About 15754 item dissertation in line with X efficiency query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.012 seconds)
- Research on Science and Technology Resource Optimal Allocation in Henan Province,NiuShuai/Henan University of Science and Technology,0/25
- Research of Patent Right Relief Based the Externality Theory,ZhaoQiongYing/Zhongyuan Institute of Technology,0/2
- Research on Field-Oriented (Data Envelopment Analysis) DEA Method,ZhangQiPing/Hefei University of Technology,0/47
- Study on Intellectual Capital Measurement Based on Value Chain Theory,QianWei/East China Jiaotong University,0/8
- Study on Business Structure of China Life Insurance,WangHui/Nankai University,0/24
- Evaluation on Efficiency of the Basic Endowment Insurance for Urban Workers in Jiangsu Province,WangXiangMing/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/2
- Research on the Impact of Participating Level of Bancassurance Business on the Operating Efficiency of Chinese Life Insurers,LuoBin/Hunan University,0/9
- A Research on Industrial Structure and Market Performance about China Insurance Industry,HuLiNa/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/171
- Agricultural Financial Services Development and System Operational Efficiency in Hunan Province,DuFang/Central South University of Forestry Science and Technology,0/31
- The Efficiency Analysis of Chinese Life Insurance Company,CaiYueYun/Xiamen University,0/6
- An Factors Impact Study on the Efficiency of Internal Control of the Chinese Property Insurance Company,LanYueSheng/Hunan Normal University,0/2
- Analysing Medical Insurance System Efficiency:Experience and Inspiration of OECD,LiXinPing/Nankai University,0/119
- The Research of Taiwan Banks’ Operating Efficiency before and after Subprime Mortgage Cirsis,JianMeiLing/Nankai University,0/24
- Study on the efficiency of the financial system of Guizhou Province,NieJianHua/Guizhou University of Finance and Economics,0/38
- The Rural Financial Resources Allocation Efficiency Research in Yunnan Province,YuZhiBing/Central South University of Forestry Science and Technology,0/32
- Research on Sustainable Development of Rural Finance in China,XuDanDan/Jilin University,0/1281
- The Study of China’s Regional Financial Innovation,JiangRuiBo/Zhejiang University,0/82
- Impact of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Total Factor Productivity in China,LinXiu/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/34
- Comparative Study on the Pricing Efficiency of Some Non-ferrous Metal Futures,WangYanQing/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/13
- The Research on Use Efficiency of IPO Raised Fund in China,JingWanTao/Hunan University,0/16
- The Research on Chinese Corporate Bond Market Efficiency,WangYu/Hunan University,0/36
- A Study on IPO Pricing Efficiency of China’s A-share in Inquiry System,ZengLeHui/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/74
- Study on Initial Public Offering Supper-offering Phenomenon of GEM,BaiHuCai/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/95
- Analysis of the effectiveness of PEG on stock selection decision,NiuZuo/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,0/11
- Research on the financing efficiency of the growth enterprise market of listing Corporation,RuanXiaoZuo/Guizhou University of Finance and Economics,0/82
- Analysis of A-share IPO Pricing Rationality in China,LiuShengRong/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/113
- Empirical Study on Market Efficiency among Soybean Futures with Different Maturities,ChenYing/Hunan University,0/18
- On Pricing Difference between China’s Enterprise Bonds and Corporate Bonds,GaoQiang/Wuhan University,0/50
- Research on the Effectiveness of Chinese Security Market Regulation after the Subprime Mortgage Crisis,YeXiaoChun/Jiangxi University of Finance,0/29
- Empirical Research on the Financing Efficiency of High-tech Industry of GEM,YangZuo/Jiangxi Normal University,0/42
- China IPO Underpricing Research,LiangYingLin/Dongbei University of Finance,0/20
- Research on IPO Capital Allocation Efficiency in the ChiNext,YueQin/Dongbei University of Finance,0/11
- The Effeciency Research of Chinese Stock Index Futures Market Based on the HS300Stock Index Futures Contracts,YuZuo/Anhui University of Finance,0/19
- An Empirical Studyof Cokefuturesmarket Efficiency,HouYunZhe/Dongbei University of Finance,0/1
- The efficiency of securities market supervision Chinese: Research on test and Countermeasures Analysis,ZhangZuoZuo/Capital University of Economics,0/2
- Research on Chinese IPO Pricing Mechanism and Pricing Efficiency,XiaoWenYi/Xiamen University,0/8
- Research of Trust Corporate Governance and Regulatory in China,MaChengHao/Ocean University of China,0/2
- Study on the Financing Efficiency of Strategic Emerging Industries in China,HeLi/Hunan University,0/46
- China’s Commercial Banks Lending Behaviour and Credit Transfer Efficiency,ZhouZuoMeng/Xiangtan University,0/81
- Empirical Research on Operating Efficiency of China’s Policy Banks Based on DEA,ZhangAiPing/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/39
- An Empirical Study about the Impact on the Intermidiate Business Income Structure to Commercial Banks Efficiency,LeiDongJie/Southwest University of Political Science,0/96
- Determinants of Technical Efficiency for Chinese Commercial Banks,ChengWenZuo/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/12
- Research on the Efficiency of Inter-regional Operations of City Commercial Banks,ZhuXiaoQin/Hunan University,0/50
- Empirical Study on Equity Financing Efficiency of Chinese Listed Banks by Dea Model,WangXiaoMing/Anhui University of Finance,0/39
- Empirical Studies of Competition and Efficiency and Their Relationship in China Commercial Banks,LiuZuo/Hunan University,0/16
- A Study on Determinant Factors of the Risk Management Effciency of the China’s Commercial Banks,LiXueQing/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/219
- Overseas M&A Efficiency Research of China’s Commercial Banks,ChenDanPing/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/57
- A Study on the Forefront Efficiency of China Commercial Banks Based on Three-stage DEA Model,LiYanDai/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/84
- The Research on Efficiency of Banks of Qingdao Area Based on DEA,WangFengZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/30
- China’s Listed Commercial Bank Efficiency Estimates and Intermediate Business Analysis,LiZhen/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/55
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