
About 12 item dissertation in line with Political Institutionalization query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.054 seconds)

  1. The Study on Political Stability of Kyrgyzstan,CaoChunYan/Lanzhou University,0/140
  2. On1977-1985the Development of Political Institutionalization,GuanZuoFan/East China University of Political Science,0/39
  3. Searching for the Balance between Development and Stability,MengJun/Zhejiang University,2/904
  4. Non - institutionalized phenomenon of political life in the Soviet Union,HaoYuQing/East China Normal University,7/533
  5. Reconstruction and Reform: The Building of China’s Political Institutionalization (1978-1987),HanQi/Jilin University,0/171
  6. On the Recession of China’s Political Institutionalization during the Period of 1956 to 1966,FuJinHui/Henan University,0/135
  7. A Comparative Study of the Chinese Political Development in 1980s and 1990s,FuJingLiang/Wuhan University,0/265
  8. On the political participation of the citizens in the process of China 's market-oriented,LiJingFang/The Central Party School,3/257
  9. The Influence of Contemporary Chinese Autonomous Organization of Countryside Society Upon Political Development of Countryside,WangHaiFeng/Wuhan University,1/323
  10. On the relationship between China's social transition and political development and political stability,SunMingQi/The Central Party School,2/414
  11. Conflict depending on the network under the threshold of public opinion research,WeiChangQing/The Central Party School,1/247
  12. Astudy on Samuel Huntington’s Theory of Political Stability,YuSheng/Liaoning University,0/159

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