About 58 item dissertation in line with Stewart platform query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.046 seconds)
- Analysis and Design of the Ship Borne Stable Platform Based on Stewart Mechanism,ZhangXiaoPeng/Ocean University of China,0/41
- A Design for a6-DOF Stewart Platform and the Research of the Application in the Optical Testing,JiangMengJie/Graduate Schoo,Chinese Academy of Sciences,0/20
- The Research of the Reset System for the Calibration Platform of Wind Tunnel Balance with Six Degrees of Freedom,LiuJun/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/9
- Research on Parameterized Dynamical Models and Isolation Performance of Stewart Platform,MaQingChao/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/48
- Micro-gravity Environment Research and Analysis of Stewart Parallel Robot,LiFuJuan/Yanshan University,0/127
- Position and Orientation Measurement of Motion Platform in the Bogies Parameter Detection Facility,WangHengGang/Jilin University,0/42
- Controller Design and Application Research of the High Frequency Motion Simulation System,LiPeng/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/0
- Study on6-DOF Simulator Dynamics for Half-physical Synthetic Docking Simulation Precision,ShiJunWei/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/51
- On Motion Control System of the AB Axis Platform and the Fine Turning Platform for the Large Radio Telescope,WangFei/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/37
- Research on Hybrid Simulation System of Space Docking Based on 6-DOF Platform Driven by Hydraulic Servo Actuators,YanZuo/Harbin Institute of Technology,5/617
- Research on Forward Kinematics Configuration Bifurcation and Dimensional Synthesis of the Stewart Platform,ChenHua/Harbin Institute of Technology,2/273
- Mechanics Analysis and Control Research of the Feed Tracking System for Super Antenna,ZuoBin/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,1/289
- Control, Optimization and Experiment of the Feed Tracking System for Large Radio Telescope,BaoHong/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,1/234
- Design Theory and Application of Parallel Wind Tunnel Balance Based on Stewart Platform,YaoYu/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,4/503
- Forward and Inverse Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics for Virtual Axis Machine Tool,JieShunQiang/China Agricultural University,3/385
- Design Theory and Application of the 6-Axis F/T Sensors Based on Stewart Platform Structure,ZhaoXianChao/Yanshan University,25/653
- Research on Designing Theory and Method of Stewart-Platform Based Machine Tool,LuQiang/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,11/924
- On the Analysis, Optimization and Control of the Flexible Supported Stewart Platform,DuanXueChao/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,3/350
- Fundamental Research on Kinematics and Inverse Dynamics for Stewart Platform,WuPeiDong/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,6/672
- Research on Stewart Platform’s Decentralized Control Problems Based on LPV Method,FuShaoWen/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/181
- Research on Key Technology of Motion Cueing for Flight Simulator,YangYu/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/194
- Research on 6-DOF Stewart Platform’s Decentralized Intelligent Control,LiWanLong/Harbin Engineering University,0/212
- Research on Active Vibration Isolation and Precision Pointing Control for Spacecraft,LiuLei/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/337
- Analysis of Singular Configuration and Research of Its Solving Method of the Hydraulic STEWART Platform of Flight Simulator,MaJianMing/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/250
- Study on Key Techniques of Surface Roughness Measurement,PanXiaoBin/Zhejiang University,0/199
- Biped Foot Robot of Parallel Leg Machanism of Kinematic Analysis and Gait Planning,HanShuKui/Hebei University of Technology,2/243
- Research of the Workspace of 6-SPS Parallel Robot and Its Optimization Design,ZuoChangFeng/Hefei University of Technology,17/519
- FAST feed measuring robot dynamic tracking Measurement,LuoYaBo/PLA Information Engineering University,11/209
- The Simulation for Motion Platform of Aerocraft Simulator with 6 DOFs,DongYan/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,11/696
- Measuring Modeling and Virtual Prototype Design of Parallel-link Coordinate Measuring Machine,WangShiYing/Daqing Petroleum Institute,1/151
- Design and Simulation of 6 DOF Platform System Based on Virtual Reality,SunWenLei/Xiamen University,10/627
- Nonlinear PID Control of the Stewart Platform for the Square Kilometers Array,WangWeiDong/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/223
- Research on Utilizing the Electro-Hydraulic Stewart Platform as a Vibration Stimulation Device,YuanHong/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,3/173
- Kinematic Parameters Calculation and Experiment Study of 6-DOF of Stewart Platform,XuWenHui/Harbin Institute of Technology,4/557
- Design of the Stewart Platform Based 6-Axis F/T Sensor and Its Calibration System,CuiYong/Yanshan University,1/228
- Calibration Thory and Technology of the Parallel 6-Axis F/T Sensors,AnQiaoLian/Yanshan University,1/254
- Development and Research on 6DOF Motion Platform,LiPeiChang/Harbin University of Science and Technology,3/268
- Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of the Stewart Platform as One of 6-DOF Parallel Mechanism,XuPeng/Chongqing University,7/1163
- Six-Axis Accelerometer Based on Parallel Platform,YuChunZhan/Yanshan University,7/157
- Modeling and Dynamic Simulation of Stewart Platform,HanXiangYing/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,2/625
- Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Feed Supporting System for the Large Radio Telescope,TangAoZuo/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,3/204
- Its dynamic measurement of high-performance total station,FanBaiXing/PLA Information Engineering University,8/515
- Kinetics Analysis and Simulation of the Platform in the Helicopter Training Simulator,WangZhuXiang/National University of Defense Science and Technology,0/149
- Research on Control System and Its Parameters Tuning of Stewart Platform,GongQuanYi/Tianjin University,1/129
- Control and Experiment of the Fine Tuning Stewart Platform for the Large Radio Telescope,ShiJian/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/115
- The Design and Realization of New Control System for Stewart Fine Tuning Platform Based on SynqNet,WangJunLei/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,1/56
- Control and Realization of the Stewart Platform Based on LabVIEW,MoChunXiao/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/241
- Research of the Six-axis Heavy Force Sensor Based on the Stewart Platform Structure,ZhaoLei/Dalian University of Technology,3/152
- The Design of Integrated MATLAB Toolbox for Stewart Platform,LiuXiaoZuo/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/362
- Active Control of Vibration Isolation entire star,YangDaZuo/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/259
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