About 292 item dissertation in line with Vacancy query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.020 seconds)
- Study on the Rank Structure of Large Hierarchies Based on Vacancy Chain,ChenShan/Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,0/2
- Research on the Vacancy Rate of Newly Built Residential Buildings in Wuhan,ZhuYuZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/24
- Rural Left-behind Children Safety Education Question Research,ChenSha/Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,0/45
- A Comparative Study of Numerical Cultural between Chinese and English from the Perspective of Cultural Vacancy,ZhangRui/Xinjiang Normal University,0/50
- Cultural Vacancy and Compensation Strategies in Subtitle Translation of CCTV-4's "Across China",GeNan/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/1
- Probe into China's Foreign Publicity Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Vacancy,ZhangShaoHua/Henan University of Science and Technology,0/15
- The Existence of the Real,JiaoHuiXian/Liaoning Normal University,0/11
- On Pun Translation from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics,ZhangLei/Jiangxi Normal University,0/39
- Study on the effect of different sintering method for the synthesis of barium titanate on the electrical properties of hydrothermal method,WangYan/Shaanxi Normal University,0/61
- Study on the Temperature Contol and Energy Conservation Measure of Guest Room in Vacancy Pattern,ZhangZhenGuo/Chongqing University,0/55
- Molecular Dynamics Study on Plastic Deformation Behavior and Influencing Factors of Tungsten Nanocrystalline,LiWeiJian/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/68
- First-principles Study of Interface and Strain Effects in Ferroelectric Film for Memory Application,YangQiong/Xiangtan University,0/29
- A Study of the Photocurrent Spectra of ZnO Based Nano Porous Films and the Photocurrent Spectra Testing System,YangQiCheng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/2
- Study on the Preparation and Denitration Performance of F-doped Cerium Titanium Low-temperature SCR Catalysts,ZhangRui/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/33
- Multiferroic Properties of Ba4R2,Fe2(NbxTa1-x)8O30(R=Nd,Sm)Ceramics,LiuShuZuo/Zhejiang University,0/1
- The First Principle Study of the ZnO Nanomaterials,YinAiCha/Yanshan University,0/91
- The Research of Formation and Application of Oxygen Vacancy on the Rare Earth Element (Ce、Sc) and Zirconia Material,TaoJingChao/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/197
- Study on the Defects of Ta3N5Photocatalyst Based on the First-Principles Calculations,WangJiaJia/Nanjing University,0/83
- Study of the Point Defect in the SrTiO3Crystal,YangChenXing/University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,0/13
- Study on TiO2 based preparation and photocatalytic mechanism of visible light catalyst system,YaoZuoZuo/Shanghai Normal University,0/130
- DFT+U Study of Transitional Metal Doped Graphene,HaoWenPing/Xiangtan University,0/62
- Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy Study of Micro Defects in Fe-Cu Alloys,ChengGuoDong/Chengdu University of Technology,0/26
- Thermal Conductivity Studies of Thermoelectric Oxide SrTiO3,LiNing/Xiamen University,0/1
- The Properties of Defective Two-dimensional h-BN Sheet:a First-principles Study,LiShunHui/Xiangtan University,0/27
- The Annealing Mechanisms of the Oxygen Defects in TiO2,ChengZhiJun/University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,0/10
- Influence of Oxygen Vacancy on Manganese Oxide EPIR Effect,ShiDaWei/Hubei University,0/7
- Ab-initio Studies on the Iron-Arsenic-based Superconductors and Dilute Magnetic Aemiconductor Sn1-xZnxO2,ZhangYunLi/Zhejiang University,0/62
- First-principles Study of the Pressure Behavior and Defect Issue of Transition Metal Oxides,ZhangZuo/Nanjing Normal University,0/60
- Effects of Oxygen Vacancies on the Electronic Structure and Photocatalytic Activity of Pure and C(N)-doped Anatase Titanium Dioxide,LuZhiJuan/Henan University,0/60
- Disorder, Quantum Phase Transition and Topological States in Correlated Electron Systems,ChenHua/Zhejiang University,0/94
- Electronic and Magnetism Properties of Monolayer Triangular Graphene Quantum Dots with Zigzag Edges,HeBin/Hubei University,0/19
- Study on the Beijing housing filtering effect,LiuBin/Capital University of Economics,0/63
- A Study on Vacancy Rate of Indemnificatory Apartment in Guangzhou,ZhangJianAng/South China University of Technology,0/83
- Application of digital image processing techniques in the identification of vacant housing,LiHui/Agricultural University of Hebei,0/0
- Design and Implementation of Lnternal Recruitment and Recomment System for New Starting Point Software Company of Weifang City,WangJiFu/Shandong University,0/35
- Study of the Resistance Switching Effect Based on the Schottky Barrier,ZhangYan/Zhejiang University of Technology,1/119
- Study on Electron Transport Mechanisms in MoS2Field Effect Transistors,QiuHao/Nanjing University,0/194
- The Origin of Ferromagnetism of Doping ZnO: First-principles Study,WangQianJin/Xiangtan University,0/25
- Improving the Properties of CdZnTe Crystal by Decreasing the Free-space Volume in the Ampoule,LiHui/Shanghai University,0/27
- The Vacancy of Moral Education in School Moral Education and Its Improvement,LiuMin/Hunan Normal University,0/112
- Students of the Government to Promote the Role of Entrepreneurship in,LiuHui/Shanxi University,0/2
- Study of the Functions of the Government in Our Pre-school,HuYang/Shandong University,0/306
- Chinese and Japanese vocabulary vacancy and translation strategies in Japanese as the center,WuJun/Xi'an International Studies University,0/51
- A Study on Cultural Vacancy of Non-English Majors,GuoFangFang/Shandong Normal University,0/31
- A Study of Cultural Vacancy in C-E Consecutive Interpretation---from the Perspective of Cultural Schema,LiFaChao/Hubei University,0/18
- Translating Traditional Chinese Medicine Terminology,ZuoManQing/Lu Tung University,0/43
- The Study of Lexical Gap in Intercultural Communication,QianJing/Shanghai Normal University,0/37
- On adaptation of codeswitching in Chinese SMS,HaoLi/Xi'an International Studies University,0/35
- Analysis of cultural connotation of animal words between Chinese and French,WangBing/Shanghai International Studies University,0/155
- A Study of Cultural Vacancy in Interpreting from the Perspective of Skopos Theory,ChenMin/Sichuan International Studies University,0/85
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