development of Headquarters Economy in Zhengzhou,YuanHang/Zhengzhou University,0/57
- Research on Leading Industry Development Strategy of Lanzhou City,YiYongLi/Lanzhou Commercial College,0/89
- Research on the Development Mode of Headquarter Zone in Chengdu,XiaQin/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/122
- A Study on the Organization Structure of Management of Industrialization Project Construction,ZhaoJunGui/Tianjin University,0/58
- Research on Headquarters Employees’ Performance Appraisal Optimization of N Co,Ltd Based on KPI,ChenLin/Beijing Forestry University,0/494
- The Effects of the Headquarter-Relocation Span on the Relocation Performance,WeiLiChun/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/38
- Impact of Headquarters Economy on Regional Innovation,Wang/Xi'an University of Engineering,0/57
- Study on the influence factors of large and medium-sized inland city - An Empirical Analysis Based on the location of the headquarters of the economic location,FanWangZuo/Fudan University,0/253
- The Study of the Three People’s Principles of SunYat-sen Youth League Fujian Group,HuangJianFei/Fujian Normal University,0/0
- Political Groups in Periods of the1916Republic-defending War,GaoMeng/Guangxi Normal University,0/23
- A Study of Civilian Bureaucracy under the System of before the War Japanese Party Politics,ZuoZuo/Liaoning University,0/85
- The Characteristic Design Research of the External Form of Contemporary Headquarters,JingGuoDong/Tianjin University,0/114
- The Research on Introducing the Method of Architecture Event to the Contemporary Architecture Criticism of China,WuYi/Tianjin University,0/98
- Study on the Competitiveness of Hangzhou Headquarters Economy,YuRuoXi/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/171
- Research on the Application of Methods for Solving the Principal-Agent Problems,ZhangLei/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,8/1280
- The Studies about the Interaction between Regional Headquarters of Multinationals and Host City,WangHao/East China Normal University,4/1135
- Sino-American Military Cooperation:Evolution and Key Influences,MaWeiNing/Fudan University,1/636
- A Study on Headquarters Economy Theory and System,SongRui/Tianjin University,4/1009
- Research on the Location Choice of TNC’s Regional Headquarters and China’s Economic Development,ZhouHuaQi/Jilin University,2/844
- Research on the Political Work System of the National Revolutionary Army(1924-1949),SunGuiZhen/Nankai University,0/151
- On the Establishment of the Japan’s Symbolic Emperor System after WWII,MaJing/Northeast Normal University,0/210
- Study on the Planning and Designing of "the Headquarters Base",LiJingYu/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,7/686
- Research on the Feasibility of Developing Headqrarters Economy in Ronggui Town,ZhouZhiMin/Southwest Jiaotong University,1/325
- Four Joint Headquarters third country national government before and after the reorganization of the system of banking supervision,ZhangNaiZhong/Sichuan University,1/88
- Economic Conditions and Strategic Research of Establishment of Headquarters in Wuhan,CaoDanDan/Wuhan University of Technology,3/594
- Beijing East Second Ring Mode of transportation business district governance,LaiJianMing/China University of Political Science,0/42
- The Study of the Mutual Development between Headquarters Economy and Major Cities,YiMengQiu/Sichuan University,10/1013
- Development Report of Headquarters Economy in Jinniu District, Chengdu,HuJianHua/Sichuan University,3/402
- The Research and Design to Departmental Performance Management System for K Enterprise Group Headquarter,LongBin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/520
- Chengdu headquarters Economic Development Research,ZhuJuan/Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences,2/674
- Strategic Thinking on the Development of Headquarters of Large Enterprises in Yuexiu District,JiXiuPing/Jinan University,2/142
- The Research on Party Headquarters of Kuomintang,ZhangJianHua/Wuhan University,0/206
- China's retail franchise chain strategic analysis,DanLingYun/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,1/617
- Assisted multinational companies in China, direct investment in research,LiuXiang/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,0/123
- The Research about the Development of the Shanghai Agricultural Headquarters Economic,WangJianDong/Shanghai Jiaotong University,1/316
- Regional Headquarters of Transnational Company,XuYuMeng/Sichuan University,2/321
- City headquarters Economic Development,GaoZhenGang/Shandong University,10/927
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