About 2438 item dissertation in line with hospital query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.01 seconds)
- The Research for the Source on the Current Capital of Prison Hospital,YangLiu/East China University of Science and Technology,0/33
- The Research of the Construction of Information Commons in Hospital Library,SunZuo/Anhui University,0/8
- Research and Construction of Hospital Information Technology Platform Based on Cloud Computing,XuMin/Xiamen University,0/40
- Design and Implementation of Digital Hospital Information Management Platform Based on RFID Technology,MaoKai/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/4
- Application of Business Intelligence in Hospital Assistant Decision System,NingWeiSai/Xiamen University,0/4
- Data Mining in Patients Fee Structure,WangXingJuan/Lanzhou University,0/41
- Hospital Network Disaster Tolerance and Server Virtualization Design Analysis,LiYan/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/11
- Municipal Integrated Hospital Information System Research and Implementation,LiZuo/Hunan University,0/19
- The Design and Implementation of Hospital Information System Based on the HL7Standard,DengZuo/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/4
- Design and Implementation of Hospital Follow-up Management System,ZhouHaoShuang/Sun Yat-sen University,0/61
- Design of Ward Management System Terminal Based on ARM11,ZhangQiang/Hubei University,0/12
- Study on the SOA Software Architecture and Its Application in HIS,WangWei/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/20
- The Design and Implementation of Hospital Information System,ZhangHu/Chang'an University,0/29
- Design and Application of Caché-based Physical Examination Information System,GaoShiLong/Sun Yat-sen University,0/20
- Design and Implementation of Settlement Information System on the Cooperation of Hospital and Bank,LiuQun/Dalian University of Technology,0/15
- Design and Implementation of Hospital Laboratory Information System,ZhuJie/Lanzhou University,0/16
- Design and Implementation of Jinan Military General Hospital Medical Data Mining System,ZhaoDongHong/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/36
- Design and Implementation of Information Management Software to the Prison Hospital,XuZuo/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/9
- Design and Implementation of Hospital Medicine Management Information System,ZhangXiaoDong/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/26
- Xiangyang City First People’s Hospital of Silver Medical Self-help Service System Design and Implementation,ZhengYanPing/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/15
- Design and Development of Middle-and-small Hospital Storehouse Management System,MaKuanQiang/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/18
- Design and Implementation of Ci’An Hospital Service Management System,PanChenYan/Dalian University of Technology,0/13
- Research and Application of Integration Mode Electronic Medical Record Quality Control System,LiuXianMing/Tianjin University,0/7
- Design and Implementation of the Interface Subsystem of a Health Insurance Information System,ChunXinDi/Xiamen University,0/26
- Design and Implementation of Ward Nursing Information System,XuJia/Lanzhou University,0/43
- The Design and Implementation of Booking Register System for Zaozhuang Mining Group General Hospital,ZuoRuWei/Shandong University,0/38
- The Design and Implementation of Medical Consumables Information Management System for a Hospital,LiDa/Shandong University,0/22
- The Design and Implementation of the Management Subsystem for Hospital Drug Storehouse and Pharmacys,LuoPei/Shandong University,0/63
- The Design and Implementation of the Hospital Management Information System,LiuBaoGuo/Shandong University,0/163
- Development of Hospital Information System Management Subsystem in Heilongjiang Sengong Hospital,GuoJian/Jilin University,0/29
- The hospital information management simulation system design and Implementation,SunChang/Heilongjiang University,0/7
- The Design and Implementation of Electronic Medical Record Based on XML,LiaoRunXiang/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/20
- The Hospital Management System Based on ASP.net,WangKunKun/Jilin University,0/64
- Design and Implementation of Land Reclamation Farm Hospital Billing System,WuQiong/Jilin University,0/3
- Design and Implementation of Information Management System for Chinese Medicine Hospital,ZhengJie/Xiamen University,0/4
- Design and Implementation of the Hospital Information Management System,ZhaoYanFei/Xiamen University,0/1
- Design and Implementation of Charged Management Information System for Hospital One Card Solution,WuBo/Xiamen University,0/4
- Design and Implementation of Mobile Transfusion System Based on Wireless Network,QianHui/Dalian University of Technology,0/19
- Architecture and Service Access of Smart Hospital Based on Internet of Things,YuLei/Hefei University of Technology,0/13
- Study on fiscal policy to deal with the ageing of the population based on the perspective of public hospital,WangZhi/Capital University of Economics,0/9
- The study of contemporary China public-private cooperation medical service,ChenLong/Yunnan University,0/301
- Study on the Strategies of Public Departments to Deal with the Network of Public Opinion,ChenDong/East China University of Science and Technology,0/23
- The Study on Visual Identity System of the Hospital Brands Construction,LiHaiPing/Dalian University of Technology,0/39
- Towns in Eastern Inner Mongolia Area in the Process of Public Visual Communication Studies,YuZhe/Shenyang University of construction,0/3
- Study of Pharmacy Management in General Hospital in Chongqing,ZhangZuoYue/Chongqing Medical University,1/0
- A Research on Civilian Hospital Mobilization in Cold Plateau Regions,DengJun/Third Military Medical University,0/50
- The Research of437Rectal Cancer Patients in Qinhuangdao First Hospital,XuanBin/Hebei Medical University,0/4
- Hunan Changde Area Analysis Related Factors in Patients with Cerebral Apoplexy in Hospital,NieMeng/Central South University,0/10
- Yantai City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke Delay Related Factors Analysis,WangXiaoLei/Dalian Medical University,0/16
- Factors Associated with Pre-hospital Delay in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke,WangNi/Chongqing Medical University,0/24
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