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On the political participation of the citizens in the process of China 's market-oriented
Author: LiJingFang
Tutor: LiLiangDong;WangJun
School: The Central Party School
Course: Political Theory
Keywords: Citizens' participation in political affairs The process of market-oriented Channels for participation Practical challenges Lindblom Political institutionalization Suggestions The development of market-oriented Prosperity and development Level of education
CLC: D62
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2002
Downloads: 257
Quote: 3
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Political stability is the premise and basis of economy development. With gradual promotion of market economy in China, rapid development is achieved in economy, in the mean time, the interest relations are adjusted and differentiated at different degrees. To protect and realize their interests, different interest groups formed by differentiation claim to participate more in politics little by little. The problem, how to renovate current political system and create proper channels of political participation to adopt increasing requirements effectively and realize development of China’s economy, dynamic political stability, is directly related to the perpetual prosperity and development.With C.E.Lindblom’s theory on the positive relation of market economy and democratic politics and Samual P.Huntington’s theory on government control in developing countries, the essay comprehensively analyzes that market economy development promotes the extension of political participation and the practical challenges are faced by the extending political participation. Further more, it puts forward the suggestions of three-dimensional solutions to the challenges.The essay is composed of four parts. The first part generally defines the concept of political participation, expounds the positive function of it and the conditions making it work effectively. Part two explains that market economy development promotes the extension of political participation from four aspects as the following, the essence of market behavior, the features of interest differentiation and drive, the relation of people’s education received and political participation, the material and technological conditions of political participation. The third part describes the characteristics and tendency and the practical challenges of citizen political participation in China’s marketization process. The last part advances the suggestions of resolving the increasing the requirements of political participation from three aspects as follows, to deepen political restructing, to broden the channels of political participation and to build the participating political culture.
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