About 582 item dissertation in line with RMB Exchange Rate query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.086 seconds)
- A Study on Volatility Characters of RMB Exchange Rate Based on Structual Change Analysis,ZhaoDan/Hunan University,0/32
- A New Method for Estimating Currency Basket Weights and Exchange Rate Regime Flexibility,ZouShiMing/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/19
- An Empirical Study of the Impact on FDI Inflows to Sichuan Province by RMB Exchange Rate Changes,BaiJuan/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/63
- Empirical Study on RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate Misalignment,WangHui/Tianjin Normal University,0/1
- Study on the structural effect of the RMB real exchange rate,DengYeJian/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,0/51
- Study on the Formation Mechanism of RMB Exchange Rate,ZhaoLei/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/12
- Research on Economic Effect of RMB Real Exchange Rate Misalignment,ZuoWeiNa/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/5
- The Research on the RMB Equilibrium Exchange Rate,ChenShuai/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/5
- The Determination of RMB Exchange Rate,JiangJiXu/Jinan University,0/21
- The Empirical Analysis about the Factors Influencing the Exchange Rate of RMB,LiuGuoXiong/Dongbei University of Finance,0/13
- Research on the Decision Mechanism of RMB Exchange Rate,XuZhongGang/Shandong University,0/320
- Asymmetric pricing mechanism and the real exchange rate - the empirical analysis of Redux model based on the yuan / dollar exchange rate,JiShuangMi/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/8
- RMB Exchange Rate Reasonable and Balanced Level of Exploration,WangZuPei/Dongbei University of Finance,0/1
- A Study of Regime-Switching in RMB Exchange Rate Fluctuations,ZuoWuQian/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/35
- Research on the RMB exchange rate fluctuations in the post financial crisis Era,LiuRan/Capital University of Economics,0/3
- The RMB Exchange Rate Regime Reform and the Path Choice of Maintaining Financial Security,HuXiaoZuo/Shanxi University of Finance,0/2
- The Empirical Analysis of the Factors Affecting RMB Exchange Rate,LiLei/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/2
- Risk Management of RMB-FX Trading Business of Commercial Bank after the Reform of RMB Exchange Rate Regime,LiZhuHeng/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/60
- Research on the Correlation between RMB Exchange Rate and Inflation in China,ZhangJin/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/325
- The Research of RMB Exchange Rate Change on the Impact of Monetary Policy,HeSha/Hubei University,0/17
- The Imported Inflation in China:Theories and Empirics,ZhangSuQin/Nankai University,0/34
- The impact of RMB exchange rate change on structural change in exports of electromechanical products in China: An Empirical Study Based on the monthly data of 2008-2012,LuoYi/Southwest University for Nationalities,0/11
- An Empirical Research on China’s Trade Structure Effects of Changes in Exchange Rate-driven,ZhaoQian/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/4
- Analysis of the Factors Affecting Sino-US Trade Imbalance,QinZuo/Anhui Agricultural University,0/56
- An Empirical Study about the Effect of the Change of RMB Exchange Rate on China Trade Structure,LinYuPeng/Xiamen University,0/57
- Empirical Study on the impact of RMB real exchange rate on Sino US trade balance,WangYiZuo/Shanghai International Studies University,0/621
- The impact of RMB appreciation on foreign trade export Chinese in Shandong as an example,XieLiChao/Capital University of Economics,0/12
- An Empirical Study of the RMB Exchange Rate Changes Impact on Import and Export Trade in Northwest China,LiuZuo/Ningxia University,0/4
- Research on the RMB exchange rate fluctuations on the impact of China's export prices,ZengShan/Yunnan University of Finance,0/4
- Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations of the RMB Against China’s Export Commodity Structure,XieQinYin/Anhui University,0/11
- Analysis of the Main Factors Affecting the Imbalance of Sino-US Trade,ShenRuoGu/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/8
- A Empirical Analysis of Relationship between RMB Exchange Rate, Import Prices and Domestic Prices,LiWei/Ningbo University,0/3
- The Countermeasures and Suggestions on the RMB Exchange Rate Change Response to the China’s Petrochemical Industry,HeJing/Shandong University,0/121
- The Empirical Study about the Impacts of Fluctuations in RMB Exchange Rates on the Import and Export Trade of Sino-US Mechanical and Electrical Products,HuJinNing/Dongbei University of Finance,0/7
- The Impact of Rmb Exchange Rate Changes on China’s Tea Export Trade,ZhangYongHao/Guangxi University,0/182
- The Appreciation of the Renminbi to Zhejiang Province Economic Growth the Empirical Analysis,HuBaoGui/Hunan University,0/63
- The Influence of Exchange Rate on Industrial Structure Adjustment,DongLei/Anhui University of Finance,0/33
- The Research on the Impact of RMB Exchange Rate of China’s Economic Growth,YuanJunZuo/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/6
- The Research on the Effect of Domestic Inflation to the Changes of RMB Exchange Rate Based on the VAR Model,ZhuShanShan/Hunan University,0/153
- Game Analysis on RMB Exchange Rate Level’s Influencing Subjects,WenZuo/Hunan University,0/18
- Research on the Relevance between the Exchange Rate and Stock Price in China,ShenWenXi/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/6
- Research about the Effects of Exchange Rate Movements on Chinese Stock Returns,LiuLingJun/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/197
- An Empirical Study of the RMB Exchange Rate’s Volatility Analysis and Predict-based on the Egarch-GED Model,CaiZhengPing/Huaqiao University,0/1
- Risk Value Measurement of RMB Exchange Rate under New Round of Exchange Rate Reform,DongLunFa/Huaqiao University,0/2
- RMB Exchange Rate, Foreign Direct Investment and Chinese Economic Structure,ZhangZuo/Nankai University,0/46
- Empirical Analysis on the Effect of RMB Exchange Rate Pass-through to Domestic Price Level,YuanXiao/Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics,0/3
- Research of RMB Exchange Rate Forecasting Based on NDF and NARX Network,WangZuo/Dalian University of Technology,0/78
- Multi-scale Analysis of RMB Exchange Rate Based on Wavelet Theory,HaoWeiWei/East China Jiaotong University,0/2
- Dynamic Analysis of China’s Foreign Exchange Market Based on Markov Regime Switching Model,WangJing/Dongbei University of Finance,0/6
- The Impact of Exchange Rate Changes on China's Employment,ZhuSuMing/East China Normal University,0/33
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