
About 316 item dissertation in line with manifold learning query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.071 seconds)

  1. Local Temporal-Spatial Structure Feature Extraction and Fault Detection of Industry Processes,MiaoAiMin/Zhejiang University,0/34
  2. The Research in Deep Learning Model Based on Regularization,ZuoXiaoYang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/61
  3. Application of support vector machine for high dimensional data.,ZhengHaiHua/Jiangxi University of Technology,0/37
  4. Research on Manifold Learning Method Based on Multi-information Fusion,XuWei/Yangzhou University,0/37
  5. Research and Applicat Ion of Manifold Learning,ZhouXiaoYong/Anhui University,0/7
  6. Research on Text Classification Method Based on Manifold Learning,WangGe/Hebei University of Technology,0/17
  7. Methods of Feature Extraction Based on Manifold Learning in Face Recognition,SangFengJuan/Northwest Normal University,0/7
  8. The Study of Multi-atlas Based Medical Image Segmentation,CaoYiHui/Xi'an Optics and Fine Mechanics,0/8
  9. Study on Subspace Based Face Recognition Algorithms,ShaoYanLing/Henan University of Science and Technology,0/7
  10. Improved Local Linear Embedding Algorithm and its Application on Image Recognition,WangBo/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,0/28
  11. Research on Feature Extraction and Feature Selection,PanFeng/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,1/0
  12. Studies on Key Issues of3D Face Recognition,YeChangMing/Hefei University of Technology,0/554
  13. Research on the Manifold Based Locally Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms,ZhangXingFu/Harbin Engineering University,0/719
  14. Manifold Regularized Discriminant Feature Extraction Algorithms with Application to Face Recognition,ZhangQiang/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/272
  15. Research on High-dimensional Data Visualization and Application in Business Intelligence,QuZhiLi/Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,0/2
  16. Locally Linear Embedding Based on Manifold Learning and the Applications in Face Recognition,ZhouDaLi/Wuhan University of Technology,0/13
  17. MRI Reconstruction Algorithms Based on Compressed Sensing,DuWenZuo/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/3
  18. The Research of Dimension Reduction Algorithm Based on Locally Linear Embedding and Its Applicaions in Precision Agriculture,YanQing/Anhui University,0/10
  19. Research on Methods of Complex Simulation Data Dimension Reduction and Visualization Clustering,LiHuiJun/Yanshan University,0/23
  20. Research on Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms Based on Locally Linear Embedding,LiYanYan/Liaoning Normal University,0/4
  21. The Dimensionality Reduction of Network Data Using Kirchhoff Resistance,Han/Tsinghua University,0/11
  22. Research on Learning Based WLAN Indoor Positioning Techniques,DengZhiAn/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/243
  23. The Application of the Optimize Manifold Learning in Vibration Signal Processing,WangDanDan/Ningbo University,0/4
  24. Brain Research of the Given Cognition and EEG Computational Analysis,ChenYang/Xiamen University,0/1
  25. Research on the Beam Structural Health Diagnosis Based on Moving Load,WangBuYu/Zhejiang University,0/79
  26. Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Theory and Its Application on Hoist Machine,LiuXiaoPing/China University of Mining and Technology,0/22
  27. Tensor Representation and Manifold Learning Methods for Remote Sensing Images,ZhangLeFei/Wuhan University,0/63
  28. Recognition Method of Metal Fracture Image Based on Manifold Learning,HanTaiKun/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,0/38
  29. Prediction of Gas Emission Quantity Based on Manifold Learning and Support Vector Machine,WeiXiaoHong/University of North,0/13
  30. Study on nondestructive detection method for visible and near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging based on,YinZuoZuo/Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,0/0
  31. Detection of Strong Convective Weather Based on Manifold Learning,ZhuYuanXun/Tianjin University,0/5
  32. Discriminant Analysis Methods Based on Image Sets Representation,LuYao/Liaoning Normal University,0/13
  33. The Research on the Method of the Credit Risk Forecasting about Listed Tourism Companies,LiJia/Zhejiang Normal University,0/50
  34. Research on Dimensionality Reduction Technique and Its Application Based on Manifold Learning,GaoEnZhi/Jiangnan University,0/121
  35. Researches on Affine Connection Learning Algorithm,LiJun/Suzhou University,0/20
  36. Research on Finsler Geometry Learning Algorithm,ChenMing/Suzhou University,0/52
  37. Research of Nonlinear Manifold Learning Algorithms Based on Spectral Graph Theory,ZhengGangMin/Suzhou University,0/15
  38. Research on Semi-supervised Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms and Its Applications in Medical Expert System,SongDeHua/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/36
  39. Study on the Method of Fault Diagnosis and Its Application Based on Manifold Learning and One-class Classification,LiuLiJuan/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/70
  40. The Research of Swarm Intelligence Optimization Algorithms Based on Surrogate Model,LiGaoYang/Jilin University,0/55
  41. Research on Datasets Application Problem of Manifold Learning,LvWeiZe/Yanshan University,0/2
  42. Vector Fields Based Machine Learning,LinBinBin/Zhejiang University,0/14
  43. Research of Intelligent Information Extraction of Marine Images,ShaoBaoMin/Ocean University of China,0/80
  44. Research on Manifold Perception-Based Image Distance Metric,ZhouHua/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/67
  45. Image Classification Technology Based on Tensor Manifold Learning,BaiYouMao/Beijing,0/7
  46. Research on Neighborhood Selection and Incremental Algorithm in Manifold Learning,GaoCuiZhen/Shanxi University,0/127
  47. Nonlinear Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data Based on a Fast Manifold Learning Strategy,ZhouYuan/Wuhan University,0/233
  48. Classification and Multimodal Data Analysis Based on Cross-media Feature Vector,FanXueFeng/Jilin University,0/45
  49. Manifold Learning and Its Application in Text Classification,FanJiLi/Hefei University of Technology,0/49
  50. Methods of Feature Extraction Based on Manifold Learning in Face Recognition,BaiWanRong/Lanzhou University of Technology,0/104

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