About 38 item dissertation in line with Repeated Games query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.085 seconds)
- Research on Behavior Analysis and Game Mechanism for Related Party in the Search Engine Marketing Systems,WangYanHong/Ocean University of China,0/164
- Research on Design Innovation Strategies of Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Game Theory,FuZuo/South China University of Technology,0/80
- Gambling Analysis and Dynamic Simulation on Credit Risk of Commercial Bank,ZhengBoRu/Jinan University,0/42
- Two level Games Analysis on RMB exchange rate policy: 2002-2011,ZengXiongJun/Foreign Service Institute,0/1745
- The Research of Trust Policy Based on the Analysis of Individual Behavior by Using Game Theory in P2P Networks,XiongLiang/PLA Information Engineering University,0/48
- Sublinear Expectations and Its Applications in Game Theory,LiXinPeng/Shandong University,0/90
- On China’s Investment Bank Reputation Mechanism,YinZuo/Sun Yat-sen University,1/855
- Relational Contracts and Structure of Property Rights,PanChenSu/Zhejiang University,0/988
- A Study on the Problem of Enterprise Reputation,CaoXiuNing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,17/775
- On Incentive Machanism Techniques Study Towards the Node Selfishness in P2P Networks,ChenCai/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/229
- Information services for 3G mobile value-added service platform provider class model of development studies,ZhangZuo/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,2/663
- Study on Models and Algorithms of Urban Transit System Based on Game Theory,SunLianJu/Beijing Jiaotong University,10/1395
- The Complex Collective Action of Villagers’ Voluntary Supplying of Public Goods,LeiZhiFeng/Jilin University,1/186
- A Study on Strategic Partnership between Real Estate Enterprises and Contractors,TangHua/Zhejiang University,1/167
- Effect of e-commerce market in reputation and the reputation evaluation mechanism design,QianRuoBing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2/436
- Analysis of Ethical Behavior with New System Economics Viewpoint,GuoShiGuo/Jilin University,2/389
- Economic Analysis on Business Reputation Crisis in China,RuXiaoGang/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,0/122
- The Game Analysis of the Software Outsourcing,ChenAiLing/Beijing University of Technology,3/620
- Ownership structure, institutional environment and corporate governance,JiaXiaoLi/The Central Party School,0/165
- The Research on the Integrity of the Administrative Enforcement Discretion,YangGuoYing/Shandong University,0/338
- Study on Credit Deficiency and the Countermeasures in Construction Market,JiSuHuan/Harbin Institute of Technology,6/377
- CRM System Construction of China Media Industry,MaJing/Hohai University,2/226
- Network congestion control and bandwidth resources allocated under the framework of game theory,SunYong/Shandong University,2/147
- Research on Applications of Game Theory in the Generation Side of Power Market,SunLiYong/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,7/310
- On Legal Problem in Credit-Mechanism--From View of Law and Economics,ZhengYuRu/East China University of Politics and Law,0/0
- Research on Repeated Game Modeling for Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Network,LiZhiYan/Jinan University,1/274
- Game Analysis for Reverse Logistics of Waste Household Appliance between Government and Enterprise,ChenGuoBing/Beijing Jiaotong University,3/636
- Credit Rationing of Farmers under the Conditions of Imperfect Information-A Game Theory Perspective,GongLiangHong/Jinan University,2/286
- Research on Reputation Model Based on Repeated Game Theory and Punishment Mechanism in P2P Environment,WangDong/Dalian University of Technology,1/231
- Gateway Collaboration Model Research for Interconnection of MANET and Internet,HuangZuoZuo/Xinjiang University,0/16
- Research of Trust for Nodes in P2P Networks Based on Repeated Game Theory,ChenLi/Hubei University of Technology,1/113
- Research on Trust Mechanism and Algorithm of Trade Selection in C2C Transaction Situation,LiZhuoCheng/East China Normal University,0/101
- The Cooperation Logic in Urban Management Enforcement,WangYanYuan/Southwest University of Political Science,0/316
- Punishment , reputation and rebuild trust,LiuCuiFang/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/191
- Research on Global Carbon Emissions Cooperation Mechanism Based on Game Theory,ChenYanYan/Liaoning University,0/163
- Chinese certification bodies lack credibility and its improvement inefficient equilibrium,LiXiang/Dalian University of Technology,0/32
- Ad Hoc networks based on the theory of repeated games Dynamic Intrusion Response,YanHui/Donghua University,0/67
- Knowledge-sharing Game Analysis of Suppliers and Manufactures,MaHe/Northeastern University,0/12
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