
About 27 item dissertation in line with network relationship query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.095 seconds)

  1. The Influence of Alliance Network to New Product Development Performance,WuXiaoZuo/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/9
  2. Research on Relationship between Network Relationship Ties Strength, Organizational Learning and Technological Innovation,XuZuo/University of North,0/6
  3. The Effects of Network Relationships on Service Innovation Capability in Knowledge-Intensive Business Service,XinFengDong/Tianjin University,0/606
  4. The Study of the Building of Medium and Small OEM Corporates’Technology Innovation Capacity,GaoJin/East China University of Science and Technology,0/91
  5. The Influence of Network Capability on Firm Strategic Change,PangZheng/Henan University,0/3
  6. Inter-corporate Top Managers’ Ties and R&D Investment Decision-making,SunLin/Dongbei University of Finance,0/37
  7. The Impact of Embedded Network Relationship and Network Competence on Service Innovatin Against the Dynamic Environment,WangTongQing/Shandong University,0/748
  8. Relationship Recommendation in Social Networks Based on Factorization Machines,YuQiuHong/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/31
  9. Influencing Factors on Urban Citizen’s Job-seeking Net,XingYan/Shandong University,0/34
  10. An Empirical Study on Relationship between Social Networks and the Satisfaction of Employees,ZhouMin/Jilin University,0/123
  11. Research on Chinese Marking Network Based on Complex Network Theory,LiZhenBiao/Central China Normal University,0/4
  12. Studying on Dual-Innovation of Clustered Firms from Network Perspective,LiuChunYu/Shandong University,2/886
  13. Research on Water-sediment Transportaion and Its Controlling Mathematical Model of Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtse River,ShiYong/Hohai University,3/474
  14. Recogniton Technology Research on Tire Specifications of High Noise Target Image,YangJiChun/Tianjin University,1/153
  15. Outsourcing and Firm Performance,ZhouLiHong/Jinan University,3/892
  16. Impact factors and empirical research in the localization of Chinese small and medium-sized Korean enterprises,JinLunXi/Fudan University,0/199
  17. Research on the Influence of Enterprise Knowledge Network Competence on Technological Innovation Performance,LiZhen/Shandong University,1/575
  18. Application of Software Engineering Based on Complex Networks,ZhouBeiPing/Nanjing University of Information Engineering,0/391
  19. Study on Supply Chain Information-flow Based on Enterprise Integrated Model,PengJianGang/Hefei University of Technology,1/239
  20. Guangzhou travel agency enterprise network development study,ZhouXiaoFang/South China Normal University,1/575
  21. Trust Relationships with Acquaintances and the Pyramid Scheme Network Operating Mechanism,LiuSongShan/Jilin University,1/526
  22. Study on the Traffic Data Organization of Changchun City Based on Geodatabase Data Model,YiWeiHong/Northeast Normal University,5/279
  23. Industrial Cluster Development Based on Social Capital,JiangLingZuo/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,1/185
  24. On the Ethical Issues and Norms of Network Friendship,MaoLiangSheng/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,1/275
  25. Social Credit in Relational Network,LiXi/East China Normal University,0/168
  26. The Bidding Model for Great Comprehensive Sport Events in China,YinXi/Central China Normal University,2/286
  27. Network relationships between enterprises in Guangxi Financial Research,Chen/Guangxi University,0/23

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