
About 158 item dissertation in line with geogrid query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.052 seconds)

  1. Mechanism Research of Geogrid-reinforced Retaining Wallsubjected to Load from Strip Foundation at the Top Surface of Wall,ChenZuoZuo/Hebei University of Technology,0/4
  2. Field Test and Numerical Simulation of Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall,ZhangLei/Zhejiang University,0/12
  3. Numerical Analysis on Behavior of Geogrid-reinforced and Pile-supported Composite Foundation,ZhaoFan/Zhejiang University,0/12
  4. Settlement Calculation Studv of the Tubular Pile-net Composite Foundation,LiuHongKai/Zhejiang University,0/8
  5. Stress and Failure Mechanism Analysis on the Composite Foundation Reinforced by Rigid Piles Under Flexible Foundation,ZhangJiaLin/Zhejiang University,0/19
  6. Test Study of Performance of Geogrid Reinforced Soil Bridge Abutment with Flexible Faceing,LiuHe/Hebei University of Technology,0/12
  7. Mechanisms of Differential Settlement of Widened Embankment and its Treatment by Geogrid,ShiHaiLi/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/31
  8. The Research Ofdeformation Ruleof High Embankment Reinforced by Geogrid Reinforced in Construction Period,FengHongWei/Hebei University of Technology,0/11
  9. Analysis of Working Performance and Settlement Controling of Material Used Reinforced Earth,ZhengBiCan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/7
  10. Study on the Deformation and Stability of Geogrid Reinforced High Embankment,GengMin/Hebei University of Technology,0/16
  11. Mesomechanism Research on Geogrid Treatment High Embankment,LiLei/Guangxi University of Science and Technology,0/23
  12. Model Tests on Geogrid Reinforced Embankment,GuoXiaoChuan/Hubei University of Technology,0/2
  13. The Theory and Engineering Application of Mixing Pile Combined with Geogrids Reinforced Bridge Abutment Soft Foundation,XuXueWen/Hubei University of Technology,0/4
  14. Research on Freeze-thaw Collapse of Cutting and Bridge Transition Section Embankment Slope in Seasonal Frozen Area,ChaiYanFei/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/50
  15. The Research on the Calculation Method for Geosynthetic-encased Gravel Pile Composite Foundation,ChenQing/Hunan University,0/48
  16. Contrast Research on Working Behavior of Composite Foundation with Rammed Soil-cement Tapered Pile and with or without Geogrid Cushion,LiBing/Hunan University,0/23
  17. Numerical Analysis of Geogrid-reinforced Retaining Wall Based on Improved Duncan-chang Model,SuZhiYe/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,0/53
  18. The Analysis on Engineering Properties of Geogrid-Reinforced Earth High Retaining Wall,DuPeng/RAILWAY,0/1
  19. Strength of Cement-Soil Composite Pile Ultimate Bearing Mechanism Model,WuHaiHua/Yanbian University,0/16
  20. Study on Reinforcement Effect of Geosynthetic Cell Mattress,JinShunHao/Northeast Forestry University,0/2
  21. The Numerical Analysis and Model Test Research on Geogrid-reinforced and Pile-supported Foundation,LuoQiMei/Dalian University of Technology,0/64
  22. Numerical Simulation and Optimization Design of Retaining Wall Reinforced with Geogrids,HouChunJiao/Northwest University of Science and Technology,2/163
  23. Study on Confined Creep Properties of Geogrid,DongFang/Wuhan University of Technology,0/37
  24. Geosynthetic Materials Applied to the Foundation Treatment,ZhuXiaoJuan/Hefei University of Technology,1/141
  25. Geogrid Reinforced Tailing Dam Stability Analysisis,ZhouYanFeng/Dalian University of Technology,0/66
  26. Application Study of Geogrid in Highway Reconstruction Projects in Tibetan Regions,LiHui/Wuhan University of Technology,0/44
  27. The Research of Soil Arching Effect in Pile-Net Supported Embankments,HuRunZhong/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/44
  28. The VC.NET highway of geogrid reinforced soil retaining wall based software development,JiangZuo/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/11
  29. Study on the Stability of Geogrid-reinforced Fly Ash Embankment Slope Basing on ABAQUS Finite Element,QuXinJie/Qingdao Technological University,0/184
  30. Study on Resistance Stability of Carbon/Glass Fiber Geogrid Reinforced Asphalt Concrete,JiangBaoLong/Dalian University of Technology,0/54
  31. Numerical Simulation Analysis on Stability of Turnup Geogrid Flexible Supporting Expansive Soil Slope,ChengBin/Changsha University of Science and Technology,0/94
  32. Research on New Geogrid Mechanical Performance and Settlement Law of High Embankment,ZuoZuo/Hubei University of Technology,0/94
  33. Research Measures on the Control of Uneven Settlement in the Subway Car Depot Foundation with Soft Interlayer,ZhangXiaoXiao/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/34
  34. Research on Structure Design of Tubular Pile Composite Foundation under the Embankment,LiJun/Zhejiang University,0/53
  35. Building Blocks & Critical Height of Geosynthetic Reinforced Segmental Retaining Walls,ChengLongFei/Hohai University,0/143
  36. Study on Structural Characteristics and Failure Mechanism of Geogrid RSRW,ZhouShiLiang/Chongqing University,21/463
  37. Study on Soft Ground Improvement for Highway in Mountain Area,Cui/Tianjin University,11/642
  38. Numerical Analysis and Test Study on the Statical and Dynamical Characteristics of High-speed Railway Transition Section Reinforced by Geogrid,LiXianMin/Central South University,29/904
  39. Reinforced Slope reinforcement mechanism and seepage under the numerical simulation of the mechanical response,YuFei/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,3/669
  40. Dynamic Performance Analyses and Experiment Study on Bridge/Approach Embankment of High-Speed Railway,LuoQiang/Southwest Jiaotong University,47/1432
  41. Study on the Forming Mechanism and Maintenance Methods of Longitudinal Embankment Crack in Permafrost Region,PeiJianZhong/Chang'an University,11/874
  42. Deformation and Stability Analysis of Reinforced High Embankment in the Loess Region,XieWanLi/Northwestern University,16/876
  43. Design on Limit Equilibrium of Foundation Reinforced with Geosynthetics and Research of Material in Reinforcements,WangXieQun/Wuhan University of Technology,12/635
  44. The Experimental Study on the Geogrid Reinforced Cohesion Backfill Structures and Its Stability Analysis,FengXiaoJing/Dalian University of Technology,6/285
  45. Research on Asphalt Pavement with Geogrid Reinforcement,YuanPu/South China University of Technology,1/292
  46. Analysis on Characterics of Geogrid Reinforced Sand and Bearing Capacity of Geosynthetics Reinforced Cushion,DongYanLi/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/105
  47. Effect of Foundation Rigidity and Cushion Thickness on Rigid Pile Composite Foundation Bearing Capacity,SunXunHai/China Academy of Building Research Institute,0/145
  48. Research on the Stability Analysis of Rigid Pile Supported Embankment,LiuLi/Tianjin University,4/198
  49. Study on Stress Characteristics and Load Reduction by TriAx Geogrid Reinforcement for High Embankment Culverts,MaQiang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/41
  50. Study on Elasto-plastic Method and Aseismic Measures of High Earth-rockfill Dam during Earthquake,ZhuYaLin/Dalian University of Technology,0/80

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