
About 251 item dissertation in line with Real-time simulation query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.064 seconds)

  1. Research and Implementation of a Real-time Algorithm for Ship Wave Simulation,YuJing/Zhejiang University,0/19
  2. The Study of HVDC Transmission System Using Modular Multilever Converter Based on Real-time Simulation of RT-LAB,WangQian/Three Gorges University,0/78
  3. Research on the Real-Time Simulation Technology of Grid-Connected Converter,ZhouBing/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/41
  4. Study of Brushless Doubly-fed Machine as a VSCF Generator,LiaoXing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/13
  5. The Hardware-in-the-loop Real-time Simulation Research of PMSM with RT-LAB,QiuHuaJing/Yangzhou University,0/51
  6. The Improvement Study of Reactor Physics Real-time Simulation Model,SuJian/Harbin Engineering University,0/54
  7. Development of Hardware in the Loop Simulation Platform for SBW Based on dSPACE,DingYang/Wuhan University of Science and Technology,0/70
  8. Hardware in the Loop Test of CRH5High Speed Train,LiuChen/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/25
  9. Design and research of mineral processing test platform based on computer,LuHu/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/35
  10. Real-time Optimization and Control of Batch Processes,YangGuoJun/South China University of Technology,0/93
  11. Speed Up the Real-time Simulation for Viscoelastic Fluid Based-on SPH,ChenJing/Yanshan University,0/37
  12. Research on Simulated Appraising and Optimizing the Organizational Process Performance of Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises,ZhangZhengChao/Liaoning Technical University,0/135
  13. Research on real time simulation scheduling algorithm based on parallel Ethernet system,JiaYanCheng/Yunnan University,0/34
  14. Research on the Multi-Robots Coordinated Control Method Based on Internet,JiangWenHui/South China University of Technology,1/107
  15. Research on Real-time Simulation System for Multiple DOF Robot Arm,ChenJun/Harbin Engineering University,1/240
  16. Research on Transaction Scheduling of Real-Time Multi-Resolution Simulation,XiaNingNing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/20
  17. The Real-Time Image Formation in3D Simulation and Distributed System Research,PengLei/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/17
  18. Develop of Data Acquisition System Based on xPC Target,LiDingXia/Jilin University,0/60
  19. Development of Real-time Simulating Verification Platform Based on xPC Target,LuXianBiao/Jilin University,0/98
  20. Extend SPH Method to Simulate the Liquid-solid Real-time Interaction and the Numerical Optimization,ZhaoWenJing/Yanshan University,1/43
  21. Study on hybrid task scheduling strategy for open real-time system resource sharing,Zhong/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/32
  22. Interactive Device Design and System Development of Virtual Knee Arthroscopic Surgery,HeYuLei/Guangdong University of Technology,2/29
  23. Research on Application of operation in the power system real-time simulation in parallel,GuoFangYing/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/45
  24. Applied Researches for ANHUI Electric Power Based on Advanced Digital Power System Simulator(ADPSS),ZhangHuiLing/North China Electric Power University,0/58
  25. Study on AC/DC Power System Digital and Physical Hybrid Simulation,ZhouJun/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/284
  26. Research and Realization of Vector Control Strategy for Asynchronous Motor Based on Dspace,LiuYongHuan/Beijing Jiaotong University,1/370
  27. Excitation Process Simulation of Generator Excitation Equipment Based on ADPSS Device,WeiYong/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/39
  28. Speed Research of Electronical Control Diesel Engine with the Variable Structure Theory,YiXiaoBing/Wuhan University of Technology,0/81
  29. Based on State Estimation of the State of Water Distribution Network Simulation and Optimization of Dispatching Information Software Produce,WangDongJing/Yangzhou University,0/40
  30. Design and implementation of the system of DSP wave simulation based on parallel architecture,QiuJing/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/0
  31. The Modeling and Real-time Simulation of the ME Marine Diesel Engine,WangJianGuo/Wuhan University of Technology,0/112
  32. Research on H2IL Test Simulation System of Planetary Gear Coupling Hybrid System Based-on LabVIEW and PXI,HongLiang/Chongqing University,0/6
  33. Simulation and Research on Vehicle Electronic Stability Program Control System,QiuLei/Chongqing University,0/10
  34. Study on Real-Time Simulation Experiment Platform for Anti-Lock Braking System Based on xPC Target,ChenFengLin/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/39
  35. Research on Vehicle Stability Modeling and Control Strategy Based on Yaw and Roll,ZhouZuoHua/Chongqing University of Technology,0/2
  36. The Research of Test Technology for Mutual-fed Ground Traction System,ZuoHuaFeng/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/34
  37. Research on Ground Simulation Method of Spacecraft Attitude and Orbit Control,HeChaoBin/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/6
  38. Flight Control and Real-Time Simulation of Tilt-Rotor Aircraft,DuMingRan/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/133
  39. Turbo-shaft Engine Modeling and Real-time Simulation Based on Matlab,JiangZuo/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/262
  40. Research on Rapid Control Prototyping and Real-time Simulation for Aero-engine,WangJianFeng/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/217
  41. Research on Adaptive and Real-time Simulation Key Technologies for NC Machining of Free-form Surface,ShaoZhiXiang/Graduate School,Chinese Academy of Sciences,0/321
  42. Study on Physically Based Fluid Animation Simulation for Flight Simulation and Relative Acceleration Techniques,ZuoZhiZhong/Harbin Institute of Technology,5/418
  43. Research of Returnability Character Modeling Method in Vehicle Real-Time Dynamic Simulation,WangPeng/Jilin University,10/638
  44. Study on Distributed Satellites Dynamics Modeling and Control,WangZhaoKui/National University of Defense Science and Technology,6/701
  45. The Dynamic and Digital Real-Time Simulation for Power System Based on PC/Windows,LiMuJun/Tongji University,1/427
  46. Research of Vehicle Dynamics Real-Time Simulation Method Based on Assembly Structure,WuZhenZuo/Jilin University,9/741
  47. Study on Visual Simulation Theories and Implementation Technology for Combined Operation of Driver-Vehicle Road (Environment),ChenTao/Chang'an University,44/1588
  48. Study of Power System Electromagnetic Transient and Electromechanical Transient Real-time Hybrid Simulation,YueChengYan/China Electric Power Research Institute,12/1213
  49. Wet clutch metal belt type continuously variable transmission (CVT) control strategy,LuoYongGe/Zhejiang University,12/887
  50. Open cycle thermal power plant structure parameters torpedo perturbed systems Robust H_ ∞ Control,LiZuoCheng/Northwestern Polytechnical University,2/208

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