About 228 item dissertation in line with Medical Records query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.060 seconds)
- The Research of Structural Transformation Method for Unstructural Transformation Medical Recrds,LiWei/Hebei University of Technology,0/5
- Implementation of Storage and Exchange of Electronic Medical Records Based on SSH Framework,ShiJunHua/Anhui University of Technology,0/10
- Design and Implementation of the Management and Analysis System for Traditional Chinese Medical Records,YuLiJuan/Dalian University of Technology,0/27
- Design and Implementation of Hospital Electronic Medical Record System,HanFeng/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/33
- Sorting Traditional Chinese Medical Records Management Information System Design and Implement,LiXiaoZuo/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/23
- Research on Privacy-Preserving Anonymous Technologies of Electronic Medical Records Publishing,WangWei/Central South University,0/17
- Craniocerebral Trauma Cases Structured Medical Record-the Development of the Database,ZhangYiHua/Luzhou Medical College,0/21
- The electronic medical record technique on coronary heart disease angina pectoris clinical epidemiology information acquisition based on the table,LiShuangFeng/Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/18
- Research of Therapy Regularity of Live-fire Ascending Syndrome of Hypertention Based on Data Mining Techniques,LiZuo/Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/56
- Study on Diagnosis and Treatment Regularity of Gasp Syndrome Based on Ancient Medical Records Date,WangKeJun/Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/5
- Study on Diagnosis and Treatment Rules of Consumptive-thirst Disease Based on Data Analysis of Ancient and Modern Medical Records,GuoJunZhe/Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/73
- Study on Diagnosis and Treatmengt Regularity of Fiaccidity Syndrome Based on Ancient Medical Records by Data Analysis,LiuYang/Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/4
- Law of Chinese Medicine and Prescriptions Corresponding to the Pulse Manifestations of the Medical Records Related to Emotions in Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Period of Republic of China,MouChunYan/Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/58
- To investigate the treatment Xiaoke ancient medical records of temperature compensation method based on the idea of,ZuoBiHong/Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/7
- Study on Syndrome-Treatment Andprescription-drugs of Removing Blood Stasis and Eliminating Water Stagnation by Medical Records Date,FanMingMing/Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/11
- Research on Data Mining Based on Electronic Medical Records of Coronary Heart Disease,LiZhun/Chongqing Medical University,0/95
- The Design and Implementation of Medical Records Digital System,JiHui/Zhengzhou University,1/63
- The Application and Research of the Electronic Medical Records Sharing System,LiuYan/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,1/82
- The Research of Visualization Electronic Medical Records Abstract,HuZhaoKe/Beijing University of Technology,0/7
- Based on Association Rules Mining Applications of Electronic Medical Records,ZengYong/South China University of Technology,0/332
- The Research and Implementation of Electronic Medical Records System Based on XML and Clinical Document Structure,TianShuai/Hunan University,0/30
- Research on Construction of Electronic Medical Records and Correlative Technology Based on Standard HL7,YuNing/Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,0/60
- The Design and Realization of Electronic Medical Records Based on XML,SunXiangYu/Shandong University,0/65
- Design and Implementation of the Electronic Medical Records System,ZhuFuYang/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/15
- The Design and Implementation of the Inpatient Digital Medical Record System,HeZuoLiang/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/18
- Analysis and Design of Electronic Medical Records System,LiuTao/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/332
- Research of Secure Sharing and Privacy Protection of Electronic Medical Records Based on Embedded Trusted System,ShiYunShuai/PLA Information Engineering University,0/32
- Design on the Exchange System of Medical Information under the CDA Standrand and Security Policy,FuYiJun/Beijing University of Technology,0/3
- Applied Research on Database AES Optimized Encryption in Electronic Medical Records System,HuChunYan/Hunan University,0/53
- Electronic Medical Records System Design and EMR Research on Security,HeMengWen/Shandong University,0/57
- The Legal Recognition of Medical Negligence of the Medical Institutions,WangBaoLin/Jilin University,0/204
- Prescriptions and Syndromes of Xiaoyaosan and Its Categorized Formula,ChenXiaoTian/Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/78
- Modern medical study of syndrome characteristics of Gegenqinlian Decoction based on,ZhangHui/Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/47
- Tibetan medical records,RenZengJi/Central University for Nationalities,0/0
- Research on Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetic Kidney Disease under the Combination of Disease and Syndrome Based on the Diabetes Structured TCM Hospital Records,AnRan/China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/14
- Study of Treatment Pirnciple of the Syndrome of Yin Deficiency with Effulgent of Palpitations Based on the Data Mining Technology,LiuBaiJie/Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/124
- The Research on Drug Laws of Apoplexy Based on the Modern Medical Recard,ZhangDongMei/Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/149
- Study on Pathogenesis Syndromes and Treatment Method of Sanjiao Qi Movement be Obstructed by Statistical Analysis on Medical Records,FuZuo/Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/222
- Research on the Academic Thought of Kong’s Medical Records Writed by Kong Jitan,SunZuoQian/Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/29
- Mining analysis Professor Fang Dingya's treatment of knee osteoarthritis experience data,ZhangJing/Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/120
- Study on Academic Thinking of Nourishing Yin and Rules of Drug Application to Exogenous Diseases in Guide to Clinical Medical Records by Ye Tianshi,DaiZuo/Yunnan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,1/210
- The Research of Clinical Experience of Professor Zhang Bingxiu Diagnosis and Treatment of Epigastric Pain Based on Data Mining,TangWei/Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/267
- The Research of Tongue Diagnosis and the Law of Syndrome Differentiation Based on the Medical Record of Plague in Ming and Qing Dynasty,WuLing/Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/213
- The study of Guo Linxin Qigong breast cancer case collection specification,TangZhiZuo/Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/45
- Research on the Ancient and Modern Literature About TCM Spleen Yin Theory and Its History,HuangYiZhuo/Dalian Medical University,0/54
- Study on the Rule of Pathogenesis and Treatment of Spleen and Stomach Disease Based on Data Mining,ShenShuHua/Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/51
- Research for the Usage of Gui Zhi(Cinnamomum Cassia Pres Tender Branch)in "Guide to Clinical Medical Records(《临证指南医案》)",LiaoYueXiang/Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,1/266
- Research for the Usage of Aconite in "Guide to Clinica Medical Records(《临证指南医案》)",HuangJiaHong/Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,1/292
- An Emperical Investigation of Electronic Medical Records System Usage Behavior and its Impact on Performance,LvXiaoRong/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/3
- Design and Implementation of EMR Quality Control Model Based on Event Container,ZhuXiaoBing/Hunan University,0/17
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